1. Chapters from the novel "The First Woman". Chapters one and two
  2. Chapters from the novel "The First Woman". Chapters three and five
  3. Chapters from the novel "The First Woman". Chapters six to nine
  4. The first woman. Chapter Ten: Second Week (Monday)
  5. The first woman. Chapter Eleven: Second Week (Monday). Ending

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and scour the grass around the stumps with lurking mushrooms.


- It is necessary to throw off the ruble and buy a kettle, tea and sugar. In the evening we will drink tea.

- And I love with milk.

- Milk can be taken from the village.

- Better to take in the dining room.

- Let's decide with the dining room! - George intervened.

- And what to decide! Pay by yourself! And then they count.

- All for?

- Everything! - summed up Lyubaha.

Lyuba raised money - Men, who with me will go to the store? Chief?

- I'll go! - Valera got out of bed and began to put shoes on.

- I, too! - said Vitaly.

George lay down on the bed and immediately fell into a dream.


At six o'clock we also went for dinner in two groups.

Drivers, tired of the road, slept in his room.

Vadim repaired the tiles, and they put the water in the kettle.

When the kettle boiled, it turned out that there was nothing to brew tea in!

- It was necessary to buy a teapot! - Lyuba caught herself.

- Teapot buy tomorrow. And today we will brew right in the kettle - suggested Valera.

- How many spoons to pour? - Lyuba asked, turning to all at once.

- For each one teaspoon - suggested Valera.

- I'm four, I love strong! - said Vova.

- Let's do this, brew eight spoons and pour tea in cups. And Vova, then, will add three more spoons to the teapot - Valera again suggested.

Vova agreed.


At eight o'clock in the evening it began to get dark.

Andrei came in and asked - Guys, can you warm the water in your kettle? Or maybe you have tea? - he smiled.

- Yes, warm! Water is not a pity. And then return the tea. Two packs! - laughing, said Vadim, handing Andrei a pack of thirty-sixth.

Girls and Alla came out of their room.

- We are in the toilet. Chief, will you accompany us?

- Can I? - Vadim raised his hand.

- Not! We trust only the boss. Already checked - Lyuba and Alla smiled.

The toilet was behind the barn.

George stood at the barn, and the women, in turn, went to the toilet.

- It is necessary to ask bleach, well, and stinks! Chief, and you will not go? We will go far away - Lyubaha had a playful mood.

He went to the toilet.

Together they came to the washstand and rinsed their hands. When they came to the house, Alla stopped - I will stand on the street ... will you stay with me?

Lyuba and Tanya went into the house.

Alla took his arm - Let's go ...

- I saw you several times at the institute.

- Where?

- In the second laboratory, when you worked in the brigade of Mikhalchuk. We doubled the insulation of air ducts on your site.

- I did not see you

- Katya and I worked in the pipe, and outside was Lucy.

Lucy, George remembered.

- This is that Lucy, that swearing like a shoemaker?

- Well, yes, coarse. But swears only in the case.

- I do not know how to do? But the master, once, the wing of a selective mat!

- This is probably the time when we spent an hour without a sealant. We even took a nap with Katerina in the tube. We worked in coveralls and with muzzles, so that even if he saw me in the pipe, I would not recognize!

It was cool and Alla, wearing a jacket and jeans, pressed against George.

- And then you were transferred. I asked the men from the brigade, and they - fell in love, or what, Alla?

- Well, in love! What do you care?

- I was transferred to the tenth lab, an engineer. I already studied at the fifth year.


After the army, he settled in the scientific research institute, a team of fitters.

He worked and studied at the evening.

Here he met and became friends with Slava.

Both recently served in the army. Both are rustic. And they studied at the same institute. Only Slavka in absentia. They even lived in one room, in a hostel. True, Slavka, resigned from the institute and went to shabashniki.


“Kolya said to me.”

George grinned, remembering Nicholas.

- Yes, joker.He always made us laugh when he helped us - Alla smiled too.

- He told us a joke about Lake Onega. Oh! Katyukha and I laughed ... to tears!

- You did not hear? He did not tell?

Kohl told. But George wanted to listen to Alla tell, and he answered - No.

And Alla told, making pressure on aboutABOUTon days aboutbhaboutfor aboutgodfatheraboutSTI ABOUTnezhskaboutgabout lakes abouttets ABOUTnuthri aboutfound aboutbared ABOUTlgu. ABOUTgo ahead ABOUTlga aboutsaboutlaboutchu! ABOUTbared ABOUTlga abouttold abouttzu ABOUTnuthria ABOUTgo ahead ABOUTlga aboutsaboutlaboutchu !! ABOUTbared ABOUTlga abouttold abouttzu ABOUTnuthria ABOUTgo ahead ABOUTlga aboutsaboutlaboutchu !!! ABOUTbared ABOUTlga aboutwas thrown abouttzu ABOUTnuthria ABOUTtets ABOUTnuthri aboutbmanool ABOUTlgu. ABOUTlga abouttkusila abouttzu ABOUTNuthri aboutkayan abouttraboutstaboutto.

Alla laughed, imagining how ABOUTlga aboutbites aboutkayan abouttraboutstaboutto.

George smiled.

- You didn't even laugh! Oh! And we, the simple ones, laughed ...

- I Kohl once laugh. He could not calm down for several days

George grinned, remembering.

- Kohl is easy to laugh, but so a few days? What did you tell him?

George has already realized that it was not worth talking about it.

This is a ditty: rough, obscene - he hoped that Alla would not insist.

- You? Told obscene ditty? - her surprise was not feigned.

- You tell her to me? I wonder how you curse? I can not even imagine - Alla stopped.

- It seemed to me that you were so innocent, pure: shy, blushing.

- No, really? She looked straight into her eyes.

- I heard this ditty in the army. I'm not so innocent.

- And how old are you?

- Twenty-five ... coming soon.

- And I will soon be forty ... boy!

- Well, tell your obscene ditty!

- Alla, this is not my ditty ...

- Tell me!

I walked through the forest-clearing, found ... pussy with a hair, shaved my hair, and ate kunku, only the axle crunched...

- He, what ate?

- Sekil ... well ... the clitoris

- Fuuu! - she waved her hand - Fuu, how disgusting! I'm going to be sick...

George remembered what happened to Kolya when he sang a ditty to him.

It was the second working day in the brigade, when, after the army, he got into college.

We sat in the smoking room, during the break.

- Well, demob, tell me something funny about army life! Any joke?

Kohl looked at Slavka and George

- I love funny stories!

- There is a ditty - remembered George.

She was singing with a guitar one of demobels, originally from Karelia.

- Let's ditty! - agreed Nick, already smiling.

- I walked through the forest-glade,

Found pussy with a hair

He shaved his hair and ate it,

Only the axle has crunched!

Before George managed to finish the last line, Kolka rolled with laughter, clutching at his stomach.

George laughed, looking like Kolka laughs.

The rest, in the smoking room, also laughed, having infected Kolkina with laughter.

Laughing, having recovered his breath, and wiping his eyes, Kolka, with curled lips, ready to roll again, spoke, “Well, once more!” As there? - and began the first line.

The second said George, and the third and fourth, from memory, Kolka. But in the last line I could only utter - Only a sec ... - and rolled again, pinching the belly!

The rest of the break, he tried several times to utter a ditty completely, but he could not, each time rolling with laughter and clutching at his stomach.

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