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She could not tolerate such men! Brutal male who, as they say, “fucks everything that moves, and if it does not move, it moves and fucks too”! He loves only his beloved, and considers all women to be whores, differing only in the degree of accessibility.

Andrew, her colleague, was just that. Therefore, they often argued and discussed various topics - and never came to an unequivocal conclusion.

Maybe that's from such narcissistic egoists Tanya and moved into a non-standard relationship. Never before thinking of carnal love for another woman, she once noticed an unusual attitude towards her of her friend Lena. And asked directly. She admitted that she was in love with her. Tanya did not immediately believe and looked at her friend with a smile. Do not you say! They know each other so much, and both were always heterosexual ... And when Lena tried to kiss her on the lips, she jumped up, screamed, even burst into tears - and ran away. Then she believed that she had lost a girlfriend.

But soon Tanya broke up with another guy. About whom she thought in the first place - about her friend. And just came to her to talk, taking with her a bottle of whiskey and a carbonated American drink. They got drunk, discussing the perennial babskuyu theme about the men-goats, and decided to try ... to love each other. They liked it. For the past year they have been together.

Now Tanya believed that she did not need men. And, looking at a similar individual of the male sex, like Andrei, she became more and more affirmed in her opinion. And what can he give a woman? Deep blowjob and hard fuck? I am begging you! As if a woman would not live without it ... Live, even as she lives. And without that in sex there is a lot of interesting ...

This was a frequent topic for discussion between Tania and Andrey on boring working days. Other employees joined their conversation, having fun and making fun of the serious faces of the debaters. Those arguing hotly, sometimes becoming personal, and always remained with their opinions.

Soon they no longer took their differences seriously. Anyway, you can’t prove anything to the opposite side! It became their fun. They could not even live a day, so as not to argue about anything, even about the very little things.

So imperceptibly, they can be said to have become friends. We felt some need for daily discussion. They knew about each other more than many relatives, and asked for advice in difficult life situations.

They went together to the gym after work. Today they left the office together.

- Well, what are you loaded today? - friendly pushed shoulder Tanya man. - Again, is there another chick you got? ... How is it ... Katya? Masha? - wondered Tanya, although perfectly remembered the name of the current passion of Andrew.

- Sveta...

- Oh, yes, Sveta! The star ... of the very ... - the man flashed his eyes with displeasure at the girl, and she laughed. - Come on, what are you? He himself said that he was sucking like a vacuum cleaner ... - and laughter again.

- Stop it! - Andrew turned away, straightening his sports bag on his shoulder. Wrinkle ran between the eyebrows and immediately disappeared. He grinned.

“Okay, okay, tell me what happened? ...” she grabbed him by the elbow. - Just let's run to the store. I need to buy whiskey, candles, all that ...

- Romantic today? - grinned man.

- Yeah, a year together ... - they entered the supermarket. - Say, what have you got?

- Yes, I do not know - shrugged. - Something unhappy lately ...

“Not good enough ...?” His gaze made her laugh again. - Well, what?

- Everything is fine with the fuck! Every day and not once ...

- Well, okay! You feel good ... And she?

Andrei stared at her in bewilderment. She grinned, his eyes said: “Well, everything is clear with you!” Only now it was not clear to him.

- Maybe she wants to get married? - the man gave a guess.

- Yes you in your mind? You're nothing with her, just over two months. You do not know women at all! - Tanya waved her hand.- You really do not do anything out of us! So maybe she learned about your “left” women?

“Nooo,” he drawled with a smile. From just his smile, probably some girls were ready to jump into his bed.

They bought the necessary and left the store. In the next high-rise building there was a fitness club, where the couple headed.

Tanya played the phone. She pulled it out, smiled. She called Lena.

- Sorry ... Let's chat after a workout? - and took the call. Andrei nodded.

Together they climbed to the tenth floor, where the fitness club was located, and went to the locker rooms.

After classes, Andrei waited for Tanya near the exit from the hall. She came out last.

- You're long...

- Was taking a shower.

- Here you are a duck! I was in the shower too, but I have been waiting for you for about twenty minutes. Already all gone! - Andrew called the elevator.

“Well, don't grumble,” she grinned. “I'm going to a romantic, if you remember.” I will have no time, other plans are full ...

“Just don’t dedicate me to them,” Andrew grimaced, still smiling cheerfully.

- Dreaming! - poked him in the shoulder, laughing. The man, trying to dodge sharp cams, ran in at the right time approached elevator. - You learn and learn this ... But why? You goof, I'm sure you only think about your pleasure ...

- Not understood. Are you talking about me now? - portraying the severity, he said menacingly.

Suddenly the light blinked and went out. The elevator rose abruptly.

- Do you understand that? - Tanya said puzzled, clutching at the hand of the interlocutor. She was seriously scared: she had never in her life ever been stuck in an elevator.

The dim light of the emergency lamps came on - and Andrew saw the girl's eyes wide open with fear. He pulled her toward him, stroking her back.

- Do not worry, now we will understand ... - He pulled out the phone to call. I dialed the number of the rescue service. A pleasant female voice greeted him and ... tadam! The phone shrank and turned off. - Damn it! Sat down ...

- What?! - the girl recoiled and immediately rushed to the communication button with the operator, started screaming and explaining the situation, but the connection did not work. No one answered her.

- Apparently, some kind of accident ... Cut down the electricity, - suggested Andrei. - And your phone?

- Yes, he sat back when I chatted with Lenka, - Tanya whimpered. - Fucking smartphones, charging a maximum of a day is enough ...

- We need less gab ...

- It is necessary to sit on the Internet less! - retorted Tanya.

“Okay, don't worry.” We are still in a large office building, the problem will soon be fixed, and we will quietly get out ... - he hugged her again, trying to soothe the agitated girl. Not appreciated, burst out.

- You, too, probably, fantasies leaped, male! She frowned. - Together with a girl in a confined space ...

“To be honest, before you said it was not ...” he lightly slapped her on the pope. Her ass was - a sight for sore, just like Andrew liked - round, elastic. But, as they say, “not about your honor”! Tanya gave him a withering look. - Are you scared or what?

And he is still having fun! Tanya turned away, tried to pull herself together.

“Okay, I'm sorry ... I'm just scared,” she turned around, tried to smile. - Never before with me was this! Damn, and the evening down the drain ... Lenka will survive.

- It is necessary to abstract. Let's talk on neutral topics. Well we are able to argue with you, so time flies by… - Andrei suggested, smiling. The girl smiled in response. Fright retreated into the background.

- Good. What were we talking about there? - the girl threw her backpack on the floor and sat on it. Andrei followed her example, sitting next to his sports bag.

- What I think only about my pleasure ...

- Oh, yes, sex, sex ... You just turned on sex! That's what you lack in the Light? - glanced, slightly frowning. Apparently, now there will be edifying speeches. Andrew smiled his most gorgeous smile. But Tanya did not soften, still serious ...

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