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obviously liked my story, and she was trying to clarify whether someone in this outfit saw us or not. To which I could not really answer, I knew for sure that two guys saw us. I noticed how she began to breathe deeply. She certainly would not refuse to try it herself. I understood her reaction. My breathing also sped up, my heart beat faster. Now I have stuck to Julia, that she had during this time. She didn’t, though, but admitted that last week they celebrated the birthday of one girl, and she drank a little and sucked out three guys just like they were sitting in an apartment at the table. And after that the girls called her a whore and shmara. Although they themselves then fucked, and she was just starting.

Her story also excited me well. Already at the very mouth felt the taste of sperm. It would have sucked herself. Unnoticed, we reached the lake. It was definitely quiet here, only gusts of noise rustled in the pines. Gone past the rural beach. I remembered how in my childhood I was tried to teach the guys to swim. I am in one bathing suit, and they tried to keep me on the water. Then he had to be removed in the bushes and relieve them of stress. Although I liked it better, just to visit these bushes, but I did not really learn how to swim. Now they wouldn’t have bothered with me like that, but immediately offered everything straight. I thought a little from my memories, took a deep breath and smiled.

We walked to the edge of the water. Admired the smoothness of the lake. Again the conversation turned to the neutral theme of summer, warm water, sunburn, and how we often ran here to go swimming. We stood there and decided to go further along the coastline. I have already begun to notice Julia’s lustful looks on me. Although she herself, I think, just looked at her. I wanted to caress her body, kiss her tender lips, cute nose, penetrate her panties. My already completely soaked from our conversation and memories.

We have gone even further by 300-400 meters. There was already a tall beach with reeds and some other water vegetation. Someone made a small clearing on it from the pines, as if a bench, not far from the coals lay in the sand from a fire that had gone out long ago. As always, in such places there were several bottles of alcohol, plastic cups still some kind of rubbish. They walk for a walk, but nobody wants to take them away, I thought. We sat down on this bench. Again we got seeds and continued our conversation. We sat there for about 15 minutes maybe more.

- ABOUT! Girls! - the voice of an unknown man caught our attention. - What are you sitting bored?

We both turned our heads almost simultaneously. For 10 meters from us stood a man of 40-45 with spinning, a highchair and a bucket. He was of medium height, dressed in some sort of camouflage country coloring. With a small greyish mustache. The face was a little flushed, toli from fishing in nature, toli from already taken alcohol. He looked at us so appreciatively. We did not know him and decided to ignore him, just turned back.

- Beauties! I appeal to you. - he drew our attention again, in a more coarse voice. - You were not taught to say hello to elders?

- Good day. - Julia said loudly and we again turned in his direction, I also greeted, but it somehow turned out quietly, I wanted to drink from the seeds.

- So at once. Yes, do not be afraid. - he said and came closer to us, and with some kind of assessment, he looked at me, then at Julia. - We are here with friends on a fishing trip got out, nibble is unimportant today, but do you want to make us a company in your ear already? You will eat, by the fire you will get warm. We men are no longer young, girls are not offended. And so all the good time we spend.

I just exchanged glances with Julia. We somehow did not plan to walk with the company of unfamiliar men. But none of them knew what to say. The man looked at us, and we at him. For a moment there was silence.Again, only the faint sound of trees was heard.

- Not. We can not. - I retorted quietly and looked away to the side, that would not look at him. - We already have to go home. And then the parents will be looking for. Yes Yul?

- Yes. - Yulka nodded in the affirmative. - We have to go. We already spree.

We have already risen and decided not to wait for the man’s reaction, but just to go away and go back to the village. But here we heard another footsteps. And the voice of another man.

- Kolya! Where have you been? Go, everything is ready!

- Yes, here I am Vasya! I found two young girls like that here. We are trying to invite them to us.

We turned again. There was another man in similar camouflage of some lighter color only. He was slightly above average height, slim, also looking like 40–45 years old. With such blue eyes and blond hair. He also looked at us appreciatively. Standing we liked them even more. This was clearly visible in their smiles. But we again turned and moved towards the village.

- Hey girls, wait. Do not go. I ask you to. Listen up - I didn’t understand at once who addressed us. - Do you want to take a walk with us, eat tasty food and still make money on cosmetics?

I already started. Slight excitement passed through the body. The heart began to beat fast. I did not expect such an offer. I went further, but I did not hear Yulka. I stopped and turned.

- How much you'll give? - Julia asked and somehow shifted from foot to foot. - Ilonka wait.

I did not expect her to be interested in such a proposal, in such an unexpected place. Most likely, they were just joking. I thought and looked at the waiting Julia. It seemed to me that the face was a little red. Men were whispering about something, it was clear they estimated how much we could pay. It even became interesting to me, although there was some kind of fear.

- As rural whores you 500 hryvnia each is enough! - Vasya said with a little bit of mockery in his voice and looked at us once more with an appraising glance.

I once more shuddered, excited and somehow the fear of the unknown seized me. Well, as for the village the soum is not bad, here they were not mistaken. Julia came to me in tight.

- What do you say? - She asked and smiled broadly, looked me straight in the eye. - Come on we can fuck. I need money. You want it. I am sure that you are already flowing.

I did not know what to answer. She was just silent and looked at Julia, she was definitely not mistaken that I had already flowed. And from her words, I was excited even more. It was as pleasant as she looked at me with her pretty eyes. It would be straight and kissed her.

- Stop thinking. What are you damn how small! - Vasily's voice caught our attention, now I looked at them, then at Julia.

- Well? Come on? She asked softly, I took a deep breath and nodded my head. - We agree!

And I somehow felt a little uneasy. I never thought that we would be removed here. We slowly moved toward the men. There were happy smiles on their flushed faces. We walked another 70 meters. There was a car that I missed as I walked into the store. I really didn’t pay attention to who was driving in it, and now they will fuck me. A third man fumbled with a cauldron near the fire. He was in camouflage, but already more similar, which was then worn by the military. About their age. Not tall, a little plump. With brown hair, but not big, but so plump.

- Where are you gone? And what is this little kids? - He asked displeased and looked at us with narrowed eyes. - Everything is ready and cold, and you are hanging around.

- Yasha! Take it easy. - quietly said Kohl and put his gear. - Yes, here are two rural whores removed. Look at what beauties! Now we will sit here, and then we will go to Ivanovich, and there we will deal with these already.

Yasha immediately changed his face. Now he looked at us differently. I thought there were two of them, and they turned out to be three, and maybe even four. So Julia Goat agreed, I thought to myself. She needs the money, but now she’s taut.

- Do they even have 18? Girls, what's your name? - asked Yash and started pouring boiling on metal plates ... Read more →

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