1. Sixth Sense. Part 1
  2. Sixth Sense. Part 2

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I heard an echo of waiting and longing. He knew and understood that it was impossible, it was felt by me, but ...

Holding her hand to my mouth and biting my finger with my teeth, I began to move farther and deeper into the corridor, until I stumbled back against the wall.

This weak blow against the wall finally brought me to my senses, and, slowly still squeezing my hips, I dragged myself into the kitchen. There she sat on a stool and froze.

What I saw shocked me. The following questions are buried in my head:

- Is a young, handsome guy can not find a girl? Is it worth it to do with yourself? I had absolutely no doubt that I was the subject of his dreams and fantasies. I myself!

Sitting quietly on a stool and completely unaware of it, she spread her tense legs and the hand that slid between them began gently and tenderly stroking my charms. Before my eyes, Alexey's erect body still stuck out. And not so small, by the way. I lived for forty years and was full of everything that was concealed ... There were also “left-handed men” and spontaneous one-time betrayals ... It wasn’t just that - adoration and trembling!

Without even noticing it, I, as a snotty girl, masturbated. Fingers, squeezing and stroking the clitoris hardened and protruding from its cover, moved slightly lower. A couple of them fell through the current hole, and I, closing my eyes, and finally, realizing what I was doing, gave myself to caress. Dive, turn to the sides, slightly spread the fingers a slow exit. The movements of the hand were all accelerated, and now she is moving with great speed, bringing pleasure. In a few minutes I was getting through. Even accelerating, I strained my hips, finally stretching my legs all the way forward. The back gave way, leaning back against the edge of the tabletop - and then I finished! The body twitched, and then I spun as never before. The abdominal muscles tightened, like a weightlifter, and I was pained to a twist. This was the sweet pain of an orgasm that delivers pleasure. Muscle beating has spread throughout the body. I felt the flesh beating in an incredible fit: then, shrinking to convulsions; then relaxing before losing shape. Scorching hot sweet lump, gathered in the stomach, hooted down right between the legs ...

- How good something ... - flashed through my head.

And then there was nothing! I came to myself still sitting on a chair, unable to not only stand up, but even move. My head was empty and the only desire I felt was to lie down! To fall asleep, to forget, and not to remember about your unpardonable weakness, stupidity, and overseen by chance incident. Having overpowered myself, I got up, and waving heavily from one foot to the other without even washing myself, I wandered into my bedroom, where I fell into a dream under the barrel, at my unsuspecting husband.


Morning met with troubles. Barely getting up began to bother about the housework. Evening incident faded into the background. Alexey, getting up and having breakfast, immediately drove off to his son, he had other duties for that day. And my faithful, as I didn’t drive up to him, didn’t want to enter into my position and secretly, “For the Motherland”, slowly poured alcohol, instead of fulfilling marital duty ... It’s understandable where you will find a father who “does not survive »For a son or daughter - especially on the wedding day. Everything, as always, and like everywhere ...

Then we drove for, and brought to the bride to buy. To be honest, everything fell on the shoulders of Alexei, and he was done on a level. Then there was a registrar, after the young and the company went to a photo session, and we, along with the young parents in the cafe - to follow the preparations. Affairs was a great deal, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, but by 17–00 everything was ready.

The guests had already gathered when the young and accompanying friends returned. There was a feast, welcome speeches, gifts. After a couple of hours of tight sitting at the table, the dances began.

To say that I was left without attention just can not, but it was as usual. My precious spouse did not surprise me either. Together with the father of the bride, they made up a sort of get-together, “whoever drinks more, because he is going through”.So by eight in the evening I began to fear that they would not reach the end of the wedding, successfully heading off to the “salad plate” or bainki under the table.

I just reset my brain when Aleksey, who successfully danced with the girls and the witness, invited me to dance. Spitting on the educational work, the sense of which all the same was not, and I reluctantly went to the dance floor. Waltz dance failed. The music is not the same but the skills we both had with the gulkin tail I had to perform "topkus". This is when couples hugging, marking time.

