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What happened, Sasha did not understand. It seems to have just stood at the bus stop, and here ... COTTON! The road, the stop, the girl in the crimson dress ... everything was gone, and her eyes were covered in a dark veil.

He felt himself sitting on a metal surface. His thoughts spun wildly, thinking about what had happened. Where is he? It was very dark, and could only be moved by touch. Sasha got up and took a step forward. Hands stumbled on the wall. He felt it, and soon he realized that he was in a cylindrical room of metal.

So where is he? The answer lay on the surface: Aliens.

Any guy, at eighteen, likes to watch horror stories about aliens. Sasha was no exception. He watched X-files, read fantastic books ... And all that said was about one thing: experiments would be made on him. A diligent imagination immediately clarified the images of black-eyed egg-headed aliens cutting his skull ...

The guy panicked. From despair, he began to knock on the iron wall. Pounded ... Pounded ...

And suddenly he felt the air running out in his prison cell. The camera was sealed. And if so, soon he will have nothing to breathe.

Will he die?

Sasha sat down on the floor, and, in order not to waste oxygen, he breathed more slowly. But it did not help. After a minute, he felt that he was losing consciousness ...

And lost.

He woke up in a room. Sasha was lying on a soft bed, some tubes were attached to his chest. There was no one else in the ward. To his left was a device resembling an oscilloscope.

All this was very similar to the usual hospital room, but something was wrong here ... Firstly, there was no window, no lamp, but there was light. Secondly, the chamber was round. Thirdly, nowhere were there signs of any windows or doors.

"Damn, it's still aliens," the guy thought. And then he laughed. What are aliens? He's in the hospital. Probably, he lost consciousness from something, and he was brought here. And the dark camera is just a terrible dream. Although it is strange ... Sasha always differed in iron health, and from what he could lose consciousness at the bus stop, he did not understand. Maybe he was hit by a car? He felt himself - everything seemed to be whole ... Then what is he doing here? Then an invisible door opened before him, and a girl entered the chamber.

She was beautiful. In appearance, she was about seventeen. There was not a single gram of makeup on her face, which didn’t spoil at all, but rather, on the contrary, emphasized her beauty, creating a feeling of youth and innocence. Her straight black hair got to the very ... ass. White dressing gown barely covered slender legs, and a large chest and wanted to fall out of tight clothes.

- Well, how do we feel? She asked.

- Uh ... ok. - Sasha crumpled. The girl went to his bed and sat down next to her. She was so close that she touched his thigh with his ass. The guy felt that he was getting up ... Sasha was lying on his back, covered with one sheet, without panties, and immediately realized that if he got up, the girl would see it. He felt ashamed, and he tried to keep an erection with an effort of will, but animal lust took its own. Sasha felt her warmth through a thin fabric and, besides his will, imagined his hands climbing under a white robe and ...

“Well, if it's normal, you can turn it off.” - She said and began to disconnect the wiring from his chest. Her gentle fingers constantly touched his nipples. It seemed as if she did it on purpose ...

- What is your name? - he finally came up with something to say.

- Anya. - answered the girl and smiled affably.

- And me, Sasha.

- I know. - the girl disconnected the last posting and suddenly noticed a hillock on the sheet. She blushed, and immediately looked at the wall. Sasha was frightened that she would leave now, and tried to turn over onto his back, but Anya immediately grabbed his hand and said.

- Do not roll over!

- What? - Sasha asked.

- Do you understand ...- again the girl was embarrassed - now it is better for you not to move. - the guy was also embarrassed. One thought that Anya sees his swollen member, excited. He immediately remembered the stories about how nurses in the hospitals are lustful. But Anya looks so innocent ... It cannot be that she is fucked ten times a day by all sorts of cripples.

Cripples? But he himself? Why is he in the hospital?

- What happened with me? - he asked.

- It? It's just an erection ... - she answered even more embarrassed.

- Not! - interrupted Sasha. - What is my injury?

- Injury? You have no injury! We would know ... If you had an injury to you at all ... - the girl closed her mouth, as if blurted out something extra.

“But then why am I here?” In the hospital? - the girl wrinkled her forehead, and seriously said:

- Listen, now I will tell you where you are. It is unlikely that you will immediately believe, but sooner or later, you will understand everything ...

- What are you talking about? - scared Sasha.

- You're in a parallel world. She said sharply. The guy fell silent. He was kidnapped by ... foreigners. And this girl is just a robot, inside of which there is an egg-headed foreigner.

“Let me start from the very beginning ...” she continued. “Once upon a time, people were wondrous for a long time only in our, Venusian world. Then only dinosaurs lived on Earth. Our civilization has reached incredible heights. But once, about five thousand years ago, women from an extremist group like your “feminists” created a virus that destroyed male genes ...

- I'll die now? - smiled Sasha.

- No, of course not ... The virus does not kill men. It affects the female uterus by not allowing the ova to produce male hormones. Therefore, women of our world are not able to give birth to boys. So, five thousand years ago, the last of our men died. But our civilization has kept the sperm banks, and we continued our race for as many as three thousand years. But when they ran out ...

- You needed new ones. - Guess the guy.

- Yes, and we found them in your dimension. All of you, earthlings, descendants of our settlers. Your world was blocked five thousand years ago and no virus has penetrated it. Unfortunately, we cannot penetrate it, because every gram of our air contains a virus. Then you will perish, as we do. But we can watch you and kidnap men from time to time ... - for a moment the guy imagined such a picture.

Millions of women for one guy. The most unimaginable sexual fantasies began to wake up in it ... But this does not happen. Even aliens are more real than this ... Venus. Everything is much simpler - the nurse noticed his erection and joked! She just scoffs! Sasha clenched his fists for offense ... and laughed. He could not be angry at such a charming girl!

- Well, you give ... Invented. Venus, the planet of women ...

- You do not believe me?

- Are you taking me for an anxious psycho?

- No, I did not want to offend you ... I'm sorry if something is wrong.

- Forgive, forgive ... I liked the joke.

- Thank.

They briefly hesitated, not knowing what to say.

- And when do you have lunch? - at random asked Sasha.

- Hungry?

- A little bit. - here Sasha did not believe his eyes. The door instantly opened and a beautiful two girls entered with trays. They were like Anya and dressed in white robes. Their falling out breasts ... almost uncovered legs ... drove the guy crazy. And at the same time both beauties looked at the knob growing in his sheet.

- What wish? - asked the blue-eyed blonde of about twenty. She was slightly taller than Anya and had more breasts. Sasha almost blurted out in response: "You!"

- Uh ... And what is?

- There is a lobster, a Peking duck, cutlets in Kiev, orange juice, bananas, pineapples ...

- Bananas ... a bunch. - crumpled he answered. The second girl, red-haired, with curls, came up to him and took a bunch of bananas from a tray, put it on a table to the left of the bed. The guy remembered that there was no table there, but now he could no longer be sure of anything.

It can not be ordinary ...

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