I never knew how to meet women on the street. Or in a disco. Or in another public place. At least, I never knew how to meet women on the street with far (or rather, deep) ambitious goals, and in my young years I had other goals of acquaintance, to be honest, as a rule, were not particularly interesting. In part, I simply did not have the courage, I was afraid to be sent away or even ridiculed, in part I just never fell for the type of women who easily agree to a deep-going relationship with the first comer. As a result, I spent almost all my student years in a so-called “serious relationship,” that is, a relationship that is full of problems, first of all contrived (like “you didn’t look at me that way”), and there is little sex. But a couple of times I had a pause between successive “serious relationships”, and during those pauses I quickly began to languish without sex, which led to the fact that my prejudice against easily accessible women was fading away. Nevertheless, I, due to natural shyness, would probably have remained without sex experience with a barely familiar woman, if it were not for the help of one of my student friends.

His name was Zhenya. This name has always seemed to me a little suitable man. In any case, in me it caused associations with some rather feminine features. In part, Eugene was in line with these associations - he was a quiet and courteous guy, completely conflict-free, soft by nature and willing to help others. But in one he was quite a man. Women, he did not give the passage. And he liked just the type of women, easy for many consonants, but he could find them everywhere and under any circumstances, he just had a nose for them.

And in one of my “pauses”, when I was so soured without sex that I even decided to complain to my wife about life, he suggested that I join him in his next campaign “for girls”. I, as you might guess, readily agreed.

We agreed to meet on Sunday at the entrance to Gorky Park. I was only 10 minutes late, but when I arrived, he was already surrounded by two girls. Did he manage to “catch” them in these 10 minutes, or did he just come in advance — I don't know. But I was not up to guessing. As soon as I came closer, I caught my breath. One of the girls was just beautiful. Of course, the taste and color of her comrades is not there, but for my own taste, she was perfection itself. Of medium height, with dark hair and large black eyes, with a thin waist and slender legs. In general, the type of eastern or southern beauty (which one I don’t know. I was left in the dark about her origin, and her name - and her name, as it turned out a bit later, Alla - was quite international). However, it makes little sense to describe it, it should have been seen. Coming closer, I remained standing still rooted to the spot, somewhat rudely staring at this beauty. From the outside it had to look ridiculous or even ridiculous. To get me out of my stupor, Zhenya jumped closer to me and whispered in my ear: “Do not roll your lip, my little darkness.” Alas, he had exactly the same preferences for women. There is nothing to do, I forced myself to turn my eyes away from the "dark" and looked more closely at "my" girl. She was rather average appearance, at least, obviously not of my type. Somewhat thinner and taller than I like, moreover, rather colorless - ashy hair and gray-green dull eyes, and her breasts, it seems, did not exist at all. Something she looked like adding a runner for a long distance (and maybe she was a runner). But her features were correct, her eyes looked cheerfully, and, in general, she could well be called pretty. Besides, I was clearly not inclined to pick and choose.

“Meet, this is my friend Dima,” Zhenya introduced me in the meantime. - And this is Alla and Katya. Well, come to me for tea!

After the word "tea" Zhenya winked at me. Zhenya's ancestors were in the country, so until the evening his apartment was at our disposal. On the way, Zhenya entertained everyone with jokes, the girls giggled, and I looked at them, first of all, Alla, but also Kate, so that she would not be offended at all. Having come to him, we did not waste time, and quickly “divided” into rooms. Katya and I went to Zhenya’s bedroom. We quickly got down to business. Fortunately, Kate clearly did not want to break down and pretend to be innocence. And after several weeks of abstinence, I was not in the mood for long preludes. I can not say that she was very good in bed, her experience was obviously not enough, as a result she made unnecessary movements, moreover, because of her thinness she had a very hard pubis, which I knocked on each time unpleasantly. But I still liked it - a hungry person, as you know, almost any food seems tasty. And she really was not at all. At least she knew how great kissing. She had enough of this experience (I even mentally sympathized with those of her gentlemen, thanks to whom she gained such a rich experience of kissing, without having gained almost no experience of sex). Kate with me, too, clearly liked it. She quickly began to moan, and in the end turned off completely. When it was over, out of courtesy, I waited a little, if she would come to herself, but she seemed to fall asleep in joy, or simply savored the sensations with her eyes closed. In any case, I did not see the point of sitting or lying next to her and further and therefore I went out into the corridor. There I almost collided face to face with Zhenya.

“Oh, you're already free,” he rejoiced. - Do you want to try with Alla? And then I can not, but she still wants.

If I want to? He still asked! I resolutely stepped into the room to Alla. Zhenya followed me and sat down in a chair in the corner. Alla was lying on the couch. I approached her, bent down and tried to kiss her. She pulled away and even slightly pushed me away with her hands.

- What is this for kindergarten? You fuck do not know anything else?