As soon as, his hands lay on my hips, I froze. A black passion, incomparable to anything, boiled inside me. The best solution would be to retire with my beau in a secluded place and do there ... well, you know what. I bit my lip and ate restraining myself so that I would not do anything stupid in public, with a heavy heart, overcoming a burst of passion slowly, “circling” with him around the playground. Apparently, he was the same not in himself, because with the lower abdomen I felt his “strength”, bulging trousers in a certain place. The funny thing is that we talked with him about everything except for this, although, as they say: “I knew that he knew, about what I know!”. The duality of desire flooded me:

I wanted it to end soon ...

But everything in me asked that this melody not stop as long as possible.

We were both red as crayfish, and looked like conspirators. We were saved by the twilight installed in this part of the hall. At the end of the dance, Alexey furtively straightened his pants, and I pretended not to notice anything. Kissing me did not even hand, and palm held into place.

Burnt from far from vague premonitions, I sat down and made sure that the condition of the guests was so observant that our actions were unnoticed. Holding her loudly beating heart, and even finally pushing him away from herself, I tried to get back to normal. Apparently - I managed it. Although loudly apologizing, he whispered to me:

- We will meet more ... in the evening?

- Probably, you have nowhere to sleep ...

- I will wait...

Alexei did not approach me until the end of the wedding, although he gave me quick and appealingly promising glances from under my brows.

I never decided how to conduct myself with him. No, of course, I understood that nothing good will come of it, and that he is the same age and close friend of my son. And I must not allow the occurrence of this incident, but my whole female nature screamed, demanded and wished for another! My body required the caresses of his big and hot hands, which until now were felt on my thighs. I wanted his big and fat member, and everything else attached to such an event. His eyes were fascinating, and his eyes turned me into clay, from which he could make anything. In short, I came across as a young fool! Understanding all this, I still wanted the inevitable.

The evening is over. Young were taken home. The witness and the witness left with them in the same car. I was also transported to my home with my over-recruited half. There I, by the already proven method, crushed a couple of tablets of Dimedrol in a spoon, made me drink this cocktail. She put him to bed, knowing that my drunk would stay until morning.

When he, having calmed down, began to snore in bed he sat in the kitchen, and not knowing what to do. Deep in thought, lost track of time. Recovering and deciding to let it go, she undressed and went into the bath. After washing myself, I dried off with a towel and went into the room to dress! There is nothing special, but everything is the newest and looks good on me. Light dress, panties and, of course, bra. Then, after thinking, I pulled out the hidden stockings. I bought it on occasion and didn’t even wear it, but to be honest I never wore it ... But today I wanted to! Put on stockings first. Tightened, tried to walk.

- Conveniently, - flashed through my head, - they sit like a glove. Belts are not necessary, latex gum does not allow to slide down.

Got dressed. She sat in the kitchen in anticipation. The long-awaited bell that rang from behind the door made me flinch. Sighing heavily and finally firmly established in the decision to do anything herself, slowly went to open. Behind the door, as expected, he stood!

“Good evening, Valentina Ivanovna,” Alexey said dully, “let him spend the night?” - and smiled.

“This is his smile,” flashed through my mind, and I was lost in his eyes, which I looked into.

Somehow, having gathered, stepped aside:

- Come on, Alexey. Do not you sleep on the street ...

Turning his back to him and feeling in his eyes the desire, like a thirsty near a spring. And slowly, as if my legs did not bend, I went to the kitchen.

- I need a drink. Will you join - I quit without turning around.

- And it is necessary? - came after.

- I am yes, and you decide, - I said the same lifelessly, already realizing that you will not get away from fate.

- Then yes! He answered, taking off his jacket and shoes. - Pour, I now, only wash my hands ...

When he returned I already poured the golden drink in glasses. She took out sliced ​​lemon from the fridge and broke chocolate into slices. My mouth was dry and I knew perfectly well that everything that follows will happen today. Now or a little later ... And she knew that he, like me, wanted it.

His eyes ran over the assembled table and stared at me. Even now, when we were alone, his gaze was serious. He did not contain a drop so beloved by the peasants - stripping eyes. He just admired me and no more.

Sighing heavily, she raised her glass.

- Well, let's drink? - burst out of me.

“If you want ... Valentina Ivanovna,” he said softly, “but why?”

