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Dear readers in my 24 story I will describe to you my next sexual adventure. For those who have decided to read my story for the first time and have not yet met my work in a few words, I will remind myself. My name is Ilona. Now I am 24 years old, and so I am an ordinary girl from Ukraine. Of medium height, slim, with a chest of the second size, with dark hair. It is quite nice and attractive. Now go to the story.

Then I studied at the second year of economics in one of the universities of our regional center. It was already the middle of October. Approaching the next weekend. The weather more or less returned to normal, and I decided not to stay in the hostel, but go to my home. Change the situation, replenish stocks of products. I have never been a special spender, so the money that my parents gave me, the scholarships and my part-time jobs, was enough for me. Although some so wandered through the hostel in search of someone to take.

Couples flew quickly on Friday. Yanka and I collected our belongings and went to the bus station. This time I had no adventures on the road. In a crowded bus, I listened to music almost all the way and looked at the scenery outside the window. I was a little sleepy, but it's not so easy to fall asleep on our roads, and even in transport. I tried to close my eyes, but the dream never went. Just scrolled thoughts about the recent walk through the city and strong excitement. I just took a deep breath. Pussy responded to such a pleasant warmth in the lower abdomen. But I again opened my eyes and looked at the passing cars and landscapes of nature.

When parents got home, there wasn’t yet. I threw my things in the laundry, found in the fridge that I could eat and sat down to watch TV waiting for them. I did not call them to come, and they did not expect my visit. But it turned out that they were going to go to the village to the grandmother. I haven’t been there yet as the study began and decided to visit my only and beloved grandmother. We drove our car. So that I got there with comfort. Even with my father, I agreed that I would go to a driving school in the spring and rent myself for a license and I can drive and carry it myself, otherwise he often did not want to take a car, and go fishing with friends in the village.

Grandma was delighted with our visit. Already baked us pies. This day did not stand out much. So they talked about their family affairs. I did not go anywhere. The next day, my people gathered to go back to the city, but my grandmother persuaded me to stay with her for the night, as she probably would not see me until winter. Although I did not want to stay, I decided to obey my grandmother. My dinner left, and I stayed. No further adventures were expected, but everything turned out quite differently. Grandma asked me to go to the grocery store and buy some more food. I did not mind, the store was not so far away, and I didn’t want to sit at home all day.

I went to change into my room. I took off my shirt and sweat pants. Stayed in the same underwear. I was wearing gray slipas with white polka dots and a light gray bodice. I decided to wear brown jeans, striped socks, and a light brown blouse. I no longer wore her at home and took her to the village, but here you can also wear a walk. She tied her hair in a ponytail, which was less of a hassle with them. Make up only lipstick lip. She came out in black shoes without heels. Put on not a long light gray jacket. In the pockets threw the phone and wallet. Handbag decided not to take. Grandma gave the package, and I went to the store.

For three houses from my grandmother lives my girlfriend Julia. We have been friends with her since childhood, and we are the same age. We often spent time together, and then we began to have fun together. Including with her younger brother. I caught up with their house and peered into the courtyard. I have not seen her for two weeks, she came to my home in town with her brother, and we had a wonderful time together.Pleasant memories scrolled through your head. I already started and a slight excitement swept the body. I already was and passed their house, but I turned my head again and saw Julia leaving the house. She is my height, also slender, sweet face, third-size breast, plump ass, brown hair. I smiled broadly, went back and went to the gate.

- Yul! Hello! I shouted and waved my hand to my side. - Go here! Let's talk

- Hello! - Julia shouted to me and went in my direction. - When did you arrive?

“Yesterday we arrived by car in the evening, but mine already went, but I stayed for the night,” I replied and leaned on the fence. - Did you come yesterday too? Come with me to the store. We chat on the road.

- Ilonka! Where am I going to go. I need to change clothes. - she grimaced and showed me her old dirty jacket, black sweatpants and rubber overshoes on the legs. - Let you go buy it, in the meantime I will feed the rabbits and go with you for a walk and tell you what's new with you!

- Come on. - I agreed protractedly and nodded her head. - I have to cope in half an hour, so let's clean up and go somewhere.

Julia went to the barn, and I moved along a dirt road to the center of the village to the store. There were almost no cars, only some one with a boat hooked up behind the road. It was not even familiar after the city. Silence even strained. The dogs were barking and roosters singing. I have already lost the habit of these sounds in two months. In the store I bought everything my grandmother requested. And a quick step backward. A couple of kids overtook me on bikes. It would not hurt to drive myself, but I have already agreed on a walk with Julia. I managed to go back in the specified time. She brought the package home to her grandmother, told her that for an hour or two I would go for a walk with Julia. And then come back. Grandma didn't mind. I did not change clothes and went to her.

I went into their yard. The dog just ran out of his booth and immediately went back. He counted me on his. There was no one else in the yard. I entered the house. Yulka's mom and dad sat and ate in the kitchen. Stuck to me, what would I eat with them. It’s good that Julia came out and saved me from them, or even after grandma's pies, it was not so good for me. Light student snacks, and here in the evening I sat down in a few days. She was wearing blue jeans with holes, a blouse in some geometric shapes of different colors, an unbuttoned blue jacket. She shod her shoes on the platform. We said goodbye and went out into the street.

- Ilonka! Where do we go for a walk? - Julia asked and looked now in one side of the street, then in another. - Where do you want?

- I do not know. - I answered and shrugged my shoulders. - Where are you offering?

- Want to go to school. Buy seeds sit there on the sports ground. - Julia suggested, and so thought. “Or maybe they went to the lake, for sure there will be no one there and no one will disturb us.”

- Well, I already bought seeds. - I smiled broadly, and I showed them in my jacket pocket, and thought for a few seconds. - That, probably, went to the lake. It is quiet there, nature will rest from the noise of the city, I will breathe clean air.

- As you say. - Julia agreed and extended her hand to me. - Pour the seeds.

I tore a tutu, poured her seeds and myself too. We slowly moved along a narrow rural road towards the lake. Ate sunflower seeds and chatted. Well, from the beginning they started with neutral topics about school, weather, life in a hostel and what began to delay the scholarship or pay irregularly, about their classmates, about clothes and cosmetics. They told a couple of funny stories. Well, we went somewhere most of the way. Already out of the village. It was visible a little away. Already, if you look right, then in the distance you could see the surface of the lake. Here we have already switched to more piquant subjects. I told how with Sveta we walked around the city in some coats. About their emotions about how then fucked. Already did not even want seeds. Excitement swept my body. I felt how the nipples rested against the cups of the bodice.It seemed to me that I even became a little red, well, and the pussy accurately reminded myself that it was giving out portions of its juices to my panties.

Julia ...

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