1. New stage of family life. Part 1
  2. New stage of family life. Part 2
  3. New stage of family life. Part 3
  4. New stage of family life. Part 4
  5. New stage of family life. Part 5
  6. New stage of family life. Part 6
  7. New stage of family life. Part 7
  8. New stage of family life. Part 8
  9. New stage of family life. Part 9

Marina came in confusion, deep breathing and crimson cheeks betrayed her excitement. She needed to sit down and calm down a little and, to her happiness, Sergey went to the men's room.

- Is it possible? - I thought Marina, - to persuade Sergey, what would he allow me to sleep with another? Yes, and in his eyes?

She remembered the scenes from the Internet, where a man watched his wife or girlfriend having sex with another and not only watched, but helped her to have fun. Marina understood that the commercials were staged, but she still enjoyed watching how a woman gave herself to her lover with great dignity and accepted his seed. And allegedly her husband, always with a very small member, patiently waits for the completion of the act, so that his lips will fall on her pussy. These scenes were very exciting, but she could not even imagine in her mind that such a thing could happen to her and Sergei, especially since another, practically unfamiliar man would offer her to cheat on her husband.

“No, this is not a betrayal,” she immediately mentally pulled herself up.

- Seryozhka would know about it and would be next to me.

“I will fuck you in Sergey’s arms,” Marina suddenly recalled Dmitry’s words, “and we will agree with my husband ...”. Marina took a gulp of wine and held her breath to calm down.

What was happening at the wedding was unusual, the attention of another man, a frank flirtation with the connivance of her husband ... Marina mentally smiled, she was very grateful to her husband for his uncertainty.

“Yes, and Seryozhek also likes this whole game very much,” thought Marina, “but what will all this lead to?”

- Eh, if all that Dmitri could have said could come true ... I, Seryozhka and ... and, - Marina faltered, not knowing what to call Dmitry, - and ... my lover is in the same bed, sex with permission and the eyes of her husband.

- But certainly no betrayal, neither today nor in the future, - Marina decided mentally, - only if with her beloved.

Sergey at this time standing in the booth, tried to erase the traces of his discomfiture. Even after the sudden final in the pants, the excitement did not completely leave him. Other people's hands, clutching the ass of his wife, fingers, almost reaching the crotch, deep kisses, all this stood before the eyes of Sergei. Excitement and jealousy fought among themselves, and no one was about to give up. And he was also ashamed, ashamed that Olga, a friend of his wife, saw this dance and a barely noticeable smile hid in her eyes when she glanced at Sergei.

- Probably, it’s time to finish it all, - Sergey did not think very decisively, - and even then it was all over.

He suddenly imagined Dmitri unzipping the dress of his wife, and it falls at her feet. And then she herself, slightly bending down, takes off her panties and remains in her shoes and bra ... The member, squeezed in his hand, immediately reacted and immediately pushed him back to himself. Sergey quickly fastened his pants and tried to drive away these thoughts, which honestly turned out badly. He returned and sat down next to the table, absently taking his wife by the hand.

- Serge, are you all right? - Marina asked.

Sergey just smiled and nodded in response, all his determination remained in the toilet. Marina mentally decided the fate of her panties. It would be correct to say that their fate had already been decided and not at all in their favor, but now she thought how her husband would react to this. Deciding that it was too early to talk to him about this, she headed to the women's room. With a sinking heart, Marina pulled herself off, as Dmitri put it, an extra piece of her toilet and put it in her purse.

“Though she’s ready now,” she thought, running her fingers over slightly swollen lips and was immediately frightened by her thoughts.For a while she stood in indecision until, through closed doors, she heard the presenter announce the last slow dance and remind of the club. Taking a deep breath and critically examining herself in the mirror, she nevertheless decided, and after adjusting her hair, she headed into the twilight of the hall. Dmitry, intercepted her halfway to the table and with a smile, invited to the dance.

In a state of premonition, Marina followed Dmitri to the center of the crowd of dancing couples, holding his hand. Stopping, Dmitri turned around, and by inertia she was in his arms. The pair immediately merged into a kiss, the man’s tongue had already without any ceremony spread the supple lips of Marina, and she immediately joined the game, losing control of her breathing. After a few moments, looking up from the sweet lips of someone else's wife, Dmitry slowly led Marina in the dance. The hand without any constraint slipped well below the waist, barely lingering to check for panties and once again began to explore her ass. Slow music and leisurely touch of a man to her body through the thin fabric of the dress were so pleasant that Marina, having closed her eyes, completely surrendered to the feelings that captured her, clinging even more to the man.