- Well, I'll drink, get drunk, and ... you can do whatever you want with me! - I rushed into the pool of his eyes.

- Why are you so ... - Alexey whispered, highlighting the appeal to me with intonation. His eyes were filled with resentment, “I'm Alexey's friend, and you are his mother,” he continued, “I will never do that ...

—... — my face was filled with redness, with its head upturned, continued, “and if I want it myself ?!”

—... - there was a heavy pause, - but if you want ... - again a long pause, as if he is looking for words, - ... then let's drink ... on brotherhood! He added quietly.

- Lets do it! - I suffered, - this his indecision or unwillingness to cause harm struck me completely. I have not yet met the men who put in the head the desire of a woman.

Raising a glass, handed it to him, standing up by herself. The faint light of the dim sconces, now illuminating the kitchen, cast swirling shadows. He took the filed stepped forward and our hands crossed. A drunk of skate instantly blew the brain. And I, pulling him to me and feeling, as I feel good ... hotly dug into his lips.

  • April 12, 2016 7:34



    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 14:00

    Thanks for your kind words.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 12, 2016 9:40

    Somehow everything is modest, one lyrics, and descriptions of scenes of passion are very short, and what was at the end in general has to be thought out.
    Now, if the end to continue as a separate story, it would be interesting.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 12, 2016 18:54

    Sometimes the lyrics say more than the description of the scenes. In connection with your comment, I remembered the phrase from the film “Down House” - “And why is she without legs? - What do you think we ate today? “Why did you kill her?” - So, rolled something! "
    Think about what was at the end. Fantasy is often steeper description.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 14:03

    I think in this case it is more correct. The story should leave the possibility to think out and think for yourself ... And what could be ...


    • Rating: 2
  • SuperPuper (a guest)
    April 12, 2016 13:16

    Difficult you text. Hard to read. I read a couple of sentences and that was enough.
    The last sentence, so generally some kind of curved ladder "And I,
    pulling him to oneself and feeling like me
    I smiled, and hotly I sank into his lips. ”Maybe it was by chance, a typo, but I would have definitely removed the last“ And ”. Yes, and the first, too, the proposal is better to start with I. So I think it would be better, “I pulled him to myself and feeling like I had choked, hotly stuck in his lips.”


    • Rating: -1
  • April 12, 2016 18:36

    And here it is, the very disregard that youngsters dare to express, who are not ashamed of shamelessly undressing a woman in the street with their eyes, and even shouting after her. And when it happens otherwise, they suddenly realize that this is not for their blinkered, low-grade little minds!
    I do not understand, squeeze your ass!


    • Rating: -1
  • April 12, 2016 13:59

    10-ka advance, so to speak, in the hope that in the continuation, if it is planned of course, there will be more explicit scenes. And with her husband violently the main character arrived: “a cocktail with Dimedrol” in combination with alcohol will give a few good sleep but a 100% headache in the morning, unless of course the heart can stand and a person wakes up)


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 14:06

    Let's hope that he is lucky ... And frank scenes, that there shouldn't be too many of them.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 12, 2016 16:22

    Hello, my joy, Choi, you overdone it with a bony speech.
    And an interesting idea: the “Anatomy of Love” of an elderly woman, the steps of her fall, the gradual surrender of positions under the onslaught of temptation. Not to say that the performance was brilliant, it could be better. However, the topic is disclosed or will be expanded in the sequel.
    About the husband is a separate article, here I am not fully defined: either you parody our ST stamps regarding the husband with his nose on the plate and playing the role of a dummy in the family, or seriously mocks an innocent man. However, to a certain extent, these doubts can be expressed to the angry Momuli. Anyway, I will wait for the continuation to finally clarify the position.


    • Rating: 1
  • April 13, 2016 14:08

    Your words, yes to God ... Oh well. Something I have lately on a sort of fantasy pulled.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 12, 2016 18:45

    I read the author for the first time! Nice to meet you.
    The overall impression is good. I even managed to get nasty in your defense to a certain super-duper who was short-sighted. He pulled me!

