I'm probably crazy ... Because I'm standing in front of you. Live And you are near - just reach out. Not lines, not smiles, kisses, and not gifs of passionate, but romantic sex, whose characters I represented us hundreds of times ...

We stand, smile, look each other intently. The first meeting live: we absorb each other, we compare with the presented images. And we like.

“Give me your hand,” you just say, holding out your big palm. I quickly take off my gloves, wanting to finally feel your warmth. And you take both my palms in your hands. How wonderful!

“Thank you for coming ...” I whisper with a smile. In response, you attract me to yourself, hug me through warm winter clothes. So strong that I feel how hot you are. I want to get under the jacket with his hands. But it is tactless. Fie you think about. Just suddenly completely forgot how I wanted to behave. We must invite to the cafe, sit, chat. I lift my head, resting my chin on my chest.

- Let's go to? - again like a half joke. And you suddenly pressed to my lips. And I freeze, forgetting to breathe. The lips are tender, they instantly became my universe. I drop a groan in them, dissolving in sensations.

“Now let's go,” your eyes laugh, but tenderness glows in their depths, so dear as if you have long been familiar. - Where?

“I think I will take you ... to the library,” finally, I breathe calmer and I know, I expect the effect of my words. You puzzled eyebrows raised, and I laugh, happy from such trifles. - Yes, in the cafe "Library", here near, not far from the station ...

“Phew ... I thought we’ll read poems with you all night long,” you smile, letting you guide you by the hand. What are your nice palms!

“Well, yes, I think we will read a couple of volumes,” I wink at a transparent hint, and now you laugh.

- Adore you!

“... and I am you,” I answer absolutely seriously.

You firmly shake my hand.

... Rather, I enthrall you through passages, traffic lights ... A cozy cafe: books on the shelves, soft sofas, warm light of table lamps. You help to undress me, looking, and again attracts to you, stroking on the back. Mrr, so nice, so insanely nice that I close my eyes and do not move, enjoying the moment of our embrace.

“You are so small,” you smile with some trepidation, pressing to yourself impulsively. - I really want to hug you all at once ...

- You still have time, - I am drowning, at last, as I dreamed, drowning in your eyes. Really - not virtual. Stroking my cheek with your thumb, gently but briefly touching your lips with your lips. “I'm afraid not to hold back,” you smile guiltily and sit down on the sofa. I sit next to - not the opposite. I want to be closer to you, we do not have much time ...

- Tell me how you went to Europe ...

... And we chat, like a long time familiar. I listen more. You have a pleasant voice, a wonderful smile, active facial expressions. I absorb you, smiling.

We drink mulled wine. No, I believe that you cook it better than it is here. Cozy. So you want to take off your boots and, with your legs tucked in, press your knees against yours. Apparently, unconscious gestures give me away, because you say:

- Take off ...

A look in the eyes - yes, I understood you correctly. We understand each other. I take off my boots, settling down very close to you. You hold me to your chest, smile. I almost lie in your arms. Your eyes wander over my face, as if you want to remember me like this, now. And I love you. Kiss on the nose. How I love ... I so want to extend these moments.

... I get a random kick in my side. I fell asleep laying my son down. And the dream was so vivid that I wanted to write it down so as not to forget a single sweet moment there in your arms. What if it was not just a dream ...

  • November 22, 2017 10:47

    Mmmm ... yeah ...
    Lonely woman's dreams ...
    Will it be sold with Wirth? Such dreams just do not dream ...
    10 +


    • Rating: 1
  • November 22, 2017 12:28

    Thanks for 10.
    Yes, dreams, but not lonely ...


    • Rating: 0
  • November 22, 2017 14:05

    I meant that a married woman can be lonely. Or I misunderstood?


    • Rating: 0
  • November 22, 2017 19:47

    Everything is possible.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2017 19:38

    Good dream turned out. so romantic and beautiful


    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2017 20:05

    Thank. Just succumbed to emotions, swam away ...


    • Rating: 0
  • November 28, 2017 0:22

    more often used to dream


    • Rating: 0
  • November 28, 2017 16:52

    But this is not sex dreamed, it's just an emotional heat. This does not moisten the panties, wake up in an anxious state, that everything is not as it really is, as we would like ...


    • Rating: 0
  • November 28, 2017 19:18

    Well, sometimes it is from waiting that you can get even more excited


    • Rating: 0

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