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Dear readers in my 23 story will tell you about your next sexual adventure. If someone else is not familiar with my work in a few words remind myself. My name is Ilona. I'm 23 years old now. And so I am an ordinary Ukrainian girl. Medium height, slim, with a chest of the second size, quite attractive. And now go to my story.

I already studied at the second year of economics. It was the middle of October. Finally, they turned on the heating in the hostel and in the university itself, it was already not so cold. But as soon as they flooded, it immediately got warm on the street. During the day the temperature reached about 15 degrees Celsius.

That day the couples went as usual. I didn’t have any special plans, I wanted to go to the library both in silence, and without extra guests in the room to add coursework. From my own, I almost managed to stay so general edits. Well, with the course for the Yankees still have some work. She and I went back to our room. Here our traditional division was going to the library, and she would cook for lunch.

Yanka dressed in home. I did not miss the moment to admire her slim figure. A light wave of excitement passed through the body. I decided not to change clothes. I was wearing ordinary jeans, a multicolored striped blouse, dark blue thongs and a regular bodice of blue or light blue. I wore black boots with a small heel, light gray coat to the knees. The hair was loose. Yanka went to the kitchen. I ate a chocolate bar, then I took her materials and put them in a file and put them in my bag. I got my laptop. Once again, I looked through everything I took and was about to go from the room as a mobile phone began to ring in my bag. By the melody, I immediately found out that this is my girlfriend Svetka. What she needed, I thought. But I decided while I would go to the uni to chat with her.

I left the room and closed the door. She took the phone out of her purse and answered the call. She continued to move slowly to the door and chat on the phone.

- Hi Svetka! How have you been lately? - I asked and went to the staircase.

- Hello Ilonka! Yes, everything is fine with you. And how are you? What are you doing today?

- Yes, everything is fine too. - I replied and went down to the floor below, the bag slid off the shoulder and had to be corrected, although it was a little uncomfortable to do with the laptop in the second hand. - Did you want something or just talk like that? And then I gathered in the library coursework to finish.

- I wanted to take a walk with you. Look what the weather is nice. You will finish your curc.

- Just take a walk or not just take a walk? - I clarified, I squeezed through the turnstile and went out to the front door, it’s good that the guys came in and held it and I easily managed to slip into the street. - I have already somehow tuned in to study today, and did not have lunch. I sent Yanku to cook, and I will help her write her term paper.

The weather was really good. Rare large white clouds drifted slowly through the sky. There was almost no wind. Luminous gentle autumn sun. It was pleasantly warming with its warmth. I even stopped. Just admired the trees and fallen leaves under them. Slow step moved to the uni case and continued to chat with Svetka.

- Yes, Ilonka just want to walk. We chat, we’ll go to a cafe or a pizzeria, we can go shopping. So walk through the city. Weather such more may not be this year. Well, how do you agree? - with such cheerful intonation Sveta convinced me with her pleasant voice. - Well, let's go! Or do you have to hand over the job tomorrow?

- No, not tomorrow. And in three weeks. - I replied and stopped already in the middle of the road. - But I somehow did not think to go for a walk.

- You will write your work even then. Let's go do not break as the virgin for the first time to give. Do you have time to come to the department store in half an hour? I already got dressed and then I will go out.- again persistent voice in the phone convinced me Svetka. “I'll be there waiting at the main entrance.”

I thought. Somehow already tuned to the creative process, and then knocked from the intended plans. And maybe take a walk, I still have time to write everything. Timing is clearly not running out. She promised to write one more group of conclusions, but she did not send her work. Any doubts were spinning in my head. On the one hand, I wanted to relax and just take a walk, but on the other hand, I wanted to finish everything and get rid of this work.

- Ilonka do not be silent! - Svetka's voice in the phone took me out of my thoughts. - Well, let's agree. How much do I ulamavat you girlfriend!

- Oh well! I agree. - I answered cheerfully and turned to go back to the hostel. - I just take the laptop back and take another bag. I will not change clothes. I think I’ll have time to walk to a department store in half an hour.

- So at once. And then persuade you. Come on then see you.

I said goodbye and went back to the hostel at a faster pace. Quickly climbed to your floor. The Yankee was not in the room, she decided not to say anything to her, what would be less to explain what was happening. I put my things in a little black handbag. She painted a little eyelashes and sponges, straightened her hair. There was no more time for preparation, I decided only to run into the toilet, so that I would not look for it later, wherever in the city. In the same quick step, I went back down and went out into the street. There were few students all after couples had dinner or went for a walk.

I glanced at my watch on my mobile phone. Time remained short. I tried to go to the department store with a quick step and stare less around. Although noisy traffic flow distracted my attention. Transport in a continuous stream somewhere moved. Trolleybuses reminded themselves of characteristic sounds. Here the kids ran off after school. Some class 5-6. Girls with multi-colored backpacks behind their shoulders with cartoon characters. I remembered myself at that age, as I also went to school myself and had not yet thought about vulgarity. And I just wanted to run around the street, play with my girlfriends, watch cartoons. And now I am a depraved student. And those years were somewhere far away.

With these thoughts, I went to the square. Began to peer into the distance and try to find out among the people my girlfriend. I did not immediately notice her. I did not know what she was wearing. The center is always crowded. So I noticed her. She stood and looked in my direction. A smile immediately appeared on my face that I would not have to wait for her. I quickly moved in her direction. The grid finally noticed me too and headed for me to meet. She also smiled pleasantly.

I met Svetka in the summer at a wedding, after that we often spent time together and had a lot of fun. Svetka is not tall, slim, with a third-sized chest, with blond hair shoulder-length. She then studied in the third year of law. She was wearing a pink coat too, her hips was red. Autumn boots with a heel. Maroon bag over his shoulder. She looked quite attractive.

- Hi glad to see you! - I greeted and gently, lightly kissed her on the cheek, she me too. - So where do we go? I haven't seen you for two weeks.

- Hello Ilonka! And you still prettier. - Svetka answered me and thought a little. - Let's walk along the pedestrian street. There are many shops and cafes there.

I agreed. We crossed a busy central street and moved across the square for a walk. On the street in the center got a lot of people. High school students, companies in companies walked, couples in love were cute walking, holding hands. Pensioners left their apartments and sat on the benches. We did not hold hands, just walked alongside. They chatted on various topics. About the weather, about clothes and cosmetics. About studies and teachers. About life in a hostel. The subject of sex was covered only in general terms. Although I wanted to tell more, but this topic is not for discussion on a busy street.

We looked into the shops. I did not plan to buy anything.So just looking at the prices and range of products. We even went to the electronics store. We ...

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