    Now in the text.
    A clever word at the beginning, and then ... Application for ...
    So what is next? And shoals further. Not a reproach. The syllable is good. Smooth, correct, smooth, justified. But...
    "The time was ..."
    "Wearing a shirt ..."
    Wearing. To put on yourself, to dress someone.
    About the commas do not say who does not happen. Sometimes they are not enough, sometimes they are superfluous.

    These are trifles, for everyone.

    By content. Beautifully written story. Not only truthfully written. A woman will understand a woman, men can rest. I like it. I put 10, which almost NEVER do!
    And do not believe that explicit scenes are needed. Serve them the way you want. Do not pursue standards. You have a personality. I see her, and I can be trusted. Write as you want and everything will be correct.
    I liked you!


    • Rating: 3
  • April 13, 2016 14:10

    I repent ... Hurry up. I'll edit it a little later.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2016 17:33

    These are trifles, the main manner of presenting the text. I have always supported this. Because female, because ours. You really liked the feed of events. Very real and deep exposition. I myself have struggled for this for three of five years!


    • Rating: 0
  • Experienced (a guest)
    April 13, 2016 4:19

    Any story has a reader, and the price of the story is the number of comments. Yes, the story did not describe the final scene, but the purpose of the story was to show the reader the train of thought of the woman. There are many stories in life that connect people, it is friendship, love, it is finally just sex. Here I saw a sexual desire obsessed with love. Believe me, it is worth a lot. But it is also a whirlpool to fall in love with a young man, and his burden, oh, how hard. In general, the story is easy and causes tender feelings for the heroine of the story. I even want to be in the place of the hero. Thanks for the story.


    • Rating: 2
  • April 13, 2016 14:13

    Thanks just so he thought. It may be a continuation, so to speak, under the desire of readers. Many, many sex and other things. Just not sure that it will be better.


    • Rating: 1
  • Experienced (a guest)
    April 13, 2016 15:42

    I want to say, as a doctor, that vengeful and evil people end early in potency. I wish everyone that it lasts at least as much as 70 years.


    • Rating: 2
  • This comment has been deleted.

  • April 13, 2016 20:48

    "Pasternak did not read, but I condemn" - a familiar position in the super-duper guest (well, nickname, however). If he, of course, knows who this is and what is this phrase?


    • Rating: 0
  • SuperPuper (a guest)
    April 13, 2016 10:28 PM

    Calm down both, I understand that you want me to play with you, talked about Pasternak with one, talked about the other for Titya, the third is silent and thinks, if you don’t go under another story to argue who is right and who is a miserable incompetent incomprehensible in literature. I understand that the more I keep silent, the more intolerable I want to bite me. Let's both of you argue with me mentally, just imagine that I couldn’t answer anything, was pitiful in the arguments and at the end wept and ran away. And you came out victorious and you all Europe. This is such an easy psychological method to relieve the tension and not force your brain in anticipation that another person is not interested. And with Celestina from the fact that I speak under her story nothing happens, do not worry, nobody has died from this yet. And you be more restrained than DD, because I know more bad words than you, I can send it. It carries arrogance from you, the word “guest” seems to me you could easily replace with “slave” and further explain to everyone how incompetent I am compared to you. You are as funny as children, although the years probably already under the asshole. Do not be afraid, I am kind and forgive everyone today. When you need to amuse me, I'll notify you.


    • Rating: -3
  • April 14, 2016 20:15

    And yet ... I used to leave the last word for me. I have the right. What is going on here? Comments cleaned up, the right of the site administration. But I once again invite to my territory.
    And then we'll see which of us bought the diploma in the transition and who knows all the bad words.
    Or are you still a coward?


    • Rating: 0
  • 24 May 2017 0:02

    yes in the ass Europe! find fault with the letters without delving into the essence of the story? the emotions of a woman showered with life and tired from the routine - that's what we are talking about! A “drop” of attention from a young guy is such an incentive for the libido ... to be desired — what could be a more stimulating factor for (adultery?) Adjulter? EG emotions and experiences described in full and as a result - Dimedrol! so that without interference


    • Rating: 0
  • SuperPuper (a guest)
    April 14, 2016 20:34

    And you will tea? I will come in, somehow, how time for reading your creations will be.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 24, 2016 11:39

    excellent and not much fascinating story. thank


    • Rating: 1

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