- Does Sergey already know? - suddenly came the voice of Dmitry.

Marina looked at him questioningly. Dmitry smiled and squeezed her ass a little harder.

- What is his wife now without panties? What did you shoot them for me?

“Not yet,” said Marina quietly.

“That's good, for now he has enough of what he sees, and then we will surely ask him to take them off you.”

After a short pause, Dmitry continued

- The club is still very early, now we will go to my place for a bit of rest, so that we can continue with new forces. Yes, and Sergei need to relax a little, after all he saw. And in the evening we will all get to know each other closer ... - Dmitri ended ambiguously and put his lips on Marina's lips.

- Show Sergey that you do not have panties when we get home.

- But Seryozhka, and if he gets angry?

- Do not worry, I see how he likes it all, and jealousy and arousal is a very sweet cocktail. Take off your dress at home in front of him and immediately ask him to undress. Let him first take off all his clothes, and then immediately satisfy him with his hand. Sergey is not decisive and he likes it when you set the tone for Marinochka. Therefore, be persistent and do not stand with him when we arrive. Affectionately and gently will be later, but now it is necessary quickly and roughly. Strongly squeeze a member and move your pen very quickly until he finishes, so that Sergey would even hurt a little. If he says something about the lack of panties, then squeeze the cam even more ...

Marina raised her head and looked directly into Dmitry's eyes, gathering her thoughts to ask a question.

“Yes, Marinochka,” Dmitri beat her up, “the husband must be obedient and then everything will be fine.”

- And by the way, I really hope that in the evening there will be no panties, and be sure to tell your husband about it.

- put it before the fact, - smiled Dmitry and gently touched his lips to her lips.

- And now there will be a second dance, give it to your husband, and for the time being I will order a taxi.

Sergey, sitting at the table, tried to see his dancing wife in the crowd. It was dark on the dance floor, and the moving couples strongly interfered with the view, so the imagination drew to him quite frank pictures. Finally, when he saw his wife holding hands with Dmitry, he sighed with relief. Farewell halfway the couple broke up, Marina ran to the table and grabbed Sergei dragged him to dance. Already in the dance, she strongly pressed herself against her husband and smacked him several times on the cheek, and then on the lips she tried to assess the situation. What Dmitry said to her was not a surprise for her, she had long understood that Sergei, and she, too, liked it when she commanded her husband in bed.

- Well, well, if Shackle will not mind, then ...

“I love you, my good one,” she whispered to her husband and, with a kiss, laid her head on his shoulder.

  • June 26, 2016 21:30

    Excellent continuation. Not too smart, but in the right direction. Read very realistic. The final, I think, is just around the corner. Really looking forward to.


    • Rating: 3
  • June 26, 2016 23:15

    Yes, the continuation of a realistic, only very short)


    • Rating: 1
  • I (a guest)
    June 27, 2016 12:31

    to retire read


    • Rating: 0
  • June 27, 2016 12:58

    So write yourself, all with pleasure. including me, revered.


    • Rating: 2
  • Dt (a guest)
    June 28, 2016 11:14

    On the whole, it is good, but, to be honest, more was expected from such a pause in time.
    You can write anything yourself, but it will not be in style :) Everyone expects from you.


    • Rating: 0
  • June 27, 2016 16:37

    Little pisyunchik now no longer get up without jealousy)


    • Rating: -1
  • June 27, 2016 17:32

    At this point, how it goes, all thoughts on the continuation of the plot are welcome, so that you are welcome with ideas


    • Rating: 0
  • June 27, 2016 19:13

    I do not understand such high marks. I thought with a sinful deed that in a month it was possible to compose a little more. And what we see. Pathetic page with a description of what was so clear. In the last part, Dmitry ordered Marina to take off his underpants. In this part, she took them off. And that's all. What is there to evaluate? Dear Author, since you have so little time, do a favor, write a normal continuation, even if it takes half a year. And then lay out, but it seems that you yourself do not know what to write about. Or let Dmitri fuck Marina in front of her husband or not, it does not matter, and finish this story, to hell with him, with the year.
    With respect to you, your reader.
    P.S. And my husband is very pitiful, causes only disgust.


    • Rating: 2
  • June 28, 2016 15:42

    Very short, and something I do not see much enthusiasm on the part of her husband.


