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After rinsing under the cool surface of the desecrated body of the girlfriend, Claire helped her out of the bath, and now in her movements she was preventive and cautious. She herself wiped her, rescued and courted.

I smoothed and scribbled a sharp triangle in the groin. Then she fumbled her lips, armpits, neck, bottom buttocks and crevasse with a fresh air freshener. Her hair quickly dried up thanks to a small electric pheny, and Claire, in the meantime, with great care, rubbed his beautiful red mouth and nipples of the girl.

The carelessness of her seemed unlimited, and she went to great lengths just to make her friends even more beautiful and to be affectionate with her. She was not afraid either to kneel before her on the bare rubber rug, nor to kiss at the first opportunity the most attractive places on her body. By doing all this, like a mother, a maid or a child playing with a boom, she loudly commented on her actions and even appealed to me for advice, what dyhs or what color her lipstick should be chosen.

Having dealt with this, she put on a small Ann chylka with lace edging, as well as a belt and bra, which I bought the other day. She told her creature to turn around, the last time she examined him, and then pushed to the couch:

- Come and kiss the gentleman who loves you.

I was almost lying. The girl died at the door and kissed me for a long time on my lips with all the warmth and tenderness that I now knew was peculiar to her. I hugged her around the waist and leaned toward me.

Then my neck slid upward along the spine to the neck, where she stopped to further direct the touches of our lips, their intensity and duration, so I didn’t have to move my head. Unnoticeably at that moment I wanted to see Claire. I pushed the head of light, and the girl backed my face into my shoulder.

Claire's glance slipped from the fluttering buttocks onto my pyky, clasping the back of her head, and then met my gaze. Now little Ann kissed my neck. I drew attention to the fact that her mistress, through her strength, takes out the sight of our embraces, in which, as she had thought, she was prepared for the role of only an outside observer. I deliberately delayed this test ... Not hurrying events, I, inter alia, continued to follow Claire until her excitement reached the limit. She was standing on a couch, two meters away from us, not daring to disturb us, or to join us. When I finally pulled away from my girlfriend, Claire made her stand up and sat next to me.

- Hy, girl, who are you going to make an impression on? Jean came to take part in your punishment. You will be able to kiss him again if he wants, after we are honoring you for real.

“Yes, of course,” I said calmly. - Where do we start?

In accordance with the fortress, the victim had to kneel on the tiled floor in front of his treadmills in order to first hear in all the details about the tactics that they were going to use.

She is tied to one of the stone pillars in the torture room. Then come off whip hack and cleavage. Then, using thin, sharp needles, press the most tender places on the body. At last, she will carve out her lips. Trying to speak in a natural tone, Clap asked me if I ever tried to mock women with needles like this.

“You see,” she said. - This is quite funny. There are almost no traces of them; when the sharp points become flameless, the icles are not dangerous. But the pain is awful - is not it true, baby? You can endlessly poke in the same place, and the effect does not weaken ... The Gothic hall looked exactly the same as on the photographs: iron, black and white tiled floor, two stone columns supporting a vaulted part of a very high ceiling on the back of a narrow, deep window, framed in red bakhtinnymi. The artificial lighting came from wall lamps and three directional projectors. All together, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and intimacy, it was very reminiscent of the church room.In case of the choice of the apartment as a whole, this street room did not seem at all unexpected.

Next to the friends with the friends were two leather chairs, in which Claire and I sat down. Claire was thirsty. Naturally, the refreshing drinks were brought to us by the very same little Ann - in lace cuffs (without t-shirts), in a belt and a bra from white nylon, which left everything that one could wish for, elegantly bare.

While we were drinking, the girl, kneeling on her knees to serve us glasses, remained in this position and waited for our next corporations.

The pose, which took her situation, was the same, which once gave me the opportunity to indulge: stretched thighs, straight back, raised females, open lips. The large eyes witnessed the bright, almost supernatural brilliance, which brought us back a few centuries back to the ecstasy of the Christian infantry.

All three of us knew that the torture announced at the evening was not a show. The realization that after a moment they caused terrible pains in this woman filled her already delicious flesh with an incomparable charm. I told her to approach a little and gently swiped my fingertips over the round shapes and grooves, on which we intended to naryad without any restrictions, just until we get tired of it.

The hold of her was still wet, probably after our kisses in the bathroom; if only a humiliating pose, that shamelessness that we sought from her, or waiting for torture was not enough in itself to excite her, as Claire remembered. I wanted to burn her even more strongly with more direct concerns. But here I thought that in this grave moment it would be nice to see how she does it herself.

- Maybe pyst girl first caresses herself? - I suggested Claire.

That, of course, was, I agree. But before she decided to blindfold the girl with black ribbon. According to her instructions, Ann rose and brought from the corner of the room where they lay on a low table, a bandage and a signed whip.

Transmitting from her mistress, she occupied the previous position. Claire showed me both items. The scourge was not the same that night: this was thinner and sharper. Claire right now tried it on the girl's thigh. She pissed and bowed her head to the side. On a smooth skin stretched thin red strip.

“The girl made the right choice,” Clare said. - Itself today otkom ypom. With the help of a black backing tape, kept with a rubber band, Claire tied her eyes, which, in a delightful way, completed her outfit.

Kneeling in the arms of the projectors, little Ann was forced to caress herself: put her hands on her pink pink tips, not constrained by a bra; then the groin under the laced white nylon. She acted with both pykami, yagredno pulls, but at the same time she tried not to block our view with fingers.

We between the same quietly sipped from our glasses oranzhad. Claire and I, as if by agreement in advance, simultaneously looked at each other. I thought about the last picture for which not small Anne was positioning and who presented a similar scene.

I was sure that Claire thought the same thing ... that I thought about it ... In the dark, her face was unclear, but I guessed that she was also confused. Through the tight dressing, Ann saw nothing. I got up silently and bent over the chair Claire. The face raised to my face expressed a surprise. I almost didn’t touch her lips, but then I got to the center with all my mouth and noticed that she was starting to feel ...

“Leave me alone,” she exclaimed, vryply, and jumped up. In order to correct the error caused by the use of emotions, she did not enter into her plans at all, she pushed over the kneeling girl. Grabbing the whip, she smashed the unfortunate victim down her thighs, and her right to stop ...

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