1. Dragon Apartments. Part 1
  2. Dragon Apartments. Part 2
  3. Fortress Orange Dragons. Part 1
  4. Fortress Orange Dragons. Part 2
  5. Fortress Orange Dragons. Part 3
  6. Cinema: The Visitors
  7. Movie: Dragon and his girlfriend

I saw an unambiguous picture in front of me: As was sitting on a chair, with his tongue hanging out and breathing heavily, and Medica was standing in front of him, bare-breasted. Since I saw everything in the keyhole, I did not ask to say what happened here. Yes, and Asa moans will not hear just completely deaf.

- Well, and how is he? - as if not knowing what happened here, I asked, - I hope the forecast is comforting?

“You know, not really,” Medica answered, continuing to lick her lips, on which a couple of drops of semen were left, “but if you think so, he has the potential to repeat it all.”

When it came to repeating, I noticed that Aus came to himself abruptly, and began to frantically search for his tights, and at the same time to get out of the ropes. But, either the strength was not enough, or the priority was on the trousers, Ace was never able to get out. He only sighed from hopelessness and spread his legs wider. I saw something white flowing from his vagina (if you can call it that), and a great idea came to my mind. Medica slowly began to take off all the rest of her clothes. When she took off her pants, I noticed how much more competition Medica could make to my wife. Her ass so beckoned, and made me undress, just to fill it to the brim.

Nobody paid me any attention until my pants fell to the floor, and did not announce themselves with the sound of fallen keys, wallet and MultiTool. Medica turned around and looked at the pants first, and then at me. She drew attention to my pants, namely, where was my dick. There was seen a rather big bump, which was about to break linen, but this did not happen. The girl (the female, if it is more convenient for you), with one glance made it clear that "the same thing awaits you as Asa." I took off the remnants of clothes, Medica came up to me, sat down and began to give me a blowjob. I was not particularly excited by oral sex, so I waited until the girl had enough of my dick, then took it out of her mouth (after that, she persistently tried to take it back), raised it from her knees, moved her fingers over her nipples. She shuddered, as if in her place was a demon (not those demons in hell), and brought my head closer to her forms. I hugged her (and, meanwhile, “entered” into her at full length), buried her in the chest, thus arousing her even more.

Ac watched all this and realized that they had forgotten about him. But, this was not the case. I remembered Asa, so when Medica was already moaning with pleasure, I slowly put her on Asa, and right on his penis. Now it was impossible for me to approach her from behind, and even if I had unfolded her, she would be uncomfortable, so I had to fuck her into a vagina. Medica bit her lip, as it had two holes at once. She then closed her eyes, then pulled her paw (hand) to the clitoris, then stroked her nipples, which made her get even more excited, and began to move actively, exciting, while Asa.

Then something strange happened. The doctor was already moaning less, but she continued to stroke her nipples, and behind her back came very loud moans, moreover, with a male tone. And then I realized - I began to fuck Asa right in his vagina. He was becoming more excited, as evidenced by the increasing rate of anal sex Doctors and Asa. Soon, I decided to accelerate the pace, too, why the chair began to shake. The tension grew, the chair had already become like a vibrator, and, finally, Aus triumphantly and sharply drove his dick into the butt of Doctors as much as the size allowed. Medica herself has not finished yet, and so have I. I transferred the member to the vagina of Physicians and began to finish the job. Al was just lying on the chair, with the hope that this nightmare would end soon.

Medica, from overexcitement, was already breathing heavily.I also began to get tired of all this, so I sharply accelerated and, voila, the culmination of our entire orgy. Then the chair could not stand it, and the three of us fell to the floor: Medica on Asa, I on Medica, and we all moan. Ace, feeling freedom, threw us off, quickly dressed and ran away - only he was seen. We calmly got up, put ourselves in order (Or rather, I was already dressed, and Medica continued to eat what As with me left her).

- It was unusual, Fox. Long, but unusual!

I did not find the strength to answer anything, so I just smiled and made it clear that I was leaving. Medica waved her foot (hand), such as "bye, see you", and continued her meal.

Going out the door, I finally proved for myself that even such “animals” can give you what you most want. Although, only, in terms of sex, but still can. And what happened next with As, I do not know. Only small scratches on the tile made it clear that he was running and slipping. But this is a completely different story ...

From the author: I ask you not to judge strictly. I am not a master of writing erotic stories, but I try. Although it is necessary to squeeze out of my brain everything that I have invented in all these years, starting from the age of 16.

1 comment
  • April 29, 2016 10:41 PM

    Gentlemen Readers! I wrote this story without inspiration, so you can not evaluate it. Maybe when the inspiration comes, I'll write a better version.


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