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she was not going to spare her, hoping to snatch a cry after ten beats. But she failed. After each stroke, Lin only moaned and gnashed her teeth. Then, in the eleventh blow, Larisa put all the power, in addition, twisting the belt along an intricate trajectory, from which he struck not only the reddened back of the victim, but also part of the chest, blurred by the weight of the body pressed into the rack. Lin screamed across the room and immediately begged to spare her. But the rules of the game were inexorable.

“You will get the remaining fourteen punches with a buckle, my joy,” she said to a sprawled helpless girl, intercepting the belt more comfortably, “but now you can scream as much as you wish.” We even like it.

After the first blow, which came just above a graceful waist, Lin goggled, burst into frantic screams and twitched in unbearable pain. I gave Larisa a sign to restrain my ardor, but she did not pay attention. After the second strike, Lin burst into tears. Red plaques, instantly appearing on her tender skin the color of ripe apricot, gradually poured with blood. Larisa, having waited a little, hit for the third time, much weaker, hitting the poured thigh. Lin just sobbed, clenching her fists to a crunch in the joints. Larisa regretted Lin, and she suffered all the other blows with almost no screams. But the traces of the first two were terrible to watch.

Larisa handed the strap to me and slyly squeezed between her slender thighs my dick, which I had already set free long ago because of his utter restlessness. From the unexpected pleasure, I screamed, as if I clapped my ass myself, and in response I hugged Larisa. She nimble movements helped me get rid of the remnants of clothing and unequivocally pushed to Lin.

She would not have sustained another twenty-five strikes with a buckle, so I, having a little broken the initial conditions, again twisted the belt in half. Her full elastic and hitherto untouched buttocks attracted my view (and not only him). They looked so helpless and alluring that, without thinking of the consequences, I heartily pressed the hard leather of the belt into them. Lin again choked with her own tears, fell into a scream and rushed so that the whole steel structure shook. There was a wide red stripe across her wonderful ass. Not paying attention to the screams, I continued to whip her over the desired place, trying to make the strips lay down at an equal distance from one another. I succeeded, and after the tenth strike on the ass Lin, an almost perfectly flat “zebra” loomed. Her belt-ripped shoulders shook with sobs. I deliberately made the eleventh blow especially cruel, admiring with pleasure how the girl arched and broke out with a long, drawn out moan with a very erotic gasp. There was another, much more saturated red color with a shade of black swollen across the ten stripes across the edges of which scarlet beads of blood appeared on its edges.

More I could not hold back. Throwing the belt on the floor, I stepped towards Lin and resolutely took hold of her hot smooth thighs. Larisa quickly adjusted the levers, so that the irresistible ass Ling was at the height I needed. I, without any preparation, plunged into her bosom, which my dick gratefully accepted, enveloping me in indescribable moist heat. The head immediately rested against the uterus, and Lin squealed again, experiencing another kind of pain. But my pressure was irresistible, and gradually her bosom acquired more or less acceptable outlines for me. I began to move more actively, helping myself with my hands and stringing Lin's supple, hot body onto my penis. Larisa carnivorous watched us. Suddenly she picked up a belt from the floor and stood on the side of the victim.

- Do not you see that he is so uncomfortable? - she hissed and immediately stretched her across the backrest - move yourself so that he has free hands!

Lin meekly fidgeted towards me, trying to catch the rhythm I needed. She turned out to be an intelligent student, and I soon removed my hands from her thighs and clasped her wonderful elastic breasts. Nipples were a stake, giving a considerable degree of arousal. Larisa, meanwhile, again burned Lin with a blow on her shoulders: it seemed to her that she was not quickly waving to me. But I would not have succeeded quickly - now, when I almost lay on her waist, every touch of the wounded parts of her body on my body caused additional torment. But Lin tried as best she could, twisting the waist in such a way as to move from side to side and less come into contact with me flogged parts of the body.

Finally, I felt that the moment of the climax was near. My arms tightened around the young Asian breasts swinging in time with our joint efforts, and the movements gained the speed of a jackhammer. I tried to enter the bosom of Ling to the limit, and I succeeded. Having exploded with plentiful discharges at a depth of twenty-five and a few centimeters, I did not let go of her luxurious body for a long time, continuing to make damped oscillatory movements in its depths filled with my juice.

Finally, I took out my handsome, almost diminished in size, outside and sat down wearily in a chair, erasing Lin's sweat and blood from my stomach. Larisa came up to me, on the way loudly slapping the buttocks of the startled and weakly moaning girl, and unceremoniously sinking at my lips with a long kiss, again made my fading member accept her working volume. Then, gently pulling away, I waved in front of my nose a big black artificial member with a clasp.

“I will prepare her ass for you,” she whispered in my ear, “and then you will do it yourself.”

Having fastened a member to her waist, she resolutely approached the table and chose the twisted belt I already mentioned from the instruments of punishment laid out there. Then, shaking the flexible rubber of the fastened member, she gracefully defended Lin in sight and stopped just in front of her face.

- Probably, you need to properly lubricate it, what do you think? - She turned to the girl who meekly awaited her unenviable fate.

Lyn nodded and took the black rubber head in her mouth. She sucked not so much as wetted it with saliva. Larisa unexpectedly loudly lashed the strap along her back:

- And when you do the same thing to my husband, will you skid also? Well, try!

Lin screamed in surprise and pain. Having overcome a shudder in her wounded body, she began to lick the member across its surface, as much as she could, periodically letting in his thickened ending on both cheeks and even kissing him. I watched them closely. Larisa also liked Lin's technique, and she shook her pelvis several times to meet her mouth, forcing her to take a deeper rubber toy.

Finally, she with a sharp movement pulled the penis out of her mouth. Ling and slowly walked behind her. Understanding perfectly well what awaits her, the girl closed her eyes and tried to relax. Larisa put both her hands on her hips, and a member - just above the frightened compressed anus. Now it seemed to be as small as that evening when I made my first acquaintance with him.

But Larissa was not going to stand on ceremony and did not even resort to using her fingers. She only slightly pulled off the edges of the anus Lin and, directing the head into the opened narrow black tunnel, immediately made a strong push with the pelvis. With a loud smacking sound, the member entered the top hole of Ling for the entire length (and it looked like it was at least twenty centimeters). The girl moaned a little, but in her groan I clearly heard notes of pleasure. Larisa also heard them and immediately struck Lin with two sweeping blows to her shoulders. One of them fell on an open wound left by a steel buckle, and the girl howled in unbearable pain, writhing in restraining her constipation.

And Larisa moved inside Lin, setting the stage for my imminent invasion, occasionally taking out her shiny member and forcefully driving him back to its full length. Then she ... Read more →

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