On the following evening I caught Claire on a rue Jacob dressed as she had preferred, home-style: tight stitches, thin black jacket. Her reception seemed to me extremely cool, though no more than usual. Only in her thoughts she imagined me not so impartial. We sat down on the chairs. I didn’t ask where little Ann was. We exchanged a few meaningless comments:

“It's getting warmer and warmer,” I said. - You can think that already August a month.

Claire looked at me with her bizarre, somewhat arrogant look to her. Then an unexpected thought came into her mind that made her smile more friendly than even privately and answered:

- Forgive me, dear friend, that we have to stay dressed. But in our role ... you understand ... it is absolutely necessary.

This very "our" sounded promising.

“True,” I said. - It is absolutely necessary, especially for you, I believe. She easily agreed with me.

- Yes, perhaps for me especially.

In this phrase, it seemed to give a hint of remorse or annoyance. At the same time, her gaze became less faithful, more helpless. Again it seemed to me that I noticed how her other desires filled her. She was even more beautiful, much more beautiful ... I ventured to address her with inviting appeal:

- You will always be hot, once you are so dressed.

Claire looked at me, not blinking; however, her features gradually became firmer. Then the wrinkled eyes appeared, the lips became thinner. With a graceful smile, she replied:

- No, never. And got up from the chair.

- The girl must be already ready. Follow me.

Confidence returned to her. The door she had opened without a room led to a room where I had never been before. It was a bathroom. Her size and the elegance with which she was equipped, so rare in the old estates, testified to the fact that she had recently been cleared, obviously by Claire herself. She must have condemned one of the living rooms. In addition to the sanitary facilities from the blue porcelain, my attention was immediately attracted to the sofa in full size, set in a glance. The bath was located on the wall, angled towards the sofa. It was a large bath built into the wall, from the inside out, and with the outside it was lined with the same white tile as the walls. In the bath, facing the door, stood little Ann and was engaged in washing the body with both hands. Splayed fingers instinctively slipped to the groin and lips, trying to at least somehow pin them down. However, one glance of the hostess, who stopped at her, was enough to immediately abandon this bashful movement. Reluctantly and deliberately, she took the small palms off and remained standing, limply lowering her hands and bowing her head.

Her bright, pink body sparkled with soap, which here and there gathered in white foam foam bands. The graceful, round shapes called for them to touch, that it was possible to preserve a wet, sticky and lukewarm embrace, to feel how these curved bends squeeze out from under the pyk. Claire told me on the couch I was on. She herself drew sideways to the edge of the bathtub from the opposite end and said to her fixed friend:

- Hold on!

The girl resumed soaping. However, Claire, who seemed to be doing this already without confidence, began to guide her in movements and explain which places to take and which poses to take (probably all), as well as the surface and speed of the smallest gain. The whole body was subjected to treatment. Spine and back, body tilted or straightened, one leg raised, thighs wide open, palm stroking the back of the head, neck caressed, lips massaged, washed buttocks between the buttocks; so the girl had to demonstrate to us the whole process of her washing. Claire, it is understood, got pleasure from her, forcing her to repeat the most intimate and indiscreet movements.

Several times she even helped her with dexterous fingers under the pretext of a visual explanation of her ideas.And every time she discharged herself with the unforgettable severity and pynicism behind which lay a constant excitement. Without much difficulty, I noticed that in her treatment with her daughter she was becoming more and more grievous.

As for the poor girl, she showed great submissiveness even when she was forced to stand in a tense posture or to open up in the most picturesque way, or when sophisticated entrances were placed in her. When she finally settled in water, Claire stood up and, pyykawa sat down, bent over the bathtub, in order to remove the remains of soap from the shortest slippers herself. She did not regret this. In this fluid, her pods' body responded to the slightest impulses: turned, twisted, twisted, bent, opened, and closed with such compassion that you could wish for. Not getting up from the couch, I moved to the bath. Ann's head was next to me. In the end, the hostess took her pykami by the neck and squeezed it, as if she were going to empty her head under water ...

Claire was smiling; however, in the eyes of the girl there was a flash of genuine fear. Yet she performed ppikaz zakpyt eyes and sppyatat pyki behind to this CL ppedstat peped zheptvoy us defenseless ... And all Klep ppodolzhaet ostopozhno opyskat her face under vody ... VARIATIONS this little Anne was chyvstvovat all his inability soppotivlyatsya. At that moment, my attention was attracted by the clairs. They were special, as I suggested. However, I could not expect that they are so amazing. Claire suddenly noticed that I, instead of watching her mace, look at her. She looked at me so emphatically that I had to look away.

I smiled at her ... He said that y her beautiful pyky. She pressed her fingers and straightened. Predictably, she only made her more cruel to little Ann.

- Get up! - she told the girl. As soon as she was on her feet, Clap lifted them up and forced her to fold her cheeks behind her back.

- Do not move!

The water flowed along the body and hair, sticky curls falling on the face and neck. Clare with a challenge asked me:

- Want to see a small fountain?

- Yes, why not? - I replied.

- Hy, then look.

She picked up her wet hair in her girlfriend's groin all five. With hair dripping. Clap opened her large backs and stuck a finger between them. Forgetting about caution, she caused the girl pain: the whole body was convulsively bent. Claire told her to stand still, threatening that otherwise she would be even more painful. Then she said:

- Show mister our glorious fountain. The threatening tone was not combined with the childishness of the phrase.

The girl did not force herself to ask twice. She bent her knees slightly and tilted the frame forward. I closed my eyes. The ryki behind him were strained. Colorless liquid rose between the fingers of Claire and the life-giving cousin began to drain into the water.

Clap instantly played with splendid lumps, then - with the most striykoy, then substituting under her hand, then forcing to flow down her thigh.

I must confess that I was very impressed by the pleasure that I found in this scene, with my pure, amazing y with the singing that gave me, in addition, the sensation of satisfaction.

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