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places were in the middle of the hall. Kirill sat first, then I, then Yura and Yana. The light turned off. An image appeared on the screen, and the hall began to highlight the glare from the film installation. The film turned out to be quite piquant content. I did not expect the guys to invite us to this. Apparently they themselves did not know, they decided that the comedy is more suitable for girls and as if dating and closer acquaintance in the future.

Cyril often held my hand. She was so warm. And the hand of Jura accidentally fell on my knee, but I did not accept her. From the touches and the film itself, several waves of excitement passed through my body. Pussy was moistened, the clitoris reminded of itself. Janka often whispered about something with Yura. Cyril was a little embarrassed, and only lustfully looked in my direction. Some couples were not particularly shy and quietly kissed their moments, maybe they touched each other, but from the distance they could not be seen in the darkness of the hall.

After the film, we decided to walk a bit in the evening city. I felt cool in a light autumn jacket. At times a slight tremor ran through the body. In my head scrolled the events of the film. Kirill is more silently, and from his friend Yura was much more talkative. All the time something told us. We giggled in moments, which attracted the attention of rare passers-by.

- Girls. Such a pleasant evening! Can we go to us and continue dating? - offered Yura and hugged me with Yanka at the same time. - Let's sit in our apartment already turned on the heating. You get warm, otherwise he can see how cold you are.

- And how are we in the dorm? - I asked and looked now at Yura, then at Kirill. No way to go with the laptop. - Or will you take us?

- Yes, I'll take you. There are no problems with this. How do you say so immediately and take. - Cyril said in a little unsure voice. - Then go to the car. And then you Ilonka all tremble.

- So we agree! - Yanka cried out merrily and grabbed Yura by the hand.

We are back to the car. Yura bought some more pastries in the same cafe, and we went to the guys at the apartment they were renting. In the evening the city we arrived very quickly. It was possible to admire a little bit of evening lighting. On the elevator, we climbed to the 8th floor. In the tight little bodice, Yura already stroked Yankee's ass, covered with a capron of her black tights, full-length. With his movements, his elbows touched me. I was not used to elevators and the moment he moves and stops is somehow not pleasant.

The apartment was not big. Minimum furniture. Repair was not special. The room had a large sofa, a table with a computer, two armchairs, a TV hung on the wall, in the corner was a closet with an empty cupboard. I sat with Yanka on the couch. Yura sat between us and put one hand on my leg, and the other Yana started stroking us. Yanka even leaned toward him. He smoothly stroked my thigh and knee. A new wave of excitement began to embrace me. I already wanted to participate in their caresses myself. The whistle of the teapot caught our attention.

- Tea is ready! You can go drink. - Cyril shouted.

- Now we go. - shouted Yura and began to kiss Yanka and climb into the open already under her dress.

I shivered a little at the sight of such actions. I already wanted to join them. But Yura was full of Yanka. I decided once he had stopped paying attention to me in the kitchen. She was little. The table was small, there were three stools, several cabinets hung on the wall. In the corner was a very small refrigerator. These are usually bought in a hostel. On the table were 4 large cups. On a plate, our treats were laid out.

- And what they do not go? - asked Cyril and spread his hands.

- Yes, they are already busy there. They are not up to us. - I replied and smiled, and then sat on the stool. - They are good without us.

- Well then, help yourself. Here is Yura. So immediately spun your girlfriend. I can't do this. - Cyril said and began to drink tea with sweets.

I started drinking tea too. Heat began to spill over the body. It became so good. I wanted to relax myself a little after such a day. I took a few more sips. Cyril can be hungry and more actively ate. Then we heard Yankee moan lightly. I smiled and noticed Cyril's eyes on me.

- Is he! Do you hear how good they are? - Cyril asked quietly and began to listen to the sounds coming from the next room.

- Yeah. I hear. - I answered and smiled, and again took a sip of tea. - It is already exactly entered it.

- How do you know that?

I blushed a little and lowered my eyes. Began to look for suitable answers. And the yank's moans grew louder and louder. I already started, and a new wave of excitement swept my body. The pussy whined a little and became so warm in the lower abdomen. It became so hot toli from tea, toli from excitement.

- Well, we're friends. And we live the second year in the same room. - I answered a little uncertainly and put an empty mug on the table. - During this time I have already managed to recognize her well.

- You are so flushed. Are you Hot? He asked, and began to examine me.

I did not know what to answer. I was somehow not cleverly saying that I was already all wet and I wanted to feel it in myself. Oh, and the Yankee moans were getting louder. While we were fucked at the same time, it seemed to me she didn’t moan so loudly or simply our moans were mixed up. Cyril noticed my embarrassment, moved his stool to me, put his hand on my shoulder to me and pulled me to him. He lightly began to stroke my arm and shoulder. He began to smell my hair. He leaned to the neck and took a deep breath too. I shivered a little. Well, I washed only yesterday, now I would have thought I would have thought I would have a shower.

He said nothing, only moved his other hand to my leg and began to gently pull from the knee to the perineum. I just took a deep breath. And the shiver went through the whole body. It seemed to me that the cheeks just burned.

- Ilonka! Are you so excited? - quietly whispered in my ear Cyril and began to kiss him, a little cheek and neck. - Do you want it too?

- Yes. - quietly and somehow I agreed timidly and spread her legs.

Cyril understood everything correctly and began to caress my leg more actively. Hand already stroking pussy. It seemed to me that I was wet on through. He gently pressed on pussy and light moans were already breaking from my lips. The groans behind the wall subsided a bit, most likely they changed their posture. Cyril's lips already caressed my neck. I wanted to lie back and get pleasure, but sitting on a stool like that did not work. His hand slipped and crawled under my jacket and began to caress my tummy. Again a slight tremor of excitement passed through my body. He pulled his hand a little further trying to get to my chest. But the bra and sweater prevented him from moving.

“Can she take off her sweater?” - I asked quietly with difficult breathing and looked into his eyes.

He clearly did not expect such a question on my part. So cute looked at me. Yanka again moaned in full force. Excitement reached its climax. It seemed to me that already not only panties, but also my jeans were soaked.

- Yes! I really want you dear!

He let me go. I took off my sweater in one motion and put it on a free stool. Behind her was my bodice. Papilla felt freedom became so easy, even easier to breathe. They were already hard as beans. He looked at all this with his mouth open. I already noticed the bump on his jeans. I undid the buttons and zipper on his. I pulled them to the bottom of one movement to the knees. Sticking with one hand at the table took off one, and then the second leg. Put them on the same stool. I stood in front of him in his panties and socks. He swallowed nervously. I myself tremble with moments of excitement. Moreover, Yanka tried to add it with her moans. There were moments that even the flip flops of their bodies could be heard.

- You're an angel! - in one breath escaped from Cyril.

I somehow was not very accustomed to such compliments. It seemed to me that I was all covered with a blush. It was a little hot. I saw how he looks ... Read more →

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