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igpy that was not given. Placing the ydap, Claire has said:

- Hy, caress yourself, girl!

On the contrary, the burning pain made the girl die. Clap suck more times:

- Caress!

Outside of fear, the girl immediately obeyed.

“Better,” Clare said, and the whip again clicked on her thighs.

Clutching from nenobleness, Claire finally dumped the girl on the floor and herself began to caress her terribly. Anne was lying on her back, bending her knees and lifting her knees, puppies stretched out behind her head. Claire got down on one knee and bent over her prey. The girl issued a protracted moan. Soon she already completely lost power over herself and cried out. Cries rushed from the very head, the mouth did not close and distorted the features of the face beyond recognition.

“Take a look,” Clare murmured, “how good she is when she gets an orgasm, a small, sweet girl ...”

And I actually saw that the girl moves rhythmically, shakes her head from one side to the other and squeezes the keys. In the end, she stretched her legs, with one jerk, turned on her side and remained lying, cowering and motionless on black and white floor tiles ...

However, Claire has not yet been completely satisfied. She pulled the bra, belt and chaps off the girl, leaving only the black eye patch.

The blow of the lash Claire again made her kneel in front of my armchair. She told the unfortunate woman to continue, but she picked up her application with the subtlety of shame and pleasure:

- Do not forget about the ass!

Ryka slipped behind the back in the gap between the buttocks. Probably, the girl was very sensitive in this place, because she almost immediately got excited again. However, instead of letting her experience her highest singing, Claire grabbed a girl and, pushing one of the columns, pressed her back to the stone. In the blink of an eye, little Anne found herself tied up in the pykam and legs, as if paped on the cross, with wrists and ankles pulled together behind the column. I directed to the luy side of the projector and approached. The legs and legs were coupled with two pairs of diametrically oppositely spaced rings using leather bracelets, which are sold in some Parisian stores and familiar to most of the young women loved by the fake. The upper pair was located at the proper height (almost two-meter) in order to stretch the body as much as possible and at the same time avoid the risk of causing damage to it.

Clare resumed her fiery caresses and with such a passion dug into the victims that it was already impossible to die for sure, whether the cries caused by her belong to the cries of pain or pleasure. All doubts were dispelled when Claire again began to whip her wide open thighs and groin. The displaced ydary, inflicted with all despair and artificially lying one on another, forced the girl to wriggle furiously, forgetting about the tying paths. Her body was so beautiful that by the time she committed suicide my admiration only grew stronger. Claire, exhausted from strength, allowed herself to breathe and brought a gag that was supposed not to let the captives of the captive tell the whole quarantine. After that, she placed a spirit beside her, placed for convenience on an iron stand. Filling the spirit, she put the tools on the fire.

I admiringly looked at the long metal needles with sharp tips, which had from the other end on the wooden piece, thanks to what they could be held without burning. Having waited until they were scattered on the spot, Claire went to a sophisticated torture, first with one hand, then with another; after that, she came to the very top of the inside bends of the thighs, but she did not get the whip. She did this slowly, lovingly calculating the intensity of the intricate moments: she began with light touches to the very surface of the skin, and ended up driving the needle points a millimeter into the meat.

Desperate girl throwing somewhat hindered her work. However, the growl of pain that we still heard, despite the gag, compensated for its pains. Tears rolled out now from under the black bandage and ran down along the nostrils of the victim. She tried to breathe.When Claire returned to her mouth and gently concentrated her attention on the circumference near her armpits and her nipples, I thought that the girl was breaking her feet and legs, with such force she turned the rings that tightened her.

Then I took the whip and otted Claire to the side, so that, as promised, would itself whip the lips. I inspected the girl, given to me at the mercy. She was utterly exhausted by her struggle and vain hope of compassion. And with delight, with all my strength, ydar it ... I stopped only when a thin, bloody scar flashed on the delicate skin.

“Untie her,” I said to Clap. - Take the blasts off her ... take out the gag ... take off the blindfold ... Put it on the bed ...

Little Ann did not move. She was lying on her right, facing back to the wall and knees. Her shoulders and buttocks were worn on stone columns. I lay down beside. I hugged her from behind, and our bodies merged ...

And I raped Ann, not paying attention to her miki, put into her, half-dead, through the smallest hole.

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