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follow a fairly simple instruction and I have no guarantees that this will not happen in the future. Let's part. Lena realized what mistake she made. Indeed, in essence, indeed, she often occupied this position when she was with her husband. She liked her very much and was erotic. Another thing is that it has always been in sex, and now she had to stand in her in a completely different setting. But, on the other hand, perhaps there are few situations where sex and life are very organically intertwined. And, is it possible to say with confidence, sex or not, when the patient undresses in front of the male doctor? Is this not a similar case? And is it worth it because of its stupidity to lose such an interesting job?!. “Sorry, I probably hurried. But you, too, must understand me - this is difficult to do with an unfamiliar man. ” There was silence. He was thinking or just pretending. “You see, dear girl,” he finally said, “it is obvious that from your imaginary moral positions, they can be called everyday words — complexes, you are trying to distinguish sexual relations from other relationships, criteria that I describe as pornography and obscenity. Unfortunately, this is what most people see when they talk about the relationship between a man and a woman. For me, the relationship is based on erotic initiators, and if, according to Freud, all actions are based on sexual initiation, then in many respects I must agree with this postulate. For me, a woman, erotic and desirable, the source of all my actions and life actions. As far as I remember myself, really, everything that I did or achieved in life was all one way or another dictated by my interest in a woman. A woman is a source of creative energy, a tonus, but the interest is not in connecting with her to get what is called the highest degree of sensuality. Easy flirting, prelude, based on the game for a specific scenario, actors, roles, transfer of domestic scenes in intimate, much closer and more interesting to me. My partner is a person who shares my interests, not a prostitute, and certainly not a career woman, who sees nothing but her job. ” Victor paused and lit up again. Lena listened in silence and thought about how much of what he said coincided with her ideas, which simply did not take shape and were somewhere dormant in her. She began to have a sense of respect and interest in this man and, at the same time, in this man. She remembered the pose in which he had to stand with him, a raised skirt, and she even more regretted that she did not do this ... She clenched her knees. He continued. “Understand the strength of a woman in her weakness. Maybe in life a woman wants to be independent of a man, but in the vicinity of almost everything you want to be defenseless and feel the power over a loved one. Even physical. Ask yourself why in every second film there are scenes of the subordination of a woman, this is not because of the conjuncture, because if it was unpleasant for women, would they like to watch these films again and again. Another thing is that there are scenes of brutal violence - it is pornography and baffling. But there are scenes of a different nature of the subordination of a woman - the scene of an abduction, a woman appears to be a hostage, a captive: " Lena listened with closed eyes. His words penetrated deeper and deeper. They enveloped the brain, which was as in a fog and reminded her of her fantasies, unfulfilled with her husband. Those that she wanted so much, not those that he did. She squeezed her knees even tighter. She was already his captive, she was ready to do anything for Victor, even to undress in front of him. She wanted so much to feel the touch of man's strong hands on her body, that: Suddenly she woke up. Victor silently stared at her.And the fact that she heard was the worst. "Go, I am not delaying you anymore." Lena continued to sit still. Her head was spinning and she could not concentrate and find the words that need to be said now. She must find them to stay with this person. “Let me try again,” she finally said, “please, because you still have tasks for me, maybe I can handle them.” "It is unlikely - the answer sounded, - they touch poses, and you could not even go through this test even in the first task." Posture? Lena's brain frantically began to work. Submission, posture :. And then she finally realized that you need to try to do to find a way out of their situation. She got up from her chair, walked over to Victor and knelt down in front of him. “I'm at your feet. You can do whatever you want with me, you can punish me, but do not drive me away. I beg you. Because, as his eyelids twitched in surprise, she realized that she had hit the target. But the next moment, his eyes were again as before impenetrable. After a few seconds, she heard the verdict. “Alright, stand up. At the first disobedience, you will leave here forever. ” How could there be any disobedience now! She will be his servant, a slave, she will belong to him all, she will now undress and hug his knees: But she had to fasten her blouse and take different poses on his instructions. No, they were not lecherous or sexually outspoken. They were just somehow unusual for everyday life, and, thus, erotic and trembling. Here she stands with her head low. Her legs are clenched together, her knees in the foreground, they are slightly bent, as if in a slight bow. Here she is sitting on the carpet in the corner of the room, clasping her knees, tucked to her chest. Now on the chair - her knees are clenched, and the ankles of her legs are spread far apart. Her hands are behind her back, her chest is outlined in relief, then behind her head: Here she is on her knees, bending over: Lena, as they say, entered into the taste. She was very attractive in those moments, and not from her natural qualities, but from the role she had been looking for and finally found. Therefore, she was not