1. Flight Earth - Jupiter. Part 1
  2. Flight Earth - Jupiter. Part 2
  3. Flight Earth - Jupiter. Part 3
  4. Flight Earth - Jupiter. Part 4
  5. Flight Earth - Jupiter. Rainbow feature. Part 1
  6. Flight Earth - Jupiter. Rainbow feature. Part 2

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Masha quietly slipped into the cabin and lay down next to Sveta, turning her back. Even without seeing her friend, Svetlana understood that negotiations with the captain were terrible. But Masha always tried to survive her own problems and even now she didn’t want to share ... But Sveta wanted to share any pain. Therefore, the blonde girl silently turned to her friend and hugged her from behind.

Masha sobbed softly and Svetlana's heart was filled with bitterness ... She never saw her crying friend. Even when they were informed about the future cleansing, she did not cry, but looked for a way out ...

“I'm such a fool ...” Masha whispered.

- He ... He made you? - quietly asked Light.

- No ... I myself ... Light, I was wrong. - Brushing her friend's hand to her heart answered the brunette.

- Do not worry, I will always be there. You saw those of his films. On the colonies we will be free. You may have to suffer, accumulating start-up capital ... But we will overcome everything and forget this monster like a bad dream.

- Light, he does not ...

- Masha, tomorrow I will go instead of you!

- No, do not ...

- I have to share with you all the adversity. - firmly answered blonde - Do not you dare to protect me more than I want.

“No, we don't owe him anything else.”

- You ... Masha, what did you do to satisfy him? Don't tell me you sold your organs ...

- Not. What a stupid horror story you remembered?

- Well, that they kidnap people and cut out the kidneys ... - Light was embarrassed.

- Lord, it's over no! - Masha was indignant.

- But something was the same?

- It was just sex.

- And he hurt you?

- Not. All was good. - embarrassed answered brunette.

- It does not seem that you feel good! - the girlfriend objected.

- Not. Just something went wrong. And I do not understand what ...

- What is it that women do not excite?

- No! Light, let me figure it out. You are welcome! - Masha rolled irritation.

- Ok, I'm sorry.

- Let's sleep. The morning is wiser than the evening...

<Papa Carlo. Wotan to Kosyachny. Alex:


This is really news! I quickly went through the network here - the last time it happened eighteen years ago. At the expense of the initial finances, the “hares” need not worry - the guys from the trade union have unearthed the old tradition of “integration assistance”, so they will have enough money for the original housing and implants. However, you will have to go through quarantine - biologists fear new virus strains from the planet. Yes, we have not been taken for a long time by ordinary viruses, but still ... At the expense of the inquisitor, do not worry - Vitaly, the captain of the “Deadly Berry”, recognized him. This is the fifth son of the third Patriarch, he has no big rights. And yet, among earthlings, morals are very different from ours. What is normal for colonies may be unacceptable for them and vice versa. In addition, you are of different sexes, and among earthlings, intergender relations are very different from intragender ones. I know a former hare, he can help with advice in a difficult situation. Contact is attached.





1 item>


Alex read the guide compiled by Valery Leontiev, an earthly technician who was placed on a colony forty years ago. Read and plunged into depression.

Now the guy understood why Masha came to him in the shower. His usual phrase, “drive to work,” was perceived as an attitude toward sexual violence. Judging by the guide, being on his ship the girls felt like powerless victims. And sacrifice manifested itself through sex. But for the free people of the colony, sex was a manifestation of affection, friendship or sympathy, but by no means violence. That is why Alex was so easily mistaken when he accepted sacrificial rape for mutual passion. The very idea of ​​violent sexual contact was disgusting to him ...And even more disgusting was the fact that he himself unwittingly pushed the girls to this.

The guy could not bring himself to return to the cabin and went to bed on the lodgement in the wheelhouse.

Sveta no longer understand what is happening with the captain. Already for the fifth day, Alex communicated with them only with short messages through the ship’s internal network, dryly answered technical questions and avoided personal contact. The three of them didn’t have to get stuck together on the same bed - the guy always slept in the closed wheelhouse and went out only for eating, sports exercises and swimming. And he came out only when the girls were sleeping. "Training the customs of the colonies" frightening strictly educated girls, they did not wait.

On the first day, Alex seemed to be a kind of pervert tyrant who would fuck them for the entire flight, threatening to be thrown out of the ship for refusal. Now the girls saw a very tactful attitude in the correspondence and ignoring in other areas of life. As if the captain, from whom they were completely dependent, was afraid. Life experience told Sveta that this would not end well with anything - the pent-up feelings of the male would sooner or later find a way out, and what he would do in this case was impossible to predict. This is a scarecrow.

Equally frightening changes occurred with Masha. A cheerful mood “we will overcome everything, we will win all” changed to an incomprehensible self-digging. The girl blamed herself for something she didn’t want to talk about. The only time Sveta saw her friend in such a state when she forcedly broke off relations with Ivan. The young dispatcher was very hard going through the gap and this brought Masha suffering.

But if Ivan had not covered their flight, they would have already burned in a cleansing flame ... I wanted to believe that he was doing well.

Masha in general was very kind and causing other people pain was stress for her. But Sveta couldn’t imagine how a pervert could hurt, trying to undress the girls an hour after the meeting. The very same friend as usual did not want to say anything.

However, the prevailing quiet conflict had to be somehow resolved. Sveta had only one way to find out the reason for what was happening.

Mash breathing indicated a transition to a slow sleep phase. Sveta carefully threw off her friend's hand and slipped out of the cabin.

In the residential module only eleven rooms. Cabin, four residential cabins, kitchen-mess-room, gym, shower, toilet, warehouse-workshop and gateway. The torn red thread on the cabin door indicated that the pervert captain had gone out. The shifted blue thread on the gym door indicated that he had gone inside.

Sveta thought for a moment, taking a desperate step, and unbuttoned her bra. The garment fell slowly to the floor. Then the lace panties slid over the thighs and joined the bra. Perhaps it was stupid, but the girl hoped that if she and Alex were dressed according to colonial traditions, the conversation would go better. If this dirty animal is still overexcited and lashes out ... well, it will not lose anything from a rape from a girl.

The door quietly slid to the side and Sveta saw the muscular back of the guy stretching the spring thrust.

“Hello ...” the girl said. The guy flinched, released the spring and turned to her.

- Hello. - dryly answered the guy and looked away. There was silence ...

- And I ... I'm trying a new form of clothes here. - tightly smiled girl.

- It's good. - glance guy slid on the chiseled figure and again went to the side.

- You ... How are you? - the conversation did not stick and Sveta tried desperately to come up with a question that could take the guy out of an indifferent state.

- Good. - again a dry answer.

- Ah ... Do you remember you saying that we will sleep three of us?

- Yes. Sorry, I did it without thinking.

- Well, for what to apologize ... You still probably are not comfortable in the wheelhouse ... - Sveta blushed, realizing that her words from the outside look like a tatting into bed.

“You owe me nothing!” - the guy said sharply - My words about working off the passage were not correctly understood. I'm sorry that you ...you find yourself sexually addicted. Having entered on my ship you did not undertake any obligations. I ...

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