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This story happened about 15 years ago. I then was a second year student, or rather, already the third, because just a couple of days before that I had passed the summer session of the 4th semester. As always, at such a time, in the hostel, where I was then found, a merry animation reigned. The session ended, and, before going home for the holidays, it was still possible to live a week for your pleasure.

Students licked the spiritual wounds inflicted by evil examiners, retreated from nervous tension, and just slept off. Those who had already slept off, organized small parties-sabantuychiki. True, my two neighbors, Yura and Slavik, and I were a little apart from the general fun. Yura just recently met with one applicant and spent time mostly in courting her. Slavik could not come to his senses after the session, which he passed much worse than he intended, and why he gnawed at himself, not paying attention to our persuasions to throw it all out of his head. Besides, none of us, except Yura, at that time had a girlfriend, but what kind of party without girls? Yura turned around as a caring mother, and flatly refused the idea of ​​inviting her - “she still has to prepare for exams, and indeed no sense: if everyone had a girlfriend, then it would be a matter, and only she would be bored and we are embarrassed, "he said. Well, we did not argue with him. He was, at least in part, right.

As a result, we just enjoyed idleness and good summer weather, listened to music, played prefs and drank beer. Here somewhere on the third day of universal idleness everything happened. It was already evening, it was getting dark outside the windows, and we were just finishing bullets. At the last call I was out of work - I saved, and Yura whistled for two, so I was sent to the kitchen to put on a kettle. The pref is an engaging activity, as everyone knows, and the players can temporarily forget about everything, even the feeling of hunger. And the more it recalls this feeling about yourself by the end of the game. In short, we realized that “it's time to eat,” as Winnie the Pooh used to say. We had plenty of provisions for dinner, it was just tea. I went to the kitchen, put the kettle on and sat on the windowsill to wait for it to boil - there was a scrap to and fro, although there was hardly 10 meters from the kitchen to our room.

It was not long to wait - there were just beasts in our kitchen. And after five minutes, I walked back with a hot kettle in my hands, whistling a popular tune then. I was about to go inside myself, when I heard “Dima!” Behind me. Turning around, I saw Anya — my classmate with whom I was connected by a relatively recent story — about 8 months before that she had been a short time my friend. We didn’t have anything serious; we went to the cinema a couple of times and cuddled a little under the moon, accompanying this matter with passionately kisses, but nothing more. I then had the feeling that she was quite ready for the further development of the plot, but there was simply prosaic nowhere - there was nowhere to put the neighbors in the hostel, and she herself lived with her mother and grandmother in a one-room apartment. In short, it ended up that we just gently dispersed. The novel with her was for me a rather small episode then - I didn’t really like her outwardly, not because I was not at all beautiful, but simply not my type - I love small and fragile ones, and she was tall and rather dense with me. And the whole affair with her was rather a way for me to pave the way to another friend of mine, with whom I had difficulties then. Then relations with an old friend got better (as it turned out later, also not for long - after a couple of months we finally broke up), and I just said to Anya “bye”.

I was very surprised to see Anya in the hostel - she was a Muscovite, and in those days the “common” ones didn’t particularly make friends with the Muscovites, so the latter did not usually appear in the hostel. “Hi!” I replied.“How are you?” “Yes, behold, I came to visit Pasha.” Pasha was one broken guy from our group - he was 5 years older than us, and therefore knew how to be more relaxed about learning, and spent much more time on all kinds of entertainment. Including he liked to organize parties, and not only during the holidays, but also during the full school hours. “Oh, at Pasha's party, probably. How is it, fun? ”I asked. “So, not really. I'm already tired, ”Anya replied, which surprised me a little. Pasha was a merry fellow, and I didn’t really understand how his guest might get bored. And then I remembered our conversation about the party and about the problem of the absence of a girl. Before me stood a girl and quite unequivocally begged to visit, as I suddenly guessed. “What is more fun,” I thought, and said out loud: “Then let's go to us!” “Come on,” Anya immediately agreed, confirming my guess.

Anya was familiar to my neighbors from the time when we were "friends" with her - she came to our room a couple of times and then came to our room. So no one needed to represent anyone, and we just began to drink tea with sandwiches and cookies in store. My assumption that it would be more fun, however, was not confirmed. The guys still a little embarrassed. I was familiar with Anya better and was more accustomed to her behavior. And her behavior has never been too modest, and in recent months she has completely liberated herself. I came, for example, to classes in a miniskirt, which, in those times and even more so with her rather voluminous ass, was quite challenging behavior. She was now dressed very relaxedly - in a sundress, which rather quickly slid off her one shoulder, and which was not buttoned at the bottom two buttons, so one of her legs (and she sat with her legs for a leg) was almost completely exposed to the public. Oddly enough, this her looseness to Yura and Slava, on the contrary, held down. And it turned out that after an hour of our feast, Yura got up and said: “I'll go see my Tanya” (that was the name of his abutrient). After he left, Slava winked at me and also headed for the exit with the words "I will go, take a walk." Throwing Anya "I right now," I followed him. Yura has not left yet, but was waiting for both of us. As soon as we closed the door, he told me: “If I understand something, then your Anya wants to have fun. We walk for an hour, and then come back. Enough of an hour? ”In surprise, I shrugged:“ And why did you decide that I want her? ”“ You don't want it, as you like. Just you once were friends. So why not? ”I thought for a second. Anya was not to my taste, but I had no one so long ago that I decided to accept the offer. “Coming,” I replied, “an hour is enough for me.” And he returned to the room. It turned out that I was too good about my opinion - 10 minutes would be enough. When I returned, Anya was already lying on the bed. She was still dressed, but her smile made it clear what she needed right now. I went up to her and pulled up a sundress. To my surprise, there were no underpants. At first I thought that she had just taken them off, but already in the morning, when she was sleeping naked on the bed after that stormy night, and her clothes were lying next to me, I was convinced that she was not wearing shorts at all — not even when I met her in the hallway. I quickly took off my pants and reached into the bedside table for a condom. "Not necessary. Safe day, ”Anya interrupted my search.

I returned to her, lay down on top of her, and within a second my cock was inside her. She had a surprisingly wide vagina for her 19 years. Entering her, I realized that I was not only not her first, but even the tenth. They had, in all appearances, quite intensely, at least lately. But, despite its wide gap and the fact that it was very wet, so that the friction was weak, I finished very quickly - long abstinence and some nervousness from intimacy with the new partner affected. She quietly sighed "still want," but I still could not, in any case, right away. What we did next, before the arrival of my neighbors, I do not remember exactly - it seems, they just stupidly talked about nothing. In short, nothing interesting. The fun began when they arrived ...

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