    • Rating: 1
  • June 28, 2016 21:52

    As always, great !!! Thanks to the author and we are waiting for the continuation of course !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • June 29, 2016 12:39

    This part is approximately the same in volume as the previous parts. Each part is a separate scene, well, I do not have the opportunity to write novels. And the meaning of his writing year? what would then put a bunch of pages that will not read? With a small amount, at least some feedback is available, according to estimates and reviews you can understand whether readers like my writings or not. And if you don’t like it, then why write further, much less? To whom it seems that I am writing a little, try to write it yourself (this applies to readers, I think that the one who tried to write understands me), I read with great pleasure. I also like to read very much, only this topic is not updated as often as I would like, and it is because of this that I try to write. And once again, I’ll be happy to hear all the suggestions for the further scenario and characters of the characters, let's write the story together.


    • Rating: 1
  • June 29, 2016 15:34

    The most good series, this series in 4 series. And in your eighth, she only took off her panties. TIGHTENED !!! Therefore, the critics went more. An interesting story gradually goes to "Santa Barbara".


    • Rating: 0
  • June 29, 2016 4:49 PM

    Someone and Santa Barbara looked with pleasure, for example I like to read multivolume stories, and someone enjoys a collection of stories. Well, I will finish with the ninth part of this series, I will crumple everything up at the end and he will fuck her fast, so what? There are readers who need not only the finals, but also a very slow development of events. And like you say "serials" unfortunately very, very few.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 1, 2016 17:51

    Yes, the whole problem is not that long, but that it is already clear how it will all end. At the beginning I thought that the story would be about the corruption of a couple, and then they would be pushed for all grave sins. And by the sixth part everything fell into “their” places. Gum! No offense.


    • Rating: 0
  • Reader (a guest)
    July 1, 2016 6:48

    The author subtly feels the topic. I hope for a deep sequel. Full integration of Dmitry in the family, Marina’s pregnancy from her lover, complete subordination of her husband.


    • Rating: 0
  • Shlyapych (a guest)
    July 4, 2016 14:57

    I stopped waiting for new parts after the 6th. The art style is very good. Read in one breath. But a break in the month between the parts does not make any continuation interesting. The plot is all wonderful, the style of presentation is beautiful. But wait a month for a new part, for the sake of 3 minutes of reading ... I don’t wait for the new parts, but I’m happy to read them as they come out.


    • Rating: 0
  • ivanov8219 (a guest)
    July 18, 2016 4:00 pm

    dear author, when will the next part?


    • Rating: 0
  • July 19, 2016 0:18

    Until the end of the week will be


    • Rating: 1
  • July 20, 2016 8:41

    Are looking forward to!!!


    • Rating: 0
  • July 28, 2016 1:23

    not that word))


    • Rating: 0
  • July 31, 2016 17:01

    I read the reviews ... The author writes very well, which is small and long - everyone has his own business, and this is just a hobby) And yes ... small in size - it is easier to write) I wrote the first part of the story on 6 pages, the second one on 16 ... and the third is even more ... in the end I wrote it in half and abandoned) Because there is no desire to continue) So volume is not always good;)


    • Rating: 1
  • Midas (a guest)
    August 2, 2016 8:24

    It is a pity that there will be no continuation. Maybe at least hint at some things left overs. For example, when Vika and Dmitry first slept together, was there anything before: petinog, oral sex? When did Vika find out about Olga and Andrew? How quickly did she agree to treason and what did Dmitry do for this? How seduced? In fact, I want to understand: did you plan to make her a victim of a seducer, or was she a slut, as Dmitry called her? Very interesting, what was in the room the second night and in the morning (there was an unexplained creak)? What was in the water park behind the scenes? I am on the story page detailing these situations, but I would like to know all the same vision of the author-creator. If there is time and desire, then comment. thank


    • Rating: 0
  • cat scientist (a guest)
    August 1, 2016 18:13

    Dear author when will be continued.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 2, 2016 11:26

    I clarified, the author is on vacation, the sequel will be - as he returns.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 3, 2016 10:01 PM

    Do you plan to continue your story? ;-) Very many people on the site would love to know.


    • Rating: 0
  • All (a guest)
    August 4, 2016 3:21

    You're on vacation? :) Or talking about Kmara?
    We hope we said about ourselves and we’d see soon from work to work days and at the same time add Wiki history ...;)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 4, 2016 16:38

    About Kmara)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 4, 2016 17:04

    And the story of Wiki?


    • Rating: 0
  • August 7, 2016 4:44

    New part on check


    • Rating: 0

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