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just slipped on the buttocks of Larissa, without bringing tangible pain. But it was too late to change the rules. Larisa, having received only two real blows, also did not make a sound, although she suffered incomparably less.

The ladies again changed places. Before Stella was given the first of the next ten blows, Larisa ordered her to spread wider than her legs and adjusted the inclined plane on which Stella's naked torso leaned so that her pink buttocks rose slightly above her head. Then she brought down on the lower part of her buttocks a series of strongest blows, reaching almost horizontally, then at a slight angle. Stella slightly moved after the fifth, and the tenth met, frantically squeezing the fingers to clamp the hands. I nodded in satisfaction: my wife had no strength and skill. But Larisa didn’t manage to get a cry and even a moan now.

This time, Stella, having risen from her seat, slightly massaged her swollen buttocks with her hands and resolutely took the rod. Her desire to win this race was intertwined with her with a feeling of revenge, and Larisa was already lying in front of her, beautiful in her touching helplessness. The girl zealously set to work, and my wife twitched after the first strike — Stella clearly grasped the art of torture on the fly. She inflicted nine full blows to Larisa, mistaken only once, and knocked out a moan from her on the eighth. Having received the final blow, Larisa jumped off the inclined board, as if stung, and began gently rubbing the affected places, muttering something under her breath.

Her wounded pride required immediate satisfaction, and the next ten blows to Stella’s swollen buttocks Larissa put all her strength and skill back, waiting a few seconds after each and enjoying the sight of her trembling hands and body twitching. Twice Stella, having received a particularly strong blow to the fresh scars, fiercely threw back her head and arched her whole body, and then slowly sank back. She sighed deeply several times, but it was the only sound we could hear.

Waiting for her turn, Stella also gave Larissa another dozen strong whistling blows. This time, she focused on her hitherto untouched hips. Larissa's legs fluttered and began to convulsively shrink at the knees after the first touch of the rod. Stella, however, did not dare to give her a warning and I had to do it. Larisa dutifully put her long, slender legs on the floor and immediately groaned loudly at the next bite of a tough ruthless whip. The hit was very successful, the fresh strip crossed out the swollen scars from previous blows and cut the skin in two places. Larissa fiercely wagged her ass, trying to calm the tearing pain, and immediately received another resounding blow, she drew a new slowly fading strip in the upper part of her charming halves. Her beautiful body swept from side to side, she even pulled herself up in her arms, which made her legs again off the floor. I was going to warn her again, but Larisa very quickly pulled herself together, and Stella delivered the remaining blows with much less force. Nevertheless, when she readily settled down on the vacant seat, Larissa did not immediately begin the punishment. For at least a minute, she grimaced painfully, stroking her ripped buttocks, on which there was literally no living space. Then, resolutely picking up the rod, she forcefully gave Stella the first of the next ten blows. At the same time, she stood up so that when striking it was more convenient to transfer her weight from the right foot to the left, thereby giving the right hand maximum acceleration.The result did not hesitate: now, after each strike, Stella frantically squeezed the edges of the steel rings, charmingly ringing them, and bent both legs in desperate and useless attempts to hide behind. Larisa tried, realizing that she was hopelessly losing the competition. The blows were powerful and resounding; they were beyond the power of even some men. Stella's ass in two places was soaked with blood, one scarlet streak crossed her back just above the waist, another blow fell just above the knees. Larissa didn’t slow down, but Stella met her tenth blow as courageously as the first. My wife could not hide her disappointment and reluctantly took her place.

I ordered Stella to spare Larisa and continue to punish her in full force, otherwise all her weak blows will be returned to her by me. The girl dutifully nodded, but I still saw that she had ceased to smack my wife in full force. Apparently, she was afraid that Larisa was about to lose, and her revenge would be terrible. But there was nothing to complain about - more and more new white stripes appeared on Larissa's ass, quickly disappearing among the common reddish-pink background. My wife no longer moaned, but cried on one note, interrupting only at the moment of delivering another blow. Stella left her hips alone and moved to the upper part of the buttocks, the least affected during the competition, but then she managed to get on the fresh scar twice in a row. Larisa's ass dripped with blood in one more place, and she herself howled to the full power of her vocal cords and arched beautifully, allowing us to admire the play of her immaculate muscles under the smooth skin of her back, arms and legs. Unfortunately, it was the last of ten hits, and again it was Stella’s turn.

Larissa got down to business after a few minutes, wiping the droplets of blood from her thoroughly swollen and lost her seductive smooth buttocks. Now she was not in a hurry, putting all her strength into every blow and trying to get on the fresh tracks. However, there was practically no living place on Stella's buttocks, and in some places the rod passed at least three times. Stella could no longer lie still; she was spinning and spinning, her hands firmly fixed on the rings for the hands and nervously treading with her long, slim, seductive legs on the floor. Muffled wheezes burst from her throat. On the seventh stroke, she broke down and screamed. It was the first cry that we managed to pull out of it, although the blow after which it followed seemed to be no different from the previous ones. Larisa, emboldened by another concession to Stella, at a fast pace gave her the remaining three blows, but the girl sustained them, tightly clasped her teeth, and only desperately wagging her waist.

Having straightened with difficulty and massaged her buttocks, which had a much more deplorable appearance than my wife's, she took the rod from her hands and stepped aside, letting Larisa through. It seemed to me that a smile slipped through Stella’s lips. Whatever it was, but Stella zealously got down to business, inflicting Larissa not the strongest, but rather tangible blows. She did not indulge her and me with diversity, at a measured pace striking her at a slight angle, but without a delay. However, there was no living place on Larissa’s cropped ass, either, and any blow to them caused great pain. Larissa howled after the first blow, which crossed her gracefully protruding ass diagonally from right to left. Stella immediately whipped her again and again. Then, unexpectedly, a harsh blow was received by Larissa’s hips, then - the upper part of her ass, then - the very middle. Larisa was spinning like in a griddle, trying to turn over on her side, and several times the rod burned her luxurious hips not from behind, but from the side. I did not have time to make a remark to her, because she received all ten blows. Now the assets of both ladies was fifty blows. However, if to be fair, Larisa received no more than thirty full-fledged roz.

Stella also had no strength to endure, and she screamed after the first blow. Larissa tried with might and main.After each blow, Stella's buttocks shook as if hit by a board, and her lungs made a gasping breath, then to burst into a heart-rending cry. The torture machine swayed menacingly, muscles bulging in Stella’s griped hands, and blood trickling down her strained thighs, mixing with sweat. Her buttocks ... Read more →

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