surprised when Victor shook his head approvingly, told her to sit down and said that she would not have much difficulty to pass the next test. “As you already know,” he began, “our company takes various measures to prevent information leaks. In particular, I, as a director, can suddenly conduct your personal search. It should not surprise you and you should always be ready for it. Now please stand with your face to the wall and place your hands on it. Feet spread shoulder width apart. Like this. Wider. Now one step back, hands without tearing. Reach over. All right, stand, ”followed the commands. He left the room. Lena remained standing in a pose that was very similar to the one in which the traffic police inspectors put it. She involuntarily squeezed her legs and at that time Victor was back. “I told you to remain in the position in which I left you. I am not happy with your disobedience. ” Lena belatedly spread her legs and felt the touch of his hands on her hips. Hands slid up to the armpits. They walked over their shoulders and lingered on the back of their heads. Lena felt as they began to gently caress her occipital part of the head, penetrate her long curls, stroke her earlobes as they moved to her forehead, slid along the quivering cheeks to her open mouth, lingered around her lips, touched her chin and through the neck slipped off to the collar of the blouse. Lena was shaken. In the meantime, one hand of Victor unbuttoned her gates, the other penetrated to her chest. Lena felt how she felt the space between her breasts, firmly and tightly wraps her body, comes back. Hands began to slide on her stomach, then on the hips, reached the hem of the skirt. Here they began to rise again, crushing the skirt. Lena felt how they covered first one thigh.right about her crotch, even slightly touching her, then the second. Here they are already behind her, pass over the buttocks and go down again. “Well, there is nothing. At least large items. Although, of course, a small note can be hidden in underwear. But today I do not set as my task a thorough inspection. Especially since you have another extraordinary test. ” Lena pulled down her skirt and turned to face him. After what he has done to her, he will undoubtedly take advantage of the situation and her condition. Probably an extraordinary test and is associated with this. His first words showed that she was again wrong. “I want to warn you that at work I have the right to punish you for the slightest offense. After all, I told you not to change poses. You disobeyed and now I have every reason to deserve to punish you. Of course, this is not about reading notations or depriving you of bonuses. The punishment will be physical. And the fact that your leader and a man will punish you, I think, will be much more sensitive to you than any financial losses. Please lower the panties to the level of the knees, supporting them come up to me, lift the skirt and lie down on my lap with my stomach. ” How hot blows of the whip penetrated his orders into Lena's ears. No, they are not going to rape her, have sex with her, nor use her accessibility, as the other would have done long ago. No, her adult woman with a family, considerable life experience, and finally education, is going to be punished as a small child. She just wants to spank on the bare buttocks. And she will not even be undressed for this! She herself will just have to lower her panties and kneeling on the floor to surrender herself to the execution! "Well, what did you? She heard his voice, or do you mind again?" Lena's hands slowly lifted her skirt and slowed down her panties even more slowly. He looked at It was terribly inconvenient to go, but according to his assignment her panties should not fall completely, so she had to hold them with her hands at knee level and take a few steps towards him. She knelt in front of him, lifted her skirt and raised herself to the required position “Well, here you are ready, lay down a better one. ”One hand gripped her around the waist, the other on the hips, above the knees, and pulled her taller. Her head and hands lay on the sofa, the pelvis, the buttocks on his lap, and her legs hung down. She felt a slack cotton. Lena jerked and tried to cover her bare buttocks with her hands. Victor, apparently, was expecting this. Having seized her hands, he twisted them behind his back. "Well, disobedience again. I will have to resort to another method of your pacification." Lena felt how he tied her hands behind her back with a piece of rope, which she took from somewhere ... While doing this, Victor held the woman on his lap and his hands, tying, simultaneously touching her buttocks, the cleft between them. Lena tried to resist. She herself did not understand why she was doing this. Maybe it was just that she didn’t have time to think about whether she behaves correctly, which allows him to do things like no other man did to her. Or, maybe, it was a case when her hidden fantasies were finally realized, about which she dared not confess to anyone? And in these fantasies, she always resisted, squirmed and did not give a man so easy to get what he needed, and then experiencing from his ingenuity, ability to play along, finally from demonstrating his weakness and helplessness, tenfold pleasure. Victor wrapped the end of the rope around her waist, which was why both her hands could not sink below and cover the exposed buttocks again. “If you continue to resist, I will tie your legs. And now count the slaps out loud. There will be a total of 10. For today. ” His hand went down on her buttocks. She uttered her blows out loud and with every blow felt the approaching and rolling feeling ...

A day later, Lena came to work for the first time.A huge bouquet of roses, presented with all its new leader was an assessment of its merits. And often then she reflected on who is more powerful of the two of them and over whom?

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