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Jura and Glory. Anya was lying on the bed under a blanket, stripped naked. She said that she was already going to bed, and she was accustomed to sleep naked. Her bed was a “bookcase,” that is, in fact, it was two beds one under the other, and she was lying on the bottom. (Actually, this was the place of our fourth neighbor, who went home immediately after the session) The upper bed was a sleeping place for Jura, and he climbed there on arrival, because the time was already late, and he, too, was about to sleep. Our beds with Slava were ordinary beds and stood “in line” along the opposite wall. While the light was not yet turned off, my neighbors had time to notice the anin bra and sundress lying on the chair and realize that she was at least partially naked under a blanket. For some reason, the appearance of a bra hanging on a chair made a particularly great impression on Yura - he even visibly bulged his eyes when he saw him. Then the light was extinguished, but conversations began. Everyone could not sleep - Anya because she wanted “more”, as I already knew (and as Yura and Slava soon learned), and we, because to sleep in the same room with a woman was unusual for us and exciting, of course of course. The conversations were first about nothing at all, but after a couple of minutes they turned to an interesting topic. Unfortunately, I cannot fully restore that conversation. I only remember that from a certain moment we chatted about the relations of boys with girls, about love and sex, about loyalty and whether she was needed. In general, the conversation was “on the verge of a foul,” if not entirely beyond the edge. The main talker was Yura - his role in relations with his Tanya, namely, the role of a suitor who was not yet in possession was difficult for him, and after visiting her he was always a bit "energetic", and then to his excitement after talking with his passion added a new source unexpectedly - a naked woman under him. Slava and I basically diluted his speeches with separate remarks, and Anya was giggling merrily, making it clear that such conversations were quite to her liking.

I don’t know exactly what the guys felt at that time (Yura, however, was obviously excited, I didn’t have any doubts about him, but I couldn’t understand how he relates to what is happening, by replicas of Slava), but I thought that there is a naked woman lying next to me, the plant, and my cock was already ready for battle again. But just going to her bed now was somehow uncomfortable in front of the guys. At least Yura was also not averse to having fun with Anya, and probably Slava too, although their arousal was not strong enough to overcome their timidity and induce them to take some kind of action. Nevertheless, I didn’t like the prospect that everything would be so short with empty talk. Anya was obviously ready for much, and it was stupid to miss this opportunity. Therefore, when the conversation turned in the right direction, I took the initiative and simply and directly asked Anya: “Anh, do you like Yura?” “Yes,” was the answer. “Do you want him to come down to you now?” “I want to.” “Well, Yura, if a woman wants, then it’s not good to refuse. Get down! ”I said. “Yes?” He said, somewhat uncertainly. “Of course!” I assured him. “I don't bite,” Anya encouraged him. Yura slipped down from his second tier down to the floor, bent over Anya and threw back the blanket. "Dimka, turn on the light," she asked. “Why”, came Jura’s surprised and even slightly frightened voice. The idea of ​​being observed by him, apparently, did not really like it. But it seems that Anya just wanted us to look at them. “You can miss,” she giggled. “Do not worry, Jura. I'll turn on the lamp. There will not be much light, ”I said. I turned on the desk lamp. In her dim light, I saw standing beside naked Anya Yura. Anya put her hand in his pants, pulled him out already standing member and pulled him to her. He barely managed to pull off his pants before collapsing on top of her.It would be easy to get into a wide aninu gap in complete darkness, but now there was no chance to miss it, and the yurkin member entered it at the first attempt.

Yura lasted not much longer than I, probably for the same reasons. After only 6–7 minutes, he finished noisily, stood still for a second, then got up and moved the bed to Slavin’s bed. Anya sighed. She was still not enough, but she was uncomfortable talking about it out loud. But it was unnecessary - I understood it. “Well,” I said, “now it's yours, Glory, turn!” “My?” “Of course. Is it true, Anya? ”“ Yes, ”she said,“ come here, Slavik. ” Slavik obediently took a place on Anya. Despite the fact that Slava of all of us had the least sexual experience, he didn’t finish much longer - at least 15 minutes had passed since the beginning of their “jumps” when he jerked and exhaled air noisily, summing up their first acquaintance with Anya. Probably, it was not so much his perseverance, but the fact that Anya was no longer just wet, she already had a small pool inside after Yura and I had finished. Slava got up from her and went back to his bed, where he sat down next to Yura.

“Now, Dima, it's your turn!” Anya said cheerfully. I did not need to beg. I went to her bed, took her hand and said: “Let's go to my bed, it's more comfortable there.” She obediently followed me, left a wet path on the floor - from her slit pretty dripped. She lay on her back, and I lay on top of her. Nearby, on the next bed, the guys sat and stared at us. Slava still, it seems, did not quite withdraw from the act with Anya and the vital somewhere in the world of his dreams, but Yura already had time to rest, and his member was already slowly, but obviously, poured by force. Looking at his dick came up with an interesting idea. “Anya,” I asked her, “how about you take it in your mouth?” Anya playfully asked “what exactly?”. “Well, you understand yourself. Member! ”I replied. “How can I if he is inside?” She continued in the same tone. “So it’s not mine, but Yura.” At these words, Yura looked at me in surprise.

Anya turned her head to see Yura and his dignity, looked a couple of times from his face to his organs and back, and then silently motioned him with her finger. Yura climbed onto our bed, knelt on its edge and turned his trunk toward the anino mouth. With an experienced movement she pulled him to her, stuck out her tongue and began to lick his head. Yura closed his eyes and quietly melted. Licking his head from all sides several times, she opened her mouth wider and slowly sucked in first the head, and then another part of the member, so that almost a third of the total length remained outside. After that, she began to play with the dick, then letting it out for a while from the mouth, but putting it on again, then rolling it in the mouth, then generally getting up tricks that I cannot describe. Yurka moaned with such obvious pleasure that I even envied him. However, I was also not bad. Anya was so greased inside with our sperm and her juices that there was almost no friction, but this was just her high. I also tried to diversify the movement and then and then pulled out a member completely, and then drove it back again, which was accompanied by the same squishing sound. From time to time I stopped chasing the penis back and forth, but simply massaged the head with all its wet crotch, from the clitoris above to the anus below. In one of these walks of my dick, he slid all the way down and ran straight into this narrow hole of it. Quite mechanically and without thinking about what I was doing, I pressed a little member, and my head entered her ass surprisingly easily. Probably, she had already tried this kind of sex, and the hole was not so narrow, or the fact that everything was so well lubricated by the liquid flowing from the vagina on top just played the role. But most likely it was both that and another. At least, the head was there, and Anya did not in the slightest way demonstrate her attitude to what was happening, as if nothing had happened.I stopped for a second and did not move, because I remembered one scene from the recently read book “Emmanuel” (which was already available then, although it was still forbidden literature), namely the last scene in which Emmanuel is given to three men at once. ... Read more →

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