My father, as promised, bought me a car for 18 years. Well, I did not waste time learning to drive, suffered the cries of instructors and fear in the exam. All this is for her, a white swallow, which stood at the entrance and whose keys fell on my palm. My father can afford to buy the only daughter a car, the more I did not ask, he offered.

The first month was hard, getting used to the frantic urban traffic was not easy. Yes, and it was terrible to scratch a new mazdochku. For that to get to the university and to the country to their parents has become much easier. The girls in the group were jealous, and the guys began to pester with a request to show what was under the hood. Fool, plans for this car, I had very different.

Having closed the session and finished the first course safely, I enjoyed the summer holidays with pleasure. Parents for the summer almost moved to the country and I was left to myself. Having chosen a sunny weekday so as not to stand in traffic jams, I rushed out of the city. My father installed me on the phone and taught me how to use the navigator, so I was not afraid to get lost on the way back when I drove out of the city on the highway.

Hour drive and the landscape was changed from the city to the village. Machines met less and less, more and more fields and small woods came across. I got a pointer with the name of the village and the number 8, yeah that means 8 kilometers to this village. I turned without hesitation. A few minutes later I saw a large field on which stood the tractor. Nearby were men lying on the grass, apparently they had a smoke break.

I stopped on the sidelines, everything was shaking inside, wouldn't I have the courage? I looked at myself in the mirror, makeup was fine, took a deep breath and got out of the car. As it is good that I put on ballet flats, it would be very uncomfortable to walk on the grass in heels. I was noticed and five men turned around and looked in my direction. Well, there was something to see. Eighteen year old girl, meter fifty-five, in a light sundress, thin and breasts of the first size. It looks like a girl, but with a specific purpose.

- Hello - I said hello, looking at the bare to the waist of the body, everyone was already over forty, simple village men, all with beer belly and with traces of alcoholic parties on their faces.

- Hello - several of them responded.

- Do not tell me I'm lost. How to get there (what the hell would you think of a name, I thought) to Tolmatovo? - The first thing that occurred to me was blushing, in the hope that there was no such settlement here.

- Tolmatovo? She did not hear - answered one of them.

They ate me with my eyes, how I adore it. Well, look I do not mind. Look at my tanned legs, on the nipples visible through the light material of the sundress, at my pretty face and plump lips, at my innocent blue-gray eyes. I, in turn, looked at them. It looked like they had lunch, on the ground a blanket was spread on which lay a snack and a couple of bottles of vodka. Their eyes were obviously heated by this very vodka. Well, it will be even easier for me.

- Do you have a drink? - I asked innocently.

The men began to fuss, a plastic cup was found, they splashed orange soda into it and handed it to me. I gently knelt on the edge of the blanket. At this time, they poured themselves another batch of vodka and clinking each other, and drank with me "for the good weather." Then they all lit up, I waited. They began to ask me what my name is, how old, where I come from. I gave the first name to my name, the age answered honestly, and on the trip I said that I was going to my grandmother.

Having drunk a couple of times, the men completely relaxed and looked at me no longer hiding their desires. I got up and said that it was time for me and they stormed for protesting. All jumped from the ground and began to persuade to stay for a little more. One of them, calling me a daughter, put his arm around his shoulders and said that I would brighten up their male loneliness.

- How long have you had this loneliness? - I asked playfully

- Yes, well, in our area there are no such beauties - said one of them.

Holding me by the shoulders did not let me go, but on the contrary, I pressed closer to me. From his naked torso came the smell of sweat, a strong male body.

- If only for old age, lastly to hold such a sweetheart on my knees - the one who was older than everyone had said.

I freed myself from the embrace and walked over and sat on his lap. He immediately brazenly grabbed my ass with his paws, and put the second one on his bare knees. All approvingly shouted and came closer, saying that they also need to pay attention. I jumped from knees to knees, feeling the rising members rest against my buttock. My hands were getting bolder, now I was pulled up by a sundress, exposing my narrow hips covered with translucent panties.

While I was sitting on the next knees, the men slowly surrounded us and I saw how their sports pants were bulging. Hands brazenly climbed under my sundress and began to crush the chest. They were obviously small for such paws, but he continued to squeeze them. I reached out to one of them and began to stroke the knoll on my pants. Under the hand felt a big lump. He pulled down his sweatpants and poured out a thick, hairy dick. Not very long, but thick.

The rest did the same, three more members of different sizes appeared. From 16 to 18 centimeters, but all quite thick and hairy, the village men were not accustomed to the razor. I took the first member in my hand and sent it to my mouth. Salty taste mixed with not very fresh smell costs, well, nothing, I suffer. The cock swelled, filling his mouth. Big hairy eggs tickled his chin. The arm of the one on which I sat got into the panties. I nibbled a shaved little pussy and lifted me from my knees, lifting my sundress to my head.

I was standing in the same shorts in front of five men, who got out and nadrachivali their dicks with dark red heads. I slowly took off my panties and threw it on a sundress. Their eyes widened. It is unlikely that they have ever seen a naked eighteen-year-old girl in their life, without a drop of excess fat (thanks to the fitness club!), With a girl’s naked pussy (thanks to laser hair removal!), With a small chest. They pawed, crumpled, pinched me all over, in a minute I was covered with red spots from their hands.

One of them took me by the arm and pushed me onto a blanket. Fell on top so that I barely spread her legs to fit. He spat on the hand, rubbed the drool on my pussy and put his hot dick in me. Not allowing to get used to the size, he began to thrust him into me. I gasped and scratched his back. Two minutes later, he wheezed out of my dick and poured my belly with thick, hot sperm. His place was taken by another, he took my sundress and wiped my stomach. Then he threw him aside and put a dick standing in me and began to fuck at a frantic speed.

I looked at the sundress and thought what was going to go home? He also finished on the stomach, but the streams of his sperm flew to my breasts. The third one did the same, wiped me with a sundress and lay down on me. His cock was the fattest and I could not hold back the moans, he filled the pussy and after a minute I was beaten in an orgasm. She came to herself when he had already finished, and he had finished on my opened pussy, dousing the opened lips.

- Well, what are you doing? Crap around here with his cum - one of those who waited their turn was indignant.

- Right now, podotrem - replied fucking me and again in the course went sundress.

Fourth in me, again five minutes and the sperm flies on my stomach and chest. Again, a sundress, wet and sticky, no longer wipes, but simply spreads thick seed on me. The fifth is suitable, but I get up on all fours, I have no strength to lie on my back, everything is numb. He busily embraces the ass with his hands and hollowed me for about five minutes, then he puffed and I felt a hot jet streaming through me. I began to break free.

- Come on Vova control - everyone laughed.

Jumping to his feet, I pushed him so that he fell on his side and his cock, still producing sperm, slapped him on the stomach.

- You moron? Why in me? - I screamed at him, wiping the flowing streams from my feet. They were laughing pulling on their underpants. Fools have taken advantage.

I picked up the panties and dress and went to the car. I could still hear the cackle behind my back when I got into the car naked in my panties. Turning, I rushed back. Somewhere along the way here I came across a river, it is necessary to rinse the sundress, and the swim itself. I drove back to the city and smiled, it still happened, though not for long, but I was full. It will be necessary to repeat.

1 comment
  • August 3, 2017 18:07

    Good trip


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