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How does he want to punish me? Why did he gag me? Does he want to hurt me? Apparently, Andrew again understood my suffering. “Do not be afraid - this is just a game, I will never hurt you, as I will cause it to no one else. I am just preparing you for a small execution. In fact, often the execution is carried out on the upper part of the female body. For example, remember how the Sultan punished Angelica. She was hung by the arms, the dress was lowered only to the waist. But, firstly, I am not the executioner, and secondly, I don’t understand what’s special if I make an execution on your buttocks, Of course, I’ll have to lift your skirt, lower your panties, but you deserve it: So, with the upper part of your body I met, but I know almost nothing about the bottom. ” Andrey's hand touched my knee and slid up. Reaching the bottom of the skirt, she captured him and continued her movement along with her. Slowly Andrew pulled up the hem of my skirt higher and higher. Probably his gaze has already opened patterned rubber black stockings, belt buckles, his gum, panties, bottom buttocks. I was shivering. And at this moment Andrew suddenly abruptly lowered his skirt, covering me. “No, it will not be so easy,” he said ... In his hand, he found himself in a long, probably round-a-meter stick, with rope loops hanging from the ends. The next moment, Andrew again turned me on his back. He put one of the loops on the ankle of one of my legs and secured it with the remaining end. Then, with a strong movement, I spread my legs wide. I understood everything! Andrey threw a loop on my second leg and secured it in the same way. My legs were spread apart almost a meter away! Andrei made a small breather, then took another piece of rope, tied it for the middle of the stick, just in the center between my spread legs, and missed the other end through the front ring on the belt that was around my neck. Wrapped the end of the cord on his hand, Andrei began to slowly pull him towards himself. As a result, my legs against my will began to pull up to the body. This is what Andrei called the preparation for the execution. In the end, I will be forced to take a pose in which my legs, widely spread and tied to the strut, will be raised high up. The skirt will fall itself, opening the review and access to my buttocks, thighs and crotch. I realized that this would happen very soon. But Andrei was in no hurry. Lifting his legs to 20-30 cm, he secured the end of the rope and walked a few steps to look at me from the side. Then the thighs and buttocks were not particularly visible. Andrei came up to me again, opened the floor of his jacket and began to unbuckle the trouser belt. My heart sank! "That's it! He still wants to rape me!" But Andrei slowly began to pull the belt out of the loops of his trousers. He took out his, he bent it in half and lightly tried punches on his arm. "I think he will have to to your buttocks' taste - said Andrei. “You can take a closer look at it.” He put the belt around my head so that I had to see it and imagine it in action. I didn’t doubt that this action would take place in a few seconds. Indeed, Andrew again untied the cord, supporting My wide legs were spread apart and abruptly pulled in. My legs rose up so much that my knees almost touched my chest and my buttocks rose above the bed so that my lower back was exposed ... Without losing time, Andrew secured the end of the cord with a strong knot and straightened. the pose was terrible! With her hands tied behind her back, with a gag in her mouth, with her legs crucified to the full width that was only possible, she opened the view of my buttocks, hips and crotch. All this was spread out and exposed.Of course I was wearing panties, but how could they have covered something! Especially because of the long struggle and attempts to escape, they crashed between the buttocks. Gum stockings and belt were also very thin to cover up something. This humiliating posture was so intolerable to me that I began to squirm again as much as I could, trying to at least cover myself from the gaze of a man. “I told you to behave properly. - Immediately followed by words. - You probably did not understand me. I resign all obligations not to take advantage of your helpless state, ”said Andrey, and from this moment I will treat you as my captive and have the right to do everything I want.” My heart sank. All I want: To rape ... I have had men before, but no one has ever raped me. Of course, I often heard about this from the conversations of my girlfriends who had been subjected to this ordeal. As a rule, rape occurred quickly. One of them, returning home late in the evening, was hit on the face, knocked to the ground and she didn’t even have time to understand how it all ended. Another drunk drunk raped in the elevator. He squeezed her mouth, and threatening with a knife made her turn his back. He pulled her skirt up, lowered her panties, and tilting it, finished too, after a few seconds. But then with me it was all different. Andrei did not beat me, did not threaten punishment, he was very polite in his own way, even gallant. It was even noteworthy that he tied me up with a very soft rope, skillfully without causing pain, and even after so much time in this state, I did not feel any discomfort. At the same time, Andrei could have raped me more than once, but for some reason he still did not do this, although I saw this desire in him, and not only on his face. I then could not understand all this, and in me, along with the gradually fading fear and awareness of the inevitable, there began to appear a desire to understand this man who behaves so unconventionally with a woman. But be violent: Oh, no! There remained, however, a drop of hope that Andrei would untie my legs from the spacer in order to take off my panties and maybe this time delay would give something. But I was wrong. Small scissors appeared in Andrei’s hand. He leaned close to me and, picking up my panties on one side, cut them. Taking hold of their edge, he looked into my eyes. “Now I will tear them off you. Are you scared? ”I closed my eyes and froze. In the next moment, trim panty were in the hands of Andrew, and my body prostrate before his eyes. “Yes, you are beautiful and desirable,” said Andrei, “just a woman has not yet awakened in you. It will take a little time and you start to dream that you would play this game again. ” Saying this, Andrei gently but persistently caressed the area near my hole, sometimes sinking his fingers in a shallow manner. And here the desire began to awaken in me. A traitorous desire for him to do this again and again. I persistently pursued this thought, but she came to me again and again. I already wanted my tormentor. I understood that he took me, not by force, but by a subtle knowledge of my psyche, the psyche of a woman who wants to be conquered and subordinate. Andrei caressed me for a quarter of an hour. And here, when I could not think of anything else, except the thought that he was entering into me, he suddenly stopped his caress. One by one, he quickly began to untie my fetters. After a couple of minutes, my arms and legs were completely free. But my brain, befuddled with new, unknown to me sensations — sensations of the sweetness of submission — was now in captivity. I did not understand and did not understand. I only remember how I took the rope lying on the floor, walked over to Andrey and quietly said: “Tie me. You are welcome"."

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