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acquired a purple-bluish tint, on which there was not even a trace of new blows. And Larisa continued to whip her, strongly, sweepingly, with a delay. The whistle of the rod merged with deafening cries, and it is still unknown what was louder.

Stella has withstood this series. After the tenth stroke, her buttocks and thighs were already bleeding in several places. The dissections were not big but extremely painful, because Stella even moved, grimacing at the pain. Larisa, who took her place, looked not much better. Now she, firmly clutching her hands on the ramp, slightly turned her head to see the moment of impact and manage to gather her strength. Stella, having wiped her thoroughly sweaty palms with a towel, resolutely took up the rod and with a deafening whistle pulled Larisa across her frantically compressed halves. My wife immediately screamed wildly and clutched at the affected place with both hands. Stella took the next blow and looked at me inquiringly.

“No, no, I'm ready to continue,” Larissa moaned in a muffled voice and took her hands off her bright scarlet ass. Stella, swinging wide, struck her a second blow, but this time she took a very high sight, and the rod only slid over the convex buttocks. But the third blow turned out well, having accustomed to the very center of the buttocks. Larissa again covered herself and even made an attempt to jump off her seat, for which she immediately received another remark. Actually, according to our rules, she has already lost, but I decided to allow Stella to strike the remaining blows. Larisa was now howling, without stopping, interrupting only after the fourth blow, after which the rod deeply dug into her thighs, leaving two bleeding bands interrupting each other with a total length of at least forty centimeters. But then a second pause was caused only by the need to get air into the lungs. Larisa was at the limit of her abilities; she had only six shots left to withstand. But Stella, also sensing panic in the camp of the enemy, decided to bring the matter to the end. The blows inflicted on her rival again became powerful, ruthless and directed to the most affected places on her buttocks. Each blow sprayed tiny droplets of blood, which effectively spread in different directions, like fragments of bombs. Larisa rushed from side to side, announcing the room in continuous screams. In order to somehow drown out the inhuman pain, she began to knock her head on the elastic plastic of the inclined plane, which was covered for greater safety with a soft cloth on which she lay. But after the seventh blow, which came again to the lowest area of ​​the buttocks, Larisa with a terrible howl jumped up and rushed into the bathroom, from where she could hear her cries and curses for a long time. Hard competition ended in victory for Stella.

To say that everything that happened led me to say nothing. Stella was in no hurry to dress, grimacing and rubbing her mercilessly washed buttocks and thighs, which I fixed close up several times, after which, checking whether there was enough film in the cassette, I directed the video camera to the sofa and headed towards Stella, taking off her clothes along the way. Stella flinched when I resolutely took hold of her elastic hips, but meekly allowed myself to be dragged towards the sofa. There, I easily bent it in the lower back, forcing me to put my hands on the back of the sofa, and quickly took off my pants, freeing my penis for a long time. Trying not to get dirty in the blood oozing from several cuts on Stella's charming ass, I checked her lower hole with two fingers and, feeling its warmth and moderate humidity, with a powerful and confident movement I went into the depth of twenty-five centimeters generously measured by my nature.The girl screamed as each movement forced her skin to stretch on her thighs and her ass, intensifying the pain of cruel blows, but I immediately turned on the highest tempo, so that her hands all the time slipped off the back of the sofa, and soon they generally broke under my pressure. I kept tearing at her from behind, hearing the sound of our thighs touching and my eggs slapping on them. Stella stopped moaning and switched to tender thin squeaks. I was incredibly good. Slightly pulling her away, I inserted two fingers into her anus, making the girl startled in fear. Having grabbed her waist with my second hand, I continued to explore both of her holes, synchronously wielding a finger and a member at them. I then rotated them, then introduced to the maximum depth, forcing Stella to writhe under me and cry out from unusual sensations. It seems that she did not like all of this, but it did not bother me much. Having improved the moment, I abruptly left both of her holes, squeezed her hips with both hands and imperiously thrust my dick into her upper hole that widened after my fingers. Stella screamed wildly, frantically waving her pelvis in a vain attempt to free herself, but I planted my penis almost to the end with two powerful pushes, and then, firmly pressing my wet hot thighs, I won back the last centimeters. Stella, impaled on my club, continued desperately to twitch, squeezing my cock tightly inside her intestine and giving me a lot of pleasure. I moved with her, feeling how gradually her tight walls adjust to the size of my penis and slowly take on its shape. Then I took it out several times and immediately drove it back with force, forcing Stella to scream again. My hips and lower abdomen were already stained with her blood, but I continued to climb confidently up the ladder of pleasure, swaying with the girl and from time to time trying to drive my dick even deeper. At such moments I always wanted him to be thirty, forty, fifty centimeters in length. I imagined this picture, and this finished me off. Strengthening the movement inside the hot anus of Stella to the limit, with incredible relief, I released all the sperm accumulated in the last 24 hours into the warm and moist depths of her womb. I seemed to myself to be an inexhaustible source, with loud moans throwing more and more volleys deep into the quivering body. Finally, when it was all over, I tiredly sank down beside Stella, who had quieted down and fell into a light slumber. I felt like she opened my hands and released her frustrated ass, but I didn’t care.

But for a long time I did not succeed in lying. The bathroom door slammed, and Larisa returned to the room. Even now, she moved slowly and carefully, grimacing at the pain, and her thighs and buttocks were wrapped in a wet towel with fresh traces of blood. It has long been so cruel not flogged her, I thought, with which I was quick to congratulate my charming wife. Larisa did not respond to my words. I remember her strange look, which she threw at Stella, who hastened to use the vacant bathroom. What did he mean, I happened to find out a little later ...

July 2002

Continuation, most likely, follows.

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