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Dear readers in my 21 story, I will continue to describe their depraved sexual adventures. For those who first read my story in a few words I will remind myself. My name is Ilona. I'm 23 years old now. and so I am an ordinary girl from Ukraine. Of medium height, slim, with dark hair, chest of the second size. I look quite attractive. And now I will tell you another story.

I already studied at the second year of economics at the university in our regional center. It was the second month of study. Few added tasks. Although it was still possible to find time for adventure, and in the hostel there were always those who wanted to have fun. What would not do everything at the last moment it was necessary to take up the course.

Work calmly on the course project in the hostel did not work. I had to go to the library. Although it was terribly cold, but it was possible not to be distracted by the music behind the wall or the constant visits of other students, who, having nothing to do and in search of adventure, climbed aimlessly around the rooms. That day after the couple, I also decided to work, so that I could quickly deal with this course.

I lightly snacked on a muffin and kefir in a hostel. I took my laptop. And she went to the library. Yanka will most likely sleep again if no one pries. Autumn was in full swing. Always love this time of year. The trees are so beautiful. Heaps of fallen leaves. I wanted to dig into it and fool around like in childhood. When I came to my grandmother's village, we raked dry leaves in the garden in the autumn and carried them to the beds, and I loved to hide in a pile of foliage. Toss it over your head. Zaryatsya there completely with his head and vylazit out of there, what would they look for me. Under such pleasant memories, I reached uni.

I was wearing burgundy jeans then, about the same color as a knitted sweater under the neck. Wore pink thong and bodice. So nothing special. Shod black boots on an average heel. Warm jacket has not yet taken, so the usual autumn leather jacket in black with a strap. I do not know why they are forced to donate their outerwear at the entrance to the library, although so that the students there were freezing and did not go there.

I entered the huge reading room. The coolness was felt immediately. Staff wrapped in warm sweaters missed. There were almost no students. I took two books. The woman went leisurely and brought them to me. Once again, I shuddered the whole body got used to the cold room. I went through a few rows and sat by the wall. There is not so blown from the window. I loaded my laptop, started flipping through books and tune in to work. I planned to work there for an hour or two while charging the laptop was enough. Outlets were not anywhere for longer work.

I calmly worked. It was always easy for me to write text. So the pages were written one by one. It was a bit boring. Moments drove to sleep. What would a little distract just looked out the window and watched the clouds. A dozen other students almost did not distract my attention. Only three rows from me sat a nice guy. Overlaid with two notebooks and a book and counted something on the tablet. I looked at him in moments and took up my work further.

So I worked for more than an hour. I was already in the mood for the right thoughts and quickly tapped the keys of the laptop. My thought was interrupted by a voice.

- How do you spell? Above the course you sit?

I looked up and saw Milan standing in front of me with a stack of magazines. We studied in the same group. She is a tall slender girl with blond curly hair. She said that she was by nature, but she looked like she was spinning in my youth. A rather large build, jeans tightly wrapped around her ass. She was local and did not live in a hostel. Well, how to say a Jew in a village that has already connected to the city.

- Yes of Milan. I am writing for not much. I do not want to postpone.- I replied and looked up from the laptop. - What did you come to read here?

- Yes, I also want to look for some ideas on my coursework in magazines. She said softly. - Can I sit near you?

- Sit down. - I agreed and took my purse and bag from the laptop from the next chair and put it near the wall.

She sat down beside me. I immediately heard the smell of her perfume. I do not like such persistent odors. Especially if sometimes you had to be a guest and married men or in offices. And such already anyone will hear after the visit. We exchanged a few words about school. How many pages I have already written about which company I am writing. She began to read and photograph the magazine pages with her phone, and I further knocked on the keys of the laptop by inventing various ideas and methods for implementing them to improve work efficiency.

Milana read and looked at what I was writing. I calmly wrote to myself and tried not to be distracted. So it was half an hour later. On the laptop popped a message about low battery. I decided to finish the last thought and fold. I turned off the laptop and closed the lid. A little stretched.

- Are you already everything? - asked Milana and smiled?

- Yeah. - I replied nodded, shoved the laptop into the bag. - I'll go to the hostel, and even eat hunting. Maybe Yanka cooked something for dinner.

- Listen, and went to me. I will feed you, and you will write this in my company, in your own way, or in such a plan? She suggested, and looked at me so sweetly. “I’ll call my brother now, he will deliver us, and then he will take you back.”

I thought. I didn’t really want to go to her house. And if the brother does not drive back, how to get to the hostel. But she looked so cute at me with her blue eyes.

- Oh well. - I agreed and smiled. - Let's call that time not to lose.

Milana quickly dialed her brother's phone. He said that he would be able to call on us only in 20-25 minutes. I did not begin to object and agreed with a nod. A big smile reflected on her face. We have passed our literature. They took outerwear in the wardrobe and leisurely went to the road. So chatted on a neutral theme. I tried not to advertise my love for sex, but there were still rumors, although I didn’t say anything to my forehead in the group. Half had someone to write off, and the second, probably, would not refuse to fuck with me. We went to the road, cars rushed past us blowing air. We chatted on and waited on her brother. I do not know exactly how much we stood there. Time somehow went on for a long time.

Then a white Peugeot “Partner” stopped near us, if I correctly disassembled it. Well, we have a lot of such cars in the region, they were driven from Europe and reworked here. Milana opened the front door and sat down beside the driver. I tried to move the rear sliding door, but I did not succeed. Her brother bent down and opened the door for me. I got into the car. I wanted to fasten my seatbelt, but it wasn’t in the backseat. Well, okay, and we are not far to go.

- Hello! - I said hello and put my laptop on the seat.

- Hello! - quietly answered the guy and the car moved from its place.

- Cyril meet. This is my classmate Ilona. We will work with her, and then you will take her back to the city. - a little playful voice said Milan. - She will help me with the course.

Cyril was busy driving the car and only nodded in agreement. I examined him once more. He looked a little tired. It can be seen all day spinning behind the wheel. And this is a rather dense guy about 25 years old. According to the moved back seat and the fact that his head was almost under the ceiling, he is also tall, like his sister. The face is more rounded, short-cropped blond hair. Big hands firmly held the steering wheel and only one hand came off to shift gears. He was wearing jeans, some kind of jacket and windbreaker. On its side was a mobile phone case, the phone itself was on the front panel. In general, there was nothing special about it. On the road almost did not speak. So a couple of common phrases.

I looked into the distance then at the buildings and buildings that were flying outside the window. The road took us up to 20 minutes for sure.Their house is quite ordinary with nothing ...

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