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fresh bleed, and Larisa dabbed them with sterile wipes. There was such suffering on Ling's face that pity stirred inside me. But the thought that came right away pushed her somewhere to the back of the mind.

“Wait, Larissa,” I stopped my wife, who had already raised her hand for the third blow.

Approaching Lin, who was powerlessly leaning, I sat down in front of her and offered the following option: since she had not yet worked out her money, we either continue our entertainment, excluding the buckle, or continue to buckle it, but after five she received her each it cost another five hundred "evergreens". Lin in spite of the fact that the whole was shaking from unbearable pain, she agreed to the second condition, only asked not to beat on the same places. Having asked, in imitation of the moderator Dibrova, whether the answer was final, I took the belt from Larisa with pleasure and handed her a video camera. It became interesting to me - what are the limits of pain in this girl, who until now showed miracles of endurance?

Lin paused, waiting for the cruel punishment to continue. In anticipation, I held a steel buckle on the swollen buttocks, which had recently struck me with its perfection of form and volume, and immediately struck them. I deliberately made the buckle dig at the delicate skin at a slight angle and, as it were, “ride” over the mutilated surface, but did not make it too strong. Yelping Lin pleasantly slashed his ears. The second blow was harder and hit just below the buttocks, in the thigh. Now the scream was louder, I noticed how the leg of the girl was cramping. I sent the third blow to her in the same place on the other leg, but there it did not cause a cramp. The remaining two blows fell on her back. After each one of them, Lin desperately screamed and twitched. However, I didn’t beat as much as Larissa, who, after being re-trained as a nurse, re-diligently washed all her wounds and returned to the video camera.

I did not succeed in the next blow - the lack of practice affected, and the buckle only slightly hooked the girl’s hip. But persuasion is more expensive than money, and Lin became richer by another $ 500. Gathering, I chose a hitherto untouched area on the back of Lin, predatory aim and with mathematical precision struck him with a shiny badge. Lin arched again in a painful shock for my eyes, making the walls of our soundproof room shudder. The rarely beautiful sight of an absolutely white mark on the skin, from which blood flowed away after the blow, fascinated me. I watched carefully as the white round spot quickly darkens, filled with blood, tiny droplets of blood squeeze out of tiny cuts of skin along its edges, as they merge with each other, they gradually turn into larger ones, which then thin down in thin red streams. mixing with sweat. Larisa shot it all close up.

- continue? - I asked, feeling my seemingly squeezed to the limit member begins to pulsate slightly. Lin only nodded her head. Suddenly, I noticed that her nails convulsively stuck into the metal of the rack were already broken, and on the cheeks run the incessant tracks of tears. Her juicy thighs attracted my gaze, like a magnet, and I again lashed her on the leg that was not cramped. The metal slammed into her tender, trembling skin, and elastic muscles swelled on her body in unison with a desperate cry. The repeated whistling of the belt meant that in excess of the payment for the evening, Lin would receive four thousand dollars. But they were expensive for her. I slightly missed, and the buckle caught on the trail from Larisa’s first cruel blow, which was an open wound. Blood spurted in all directions, and Lin's body immediately stopped trembling and twitching. Only a faint, fading moan escaped her lungs. I was horrified by icy horror - what if she died? Larisa, beating me, already felt her pulse.Everything turned out, Lin was in a deep swoon. Using her helpless state, we untied her from the rack and laid her back to the bed. Larisa began to bother her ass, which was not a single unaffected area of ​​more than four square centimeters. Soon loud groans announced a safe return to consciousness.

Despite the fact that Lin agreed to continue whipping the buckle, I was afraid for her health. She loves money, which is to say, but why bring it so that she spends them all on treatment? Therefore, nodding to Larissa, I retired to the bathroom, and she continued to disinfect and smear Lin's wounds.

Asian beauty left us early in the morning, which became richer by $ 29,000 and curled up in pain after each step. For obvious reasons, she chose not to use our car, but walk to the subway. We never saw her again.

November-December 2001

To be continued...

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