Then I moved down and began to lick her other lips. This kind of kiss to her, apparently, childish fun no longer seemed. At least, no protests followed, on the contrary, she clearly approvingly stroked my head and squeezed her legs slightly. And I continued to work the tongue and lips. Sometimes I came off to look at her fluffy melee. She was beautiful there too. She had neat sexual lips and a small clit, and she was already quite wet and smelled very nicely. I licked her lips with my tongue, squeezed her clitoris with my lips, sucking him slightly, in general, I was working hard in my face (as well as my tongue and lips). However, the face was more in its lubrication than in sweat. I don’t know if I can be considered an altruist about this, but I got real pleasure from this process.

A few minutes later, Alla released herself without warning and got out of bed. I was afraid that the banquet was over, but my fears were in vain. She ordered me to lie on my back, and she lay on top of me so that I could continue my work, and she could take my dick in my mouth. Oh, what a pleasure it was! I hadn’t been taken to my mouth for a very long time (even the idea itself was disgusting to my girlfriend for the latest “serious relationships”), so I almost forgot these feelings. I was already determined to get a buzz in full, as Alla suddenly broke away from my member and turned to his wife.

- Hey, slacker, come here, or else why did you leave a friend alone? Let's work too!

- So nowhere like already, everything is busy.

- How is it nowhere, and I ass for what?

- Now, look for petroleum jelly.

“What the fuck are petroleum jelly?” Sui first in pussy, so you and all Vaseline, - Alla giggled from her own humor.

“Dimon, move a little,” Eugene asked me, coming up to us.

I pulled back as far as I could in my position. Zhenka listened to Alla's advice and put his dick first in the wet vagina, and then in the ass.Judging by the fact that it was quite easy for him, Alla's backside was used to such entertainments. However, Zhenya's member was rather small.

- Come on, come on, move, do not slow down, - our beautiful woman screamed at Zhenya. He didn’t have to be asked for two times, and after a second his eggs were slapped on her bottom in a few centimeters from my nose. I got such a close-up plan definitively, and I just pounced on the allin of the clitoris, while trying, however, still not stinging a punch in the nose with marriage eggs. Alla also returned to her previous occupation. She sucked great, soft, but at the same time with amplitude. The sensations were simply indescribable. And it turned out that there were too many of these sensations for me, because I practically disconnected and did not remember in detail what happened next. When I came to my senses, I was lying alone on the bed, Zhenya was standing by the window and smoking, and Alla was just at that moment heading for the exit from the room. Following her gaze, I saw Katya standing in the door, who was looking at me with wide eyes. Apparently, she stood there for a long time and spied on us and now she could not come to her senses, although it was all over long ago. But she, and I, had to come to myself quickly, faster than we would like. Because Zhenya, who was standing at the window, suddenly cursed and shouted: “Rooker, guys, ancestors!” It was not necessary to explain what was happening. They all dressed at lightning speed (it was good though it was summer, there was a lot of clothes on us and there wasn’t) and even managed to cover all the traces of our entertainment. So when unexpectedly early returning wives of the ancestors entered the apartment, it was possible to suspect something only by the expression of our faces, but there was nothing to complain about. For a long time, none of us wanted to sit with Zhenya's ancestors in the same apartment, and even they were obviously very happy for such guests, so soon I and the girls would go home. Zhenya volunteered to conduct us. The girls lived quite far apart, and at some point we had to separate. Zhenya undertook to conduct Katya, giving me the opportunity to conduct Alla (probably, he considered such a division to be some kind of restoration of justice). At first I was delighted, but the longer the two of us went with Alla toward her house, the more I became disappointed in her. Appearance, of course, is a big deal, but if all the advantages of only appearance and are exhausted, then this is not enough for me personally. And with Alla, the situation was just that. Calling her close-up meant not saying anything. She was stupid like a cork. Her vocabulary was little more than that of Ellochka Ogre. At the same time, she talked incessantly, all the time, to the place and out of place, repeating her favorite turns: “count them up”, “kindergarten”, “damn yourself” and “pussy with ears” (with the last phrase she meant the majority in her stories of female persons). All this related to the mass of her acquaintances, mostly fleeting, as I understood, which, judging by her description, they only did that they fucked or drank vodka. By the time we finally got to her house, I already had a buzz from all this stupid chatter.

I took the phone from her, but never called. The first days after this story, I still wanted to see her, but I was reluctant to listen to another nonsense about her friends I knew. And then I suddenly had a new “serious” relationship, this time with the predominance of sex over problems. My new passion was not as stunningly beautiful as Alla, but she was much more interesting and more pleasant in all other respects, so I didn’t remember more about Alla. Only after a long time had I regretted a couple of times that I had not taken the opportunity and had not met her at least once more. And I gave her phone to my wife. He told me later that he had talked with her for several weeks, but then she bored him too. It turns out that for him the appearance was not the most important, although he was a lover of easily accessible women.

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