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* continuation *, beginning in the story "Extreme Violence ... Beyond Reality"

“Hmm,” said the psychiatrist, a small, puny middle-aged man, with a barely noticeable bald head, a very interesting case.

The psychiatrist's name was Ivan Aleksandrovich Kranikov, and he specialized in sleep anomalies.

- How long has this dream been haunting you? - he adjusted his glasses and looked at Inna.

Inna was sitting on a chair opposite him, her hands wandering around her knees in dismay.

“Already a week,” she replied.

- Yes, - Ivan Alexandrovich thoughtfully stretched out, - a whole week and one and the same dream, and at the same time an obsessive nightmare, a very interesting case.

- Doctor, can you help me? The girl asked hopefully?

- The case is very complex, I would even say - unique, we will try. You need special therapy, with such difficult cases I usually work at home.

- At home - after some pause, the doctor added and carefully looked at the girl over his glasses.

- Yes, I agree - she nodded her head.

- Well, that's chudno, I'll write you my address and wait for you tonight ... let's say, at seven o'clock, does that suit you?

“Yes, quite,” answered the girl, taking the address sheet stretched to her by Ivan Alexandrovich, “I will definitely be.”

- Well - said Kranikov and got up from the table.

Inna got up too.

- Thank you, doctor, I hope you will help me.

- I also hope so, see you.

With these words, he escorted the girl to the office door, and when she came out, he went to his desk, picked up the telephone receiver, and with a focused expression on his face began to rotate the dial of the phone.

An hour later, Inna entered the door of her apartment. There was a terrible heat outside, and the girl decided to take a shower immediately. She entered the bathroom, quickly undressed and stood under a stream of cool water. Water flowed through her hair, through her neck, streams of water flowed down her beautiful breasts like breasts, drops dripping from her pink nipples. Inna touched her breasts, trying to find burns, but her skin was perfectly smooth. The water washed the flat, lean belly, the water trickles entangled in the triangle of her black pubic hair, the water pleasantly cooled her slender thighs. Inna touched her back to her back, but she did not find any scars there either.

- It is necessary to do something, otherwise this dream will turn into a mental disorder - the girl thought.

After standing in the shower for about five minutes, the girl dried off, put on clean linen and went into the kitchen.

I spent the whole day thinking about the upcoming visit to a psychiatrist. Can he help her? Can he find out the reason and relieve her of this obsessive nightmare? Inna did not know, but was hoping for the best, and about five in the evening she left the house and went to the address indicated by her car, Ivan Alexandrovich lived outside the city, in her own little house.

Inna parked the car at the doctor’s house and got out. The clock was ten minutes to seven. She immediately noticed cars parked nearby, but did not attach much importance to this. All her thoughts were occupied only by a visit to the doctor and the hope of getting rid of her obsessive nightmare. Glad that she was not late, Inna walked steadily toward the front door.

- Hello, come in please - the doctor greeted her.

- Hello - Inna entered the hallway.

- Tea coffee? - politely asked Kranikov.

- No, thank you, - the girl thanked him, - let's get started right away.

- Ok, I beg you in the room.

Inna passed into the room, the room was furnished modestly, but with taste, it was obvious that the doctor lived in prosperity.

- Please sit in a chair.

The girl sank into a comfortable easy chair, Ivan Alexandrovich sat opposite her on the sofa.

- So, every night the same dream?

- Yes, and the details are the same, every evening I know in advance that I will see in a dream.

- It is necessary to find out the nature of this dream, please close your eyes, relax and retell everything that you dream in all details again.

Inna closed her eyes, settled herself comfortably and began to retell her nightmare ...

Ivan Alexandrovich listened very attentively, only occasionally glancing at the door leading to the kitchen. On the floor in the kitchen was a secret door to the cellar, of which Inna naturally knew nothing ...

“This priest told me to confess to heresy ...” holding her eyes closed, she recounted her nightmare girl.

- ... they dragged me through the door ... I struggled ... and this door ...

When Inna in her story reached the very door, the door leading to the cellar in the kitchen of Ivan Alexandrovich’s house opened and some men, about five people, climbed the stairs. They walked noiselessly into the room and stood in a semicircle around the chair in which Inna sat.

“... and when I woke up, I saw ...” Inna suddenly opened her eyes and looked around the room.

Five men stood in front of her, the girl looked from one face to another, she was struck by the wild animal glitter in their eyes.

- Who is this? Your patients? She asked, frightened, turning to the doctor.

“Let's just say ... my guests,” he answered with an ominous smile.

- So, I understood, you need to survive your nightmare in reality, and my guests will help us with this - Ivan Alexandrovich said this with such a terrible intonation that the girl immediately understood - this is a monstrous stinging joke.

Inna did not have time to say anything more ... one of the men stepped towards her and squeezed her mouth with a palm. The rest quickly approached the chair, one of them grabbed her by the arm, the second for the other, the other two men took the girl by the legs, and the one who clamped her mouth clasped her with the second arm by the waist. All together they raised it and carried it out of the room, Ivan Alexandrovich followed. Inna tried to escape, but in vain, they held her tight. Men brought it to the kitchen, the girl could only moo. The psychiatrist helpfully opened the door to the cellar, darkness gaping below. Two men let go of her legs and went downstairs, a light came on below. Three others, painfully holding hands, lowered the girl into the cellar, and those two who were already below, pinned Inna to the floor. But the girl was able to scream, and the air was announced a long, full of terrible fear, scream. One of the men put a dirty rag into her mouth, the cry stopped. The remaining three men also went down to the cellar, including Ivan Alexandrovich. Someone's hand lowered the door, the girl was cut off from the outside world.

The cellar turned out to be quite small ... five by five meters, the light hanging on the ceiling was accelerating the darkness. In the middle of the room stood a wooden chair, similar to a gynecological, with footrests, but these supports were unusual, they were with fixtures. On the armrests, too, were mounting, and mounting at the neck. In the corner was a wardrobe with drawers, there was nothing else in the room. The men let the girl go, and she instinctively huddled into the farthest corner.

“If you want, you can shout,” the psychiatrist uttered, “this basement is made to order, complete sound insulation.”

Inna was silent, like a wolf pushed into a corner, watching the men. Ivan Alexandrovich went to the chair and checked the fasteners.

- And the chair is also made to order, I ordered one of the familiar craftsmen.

- Come here - he gently motioned the girl with his finger.

Inna just pressed herself even closer into the corner.

- Well, we'll help you ....

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