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looked at him.

- Yes, just enough ... Blowjob makes it cool, passionate, like a cat.

- Well, I already heard about the blowjob. But, if you only had enough, you would not walk to the left of it ...

Andrei looked down at his crossed fingers, became serious, thinking.

- Sveta, of course, the girl is good ... But something is not mine, I have nothing to talk about with her. Like and not a fool, like many ... - Tanya snorted displeasure at his remark. On the female mind they have endless disputes. - We just do not feel each other, do not trust, or something.

- So you do not meet for long ... Learn more!

- Why, even you understand me more! - Emotionally said, looking at Tanya.

“You and I had a lot of time getting to know each other,” the girl grinned. - You are eight hours in a row five days a week, I take out my brain! - pricked, smiling.

- It would be something to endure ... - he laughed, immediately bounced off the blow that flew to his shoulder. - Okay, okay, just kidding ...

- So what do you think to do?

- I do not know. Throw, probably, it is time for her ... And so for two whole months already with her!

“Well, of course,” Tanya sneered. - As something is wrong, immediately ass in the bushes. Here you are an asshole! - Andrey threw an amazed inquiring glance at her. - Yes, yes, you are used only to take. Take, throw, take again. Girls are not things after all! It is necessary not only to use them, but also to give ...

- What to give? - the man seemed surprised.

- Yes, at least take the sex ... I am sure that you only care about your pleasure.

- No, not true ... - Andrew wanted to argue, but the girl again interrupted him.

- Do you like kissing girls? - his gaze was still uncomprehending. Well, of course he likes to kiss! “Kissing everything, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes ...” Tanya’s eyes were burning with conviction. - Kiss so that she squirmed and moaned from your lips alone ...

“Well, of course,” his answer sounded somehow unconvincing. She grunted knowingly.

- That's it! And I love to kiss ... and I can bring to orgasm and without a member, - Tanya chuckled. Some sadness showed in her voice.

- Do you have enough of this? - said thoughtfully, throwing an interested look at the girl. Now she raised an eyebrow uncomprehendingly. - Well, you do not miss ... a member? - he cheerfully grinned. The eyes of the girl also lit up with fun. - After all, a lively excited member is not something that your strap-on vibrators have, or what else are you having fun ... Honestly?

- Honestly? - Tanya looked down at her hands and thought, in a moment seriousness. Then she looked her interlocutor directly in the eyes. - Yes, I probably miss ... - and immediately smiled cheerfully. - Do not tell me that you offer your services ...

- No, well, for the sake of such a thing, and only “special for yu” ... - Andrew laughed, winking and nudging the girl with his shoulder.

- Oh, do not be ridiculous! Yes that we are with you ...

He suddenly frowned, serious.

“But seriously ... do you like me like a man?” - he even somehow immediately straightened up and pushed his pumped chest forward. Tanya grinned, looked his appraiser at him.

- You're a cool guy! No, honestly. Before, I could have fallen for you! - Andrei looked incredulous. - Yes, really, but for such narcissistic womanizer, I always dried up ...

- True?..

- Look, don't get excited!

- Yes, if I seduce a lesbian, it will be the greatest victory in my life! Medal to me immediately ... No, the Order!

- You will manage! - they burst out laughing. - Okay, since we are talking about it ... And am I your type?

Andrew’s gaze slid along his slim long legs in sneakers, hidden only from the middle of his thigh by a sports skirt, across a flat swollen belly and small hillocks of his breasts. Dark, still wet after a shower, hair gathered in a ponytail at the back of his head ... He stopped at the emerald eyes - and smiled.

- Honestly?

- Well, of course...

“At first I wanted to glue you together ... until I knew that you prefer women,” he smiled at her smile.- I was stung that you were arrogant and argued. Then I got used to it ... You're kind of special, not like everyone else! - he did not know how to express himself yet, and just put an arm around her shoulders. - Drugan you! But this does not mean that I am not ready to help a friend ... well, you understood what it was, - he winked conspiratorially, laughing cheerfully.

Tanya smiled broadly, not moving away. The idea suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Andrey raised his eyebrow in surprise.

“And what did your eyes flash about? ... Interesting.”

“I suddenly thought that I could help you ...” his interested look said “continue”, - help to teach ... to give oneself to a girl. To give her pleasure, and not just to use ...

- Maybe we can help ... each other? So rather, to say ... - cunning wrinkles scattered from his eyes. Andrew pulled the girl closer, looking into her eyes. Tanya froze for a moment in his hands and suddenly smiled broadly, merry devils danced in her eyes.

“Okay, for each other ...” she agreed.

His eyes looked at her again incredulously. He realized that the girl was not joking, and suddenly he kissed her lips. Long-forgotten feeling whipped from the inside of a girl. This animal passion of the male ignited her passion. She has already forgotten how it is to feel like a submissive female in strong, powerful hands.

But no! She did not want this!

- Stay ... - she moved away from him, squeezing her lips instantly tight. - I can not do that ... I sort of suggested that you should be trained ... Yes, and right here and now?

- Why? ..

Indeed, why not ?! A great way to get away from her so frightening environment.

Andrei calmed his breathing, looking puzzled at the girl. She turned away. Her gaze stumbled upon a package from the store. Whiskey! What you need to relax ... She took out the bottle and turned with a smile.

- Will you? ..

Andrei nodded, opened the bottle and took a sip from his throat.

- Well, let's teach then what to do with the girls, - she grinned cheerfully, giving the bottle to Tanya. She swallowed, wincing. Suddenly she pulled off her sneakers and raised her thin leg.

- Kiss ...

The man frowned slightly, glanced incredulously. The girl nodded in confirming her words - and so Andrew takes the leg in her hands, strokes her to the knee and back, gently touches her feet with her lips. Tanya moves her fingers, inviting to them, and smiles.

- Go ahead.

Andrew touches the tongue of her thumb, and the girl plunges it into her mouth, helping to decide. Strange, but he does not feel unpleasant emotions. Fragile fingers seem small candies and cause affection. He strokes his foot, plunging each finger into his mouth with pistachio marigolds, kisses the high rise, rising higher.

His eyes follow the reaction of the girl. She purrs softly, gradually relaxing, and substitutes the other leg. Andrei is happy to do the same with her, already feeling that he is beginning to like it. The girl melts like plasticine in his hands, and this power over her turns him on.

Tanya took another sip of the burning drink and, putting the bottle aside, pulled off her T-shirt.

“Come here ...” she beckoned. A man admires a tanned slim body in the dim light of emergency lamps. He had already forgotten to dream, that once before the skip his teeth he wanted to possess this impregnable girl.

Kneeling between the divorced legs, Andrew pulled the girl to his hips so that she felt his swollen fly in the most gentle of his place. She gasped at the sudden desire. Tanya did not think that she missed the living male flesh so much.

Just do not submit the form, otherwise everything will be reduced to a primitive "stuck, pulled out." Though she missed you, she went to all this for the sake of a careless person ... Well, she used to say that!

The man pressed his lips to the substituted flexible neck. The smell of her body, her hair was dizzy - and he began to kiss her face, neck, like a madman .... Read more →

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