1. The project "Antiworld." Part 5
  2. The project "Antiworld." Part 1
  3. The project "Antiworld." Part 2
  4. The project "Antiworld." Part 3
  5. The project "Antiworld." Part 4
  6. The project "Antiworld." Part 5
  7. The project "Antiworld." Part 6
  8. The project "Antiworld." Part 7
  9. The project "Antiworld." Part 9
  10. The project "Antiworld." Part 10
  11. The project "Antiworld." Part 11
  12. The project "Antiworld." Part 12
  13. The project "Antiworld." Part13
  14. The project "Antiworld." Part14
  15. The project "Antiworld." Part 15
  16. The project "Antiworld." Part 16
  17. The project "Antiworld." Part 17
  18. The project "Antiworld." Part 18
  19. The project "Antiworld." Part 19
  20. The project "Antiworld." Part 20
  21. The project "Antiworld." Chapter 21
  22. The project "Antiworld." Chapter 22
  23. The project "Antiworld." Chapter 23

Page: 4 of 4

in front of us, almost did not exist - all the players died. The militia could not provide serious resistance, the fresh forces of the greens simply killed them.

Right before my eyes, someone (I don’t even know how to call him, a bad person) knocked the shovel out of the hands of a young peasant woman and started tearing off her dress. Imagine my state when I saw this! Outraged, I had no limit! Instead of honestly fighting he was engaged in such indecency !!! The girl screamed with shame and tried not to allow him to commit such an immoral atrocity, but of course he was stronger. I rushed to her aid, but received a very strong backhand and, it seems, two left blows - I don’t remember exactly, but it was very painful!

I woke up in the capital, as you know. In less than a minute, a message arrived: my last peasant died in the battle for our king. So I'm thinking now: how to recover the lost money for equipment and the peasants !? Or, maybe, it is better to just completely quit the game, so that you would never again see what happened today? The most annoying - I could not punish that immoral player green. How nice that in our real world there are no such!
Sincerely, Your Countess Pear Blossoming.
Hmmm ... greedy - and here is the result! Now this is not too clever creation of the dump of the game and cried my money! It is necessary to calm and comfort her. Right now I'll write ... probably, you need to write in her style: “dear”. But what is the syllable! How many pathos! And all - then the business - got on the head for the glory of our king! And about the "lucky" - here she is clearly not right! You can sometimes think before you die die.

Just think about it! She is worried that someone of the non-signature hem lifted! And the fact that she owes me a lot of money does not bother her! Apparently, I do not have many brains myself, since I contacted her! In short:
Dear Countess Pear Blooming!
I sincerely regret that your first battle did not end well. I think that it is never too late to retire, but now it is still possible to rectify the situation. Think for yourself: every day they bring you a couple of peasants. At current prices, you can easily improve your financial situation during the week and get equipment that matches your status.
In addition, I suppose that you just had no luck with the team. I think that in a worthier team you will achieve outstanding success.
One last thing: if you completely get out of the game, then who will take the trouble and the courage to punish bad people for misbehavior !?
Regards, Your Baron Dragon is Angry.

× × × × ×
- Greetings, Mr. Head of Recruitment!
- And you do not get sick, Mr. Fifth Assistant! What is wrong with us happened?
“Tomorrow your boss is called to the carpet.” Will decide on the closure of the project. Have you prepared suggestions for improvement? Or rather, reorganization?
- Yes, here they are. Nothing can be pulled out of the computer - they will immediately find it! I had to remember the old-school methods. Hardly found on what and what to write! - the guest pulled out of the bag a few small sheets of thin plastic, on which the text was manually applied in large, gnarled letters.
“Alas, we have to use such ancient technologies in order to keep secrecy.” And what's yours? Do you agree with the proposals?
- The discussion was stormy, but eventually agreed!
- Wow! You even justified the need to increase the number of players!

- Yes, while without attracting additional funding, note! - Pretty smiled Head of Recruitment.
- It's good! Unnecessary players obviously do not interfere, especially - close relatives. Well ... sensible suggestions. I think we can convince the Council to continue the project.
- I hope so. And what about our time?
- I think in a week and a half we will finish all the training. Further - either we, or they.
- Hope we! As a last resort - those who come after us: a state that rejects Divine Providence is not only not supposed to, but cannot exist in principle!
- Yes! Let's drink for it and have a drink!
- Yes! For restoring Divine balance in the world!

  • December 20, 2017 1:23

    as always great and exciting!


    • Rating: 2
  • December 20, 2017 9:31

    Hope to see your piece soon!


    • Rating: 0
  • December 20, 2017 7:56

    +100 waiting for the continuation


    • Rating: 0
  • December 20, 2017 9:32

    Continuing the work, I hope to post in a week.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 30th, 2017 15:36

    Under the battle of the chiming clock lay out?)


    • Rating: 0
  • January 7, 2018 23:08

    Sorry, it did not work out for the chiming clock ... ((((I congratulate everyone on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!
    The next chapter in the work, I hope to finish soon ...


    • Rating: 1
  • Ё (a guest)
    April 22, 2018 2:16

    To - together.


    • Rating: 0

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