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with Yanka, they wanted to buy a printer for themselves, so that they would not depend on anyone and print essays and coursework themselves. Time flew by. We so skipped exactly more than an hour. From the fresh air and the walk, I got hungry for even more. Her tummy started to rumble. We decided to walk a little more, and then go back and look at the pizzeria.

So it took another 15-20 minutes. Back we were moving faster. We went to the pizzeria. Half the tables were free. In the hall there was a pleasant smell of fresh food, some spices. At the tables sat a few pairs of something cute chatted and ate. Both single men and women were sitting, one company of 7 people for the big party apparently celebrating their birthday. As entered from the street in the room seemed very hot. We hung our coats on a coat hanger. On Svetka there was also a wide pink blouse with rhinestones. We sat down near the wall hanger. For a minute, a young pretty waitress approached us. She put us a menu and quietly left. We have not chosen for a long time. We decided to take one pizza for two, and even half would have been enough for me to eat normally. They also took a small bottle of tomato juice. In total, all broke for two came out somewhere under 35 hryvnia each.

We continued our conversations. Only now the whole mouth was filled with saliva. We were served fairly quickly. And we diligently began to chew hot and flavorful pizza. It became somehow even easier. The feeling of hunger gradually receded. I just now remembered that Yanka was there in a hostel, I probably cooked a soup and eats it too, and thinks where I’m gone. In the pizzeria, we sat for about 40 minutes. I barely ate the last slice of pizza and had to drink juice, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into me. We have even brought the bill, and we began to prepare the specified amount.

- Hi Svetka! Got a snack with a friend? - I heard a male voice and mechanically turned in his direction. - I just noticed you. Can I get you?

- Good afternoon, Yuri Stepanovich. Sit down if you like, but we were about to leave. - answered Sveta and took her handbag from a chair. - And how are you doing?

Now he sat on against me. I could see a man. He looked about forty. It looked quite personable. He was in a gray striped suit and tie. Dark hair had a lot of gray hair. And so quite nice slim, without excess weight.

- Light we are here in an informal setting so you can contact without patronymic. Yes, as if I'm fine. Work, home, I try to spend time on weekends with friends and with my family. And how are you studying? This year you want to practice with us again? - Yuri asked and began to quickly chew his piece of pizza.

- Yes, just fine. There is still time before the session, but I did not finish my education. Yes, I liked it with you, if I take it with joy, I will go to you again. - answered with a wide smile Svetka. - Are you going to work now?

I just sat and was silent. I did not know a man. About Svetka practice summer heard something. That she was there to fuck with the head of the legal department. But the name I did not know him, and if she called me, then I already forgot. But she accurately remembered that he loved to play with her.

- Not. I will not go to work today. Chief thinks I'm in court. Let him think so. - Yuri said with such a malicious smile and looked at me appraisingly. - And you come as time is right. I worked well with you too. You are a capable student. Do you meet your girlfriend? She misses her while we chat with you.

- Yes with pleasure! - cheerfully said Sveta and looked at me. - This is Ilona. She is also a student of economics studies only. Ilonka, this is Yuri Stepanovich. The head of the legal department at the company where I was in practice in the summer.

- Very nice, Yuri Stepanovich. - I said and shook his hand in my direction and smiled broadly.

- You can just Yura.I already told Svetka. We're not in the office. - He said, and already finished the last piece of his pizza. - Where are you going now? You are close friends, share between each other and juicy moments?

I somehow did not expect such a question from him. Somehow she even turned her eyes away, so as not to accidentally meet his gaze. Although I already caught on his assessing views. I know what the men look like. Now I knew for sure that Svetka had not only business relations with him.

- Yes, especially not going anywhere. Maybe a little more walk and go through their dorm rooms. - I heard Svetka's voice and her giggle. - And so Ilonka is a very close friend to me. Although we have known each other not so long ago, we have already managed to visit many things together. Is it true Ilona?

- Yes! - I replied and looked at them, they both looked at me, now in the eyes of Svetka there was the same lust as in the eyes of Yuri. “You're one of my best girlfriends.”

Their looks a bit embarrassed me. And I looked away again. A light wave of excitement passed through the body. I even took a deep breath. It was good that the room was not quiet and they did not pay attention to my sigh.

- Girls! Want to have a good time. Get some new experience, experiment. You will have a lot of new experiences. - Yuri offered and looked now at me, then at Svetka, who looked more at me. - I'll cry now and come back. And you think.

Yuri got up and went to the bar. We were at the table together. I looked at Svetka. She was just silent. I did not quite understand the essence of her delicate hint. But in general, how would he hint at having sex with us two or so it seemed to me, and he just wanted to take us somewhere else. Although the probability of the first was much more than the probability that we just liked him. I saw how he looked at us. Clearly imagined how we will fuck. Sveta thought about something and where she looked into the void.

- Sveta! - I called, but she did not pay attention to me, I banged her leg under the table. - Sveta! What is he hinting at? Would you like to have fun with us, or did I misunderstand him?

- Well, that too. But before that, he will come up with something else for us. - answered Svetka and already looked at me. - This will be an experiment. How do you agree on this?

- Can you give an example? - I asked again and leaned on the table, leaning on his elbows, to be closer to Svetka. - Well, it's nothing, well, that?

- Yes, you will like it. Well, from may ask you to show his chest or take off his panties, and go for a walk without them. - in a more quiet voice said a friend and looked at me. - Well, I do not know what else. He loves so. Well, do you agree?

I thought. Sveta smiled so sweetly to me. She was already engrossed. I understood she had so much fun with him, but she was alone, and now we can have more depraved fun together. Yuri has already paid for the meal and between the tables made his way in our direction. A shiver went through the whole body again. I felt the nipples begin to swell, and the pussy responded with pleasant warmth. Yuri sat down at his place, looked at me, then at Svetka. It was possible to guess by our reddened faces that we had already clearly begun to get excited.

- What have you decided? - Yura's voice brought me out of my thoughts. - Agree to take a walk and come off a little?

There was a pause. Sveta nodded in my direction. I looked, then at Yura, then at her. They both looked at me. I understood that Sveta exactly wanted this. Now everyone was looking at me and waiting for my decision. I have sustained not a big pause.

- Good! I agree to try. - I nodded my head and looked away.

They were clearly delighted with my agreement. Began to get ready to go. I sat like that.

- Ilonka! Do not be afraid, I will not do anything like that. You'll like it. - Yura said in a quiet and calm voice. - Only you are not a bit suitable for our walk. Well, we'll fix it now.

I looked at myself, at Svetka. That seems like normal clothes. Well, maybe not very dissolute, but quite beautiful for an autumn walk. We put on our coats. I straightened my hair. Yura wore a leather jacket .... Read more →

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