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I was able to keep myself excited and not to finish ahead of time. However, it was necessary to somehow respond. He ordered his parents to stand up, he ran his hand over the woman's chest, stroked her belly and ass, and, of course, moved his hand to her juicy slit. Penetrating his fingers inside, picking up grease, he played with her clitoris, looked at her expression, her eyes gleamed, moans of pleasure were ready to break free from a half-open mouth. However, on this the king stopped his caresses. Everyone understood the game ended in a draw - everyone remained excited to the limit, but no one finished ahead of time. With a gesture, he signaled the servant to reward the girl's family, and he handed a barrel filled with gold coins to a waiting man next to him.

Meanwhile, the sun came out from the edge of the horizon and shone brightly on the crowd of celebrants. If in the front rows of naked men and women covered with bronze tan, despite their arousal, continued to hold hands or hugging each other by the waist, occasionally allowing themselves relatively innocent caresses of nipples and buttocks, in the crowd the people had fun more actively - men kissed their women in the labia and clitoris licked to them, women sucked members and caressed the eggs of their men with their hands, but still the main thing, before penetration, did not reach - it would be a manifestation of disrespect for the beloved king. It was only a prelude to the holiday. Many of those who were present specifically abstained for several days before the holiday. This was not a rigid rule of preparation, but people from their own experience have long understood that if you do this, then this day the sensations will be much brighter. Over the years, this has become, if not the rule, then a tradition that many have adhered to strictly.

It is time to climax. The king approached the girl - the hero of the occasion. The girl tried to follow her mother's example, and, taking the king's member in her hand, bent down, but Pharaoh stopped her impulse, saying:

- Do not. Not now.

Now, when the girl was ready at any moment to take his dick into her bosom, he deliberately did not hurry, stretching pleasure. Running his hand over his face, he lowered it to the nipple, held his finger around him, stroking his elastic and tender buttock with his other hand. Then sharply, but not tightly squeezed nipple, squeezing the ass with his other hand. The girl screamed in surprise, but immediately smiled, realizing that this was only part of the game. She believed her Pharaoh, she knew that he would not harm her. All this was watched, embracing, the parents of the girl. Mother has long been holding her husband's dick with his hand, he squeezed her ass and pushed her clit. Both of them were breathing heavily, ready to merge into one, but they waited, watched, not looking up at the daughter in the hands of the king.

The king, when he was still a teenager, asked the vizier, who served his father at that time, how, in what position, correctly, one should deprive the girls of their virginity for a feast of fertility. Without further ado, the vizier replied to the guy that Pharaoh can do it as he sees fit — he is a son of God, and has the right to do what he wants. There are no rules in love - everything is right that gives pleasure to both. The king remains king in any position - even if he is on his knees and inserting his penis into the female womb from behind, even though he is lying under the beauty and pleasing her with his tongue. The young pharaoh remembered it and a year ago he captured a virgin lying on top of her. That girl lay with her back on the soft earth, and the blood mixed with her juices and the king's seed went to the gods of the earth very quickly.

But now Pharaoh decided to do differently. Not being deprived of female caress - in the palace there was no shortage of slaves and concubines, he was addicted to another pose - he liked to be behind the woman. He liked to keep the girls behind her ass, pulling up to the scrotum on his dick, who was so deeply and so sweetly entering the female bosom.He was excited by the opportunity to play with his chest, he liked to bring his partner into a frenzy, fiddling with her fingers on the clitoris ... Watching how touching and trustingly the hole of the anus looked at him trustingly, he enjoyed his power over the female who had subdued him, the female who moaned and howled under him, whose back he generously sprinkled with his sweat and sometimes with seed.

Therefore, the king, clasping the girl by the waist and dramatically pulled her to him, bent down to her ear and whispered to her about his desire. The girl for some reason blushed even more, and, smiling, knelt in front of her sovereign. Having bent a back, she laid a breast on the earth, damp from dew. The king, kneeling before the butt of his ward, ran his hand over the wet crotch languishing with the desire of the girl. She shuddered, a shiver ran through her back. The crowd celebrating subsided in anticipation of the main moment of the holiday. The king parted his wet lips with his fingers, entered the member between them and took hold of the girl's waist with both hands. I buried my head in a barrier, the destruction of which was waiting for everyone around. Felt how the whole girl tensed in his arms. He retreated, and then abruptly moved the member forward. The girl, though she was waiting for this moment, still screamed out of surprise and the pain that had pierced her. There was a laugh in the crowd. And Pharaoh, meanwhile, being no longer able to stop, boldly moved his pelvis, selflessly copulating with the new woman of his country. On the eve of this moment, he was too excited for too long, so he did not need additional stimuli - the girl’s clitoris and breasts this time were ignored by the royal hands.

Copulation was over quickly. The jet of semen poured out, finally, into the womb of the girl, giving, perhaps, the beginning of a new life. He leaned over to her head and asked him not to rise, to stay on the ground. Now the princess of the holiday can rest. A short moan of agreement was his answer. Only after that he took out her bloody penis and stood up. The crowd burst into a roar of jubilation. This was the signal for the beginning of the general celebration. Now everyone could do what the king was doing. The more sperm and female juices will pour out of people today, the more fruitful the land will be this season. The earth must absorb the sap of human love. Everyone knew this, everyone tried to appease the gods and each other. Next to her daughter, her parents were excited to the limit to please each other. The sovereign, wet with sweat, quenched his thirst with cool beer, which he had already managed to bring to the efficient servant. Beer was dripping on his gum-sticking member. Pharaoh was pleased. Next to the one he had just made a woman, servants with fruit, water, and other drinks were on duty. Today, none of her desires can remain unsatisfied ..

A thin stream of blood flowed down the thigh of a girl who had turned over and was now lying on her back. The holiday has just begun ...

  • Gologramma (a guest)
    March 23, 2016 17:03

    Amazing: stylish in form and promising in content! An exact hit in the 10-ku! In my opinion, your sketch contains a recipe for the perfect porn story. You have created a text that responds to different levels of perception. The intrinsic sensory component of it is organically supplemented by the intellectual and forms a whole with it. The spectacular image of celebrating the beginning of fieldwork as a celebration of the carnal beginning of life is distinguished by pronounced plasticity and illustrates the author's credo (“Love has no rules - everything that gives pleasure to both” is correct, and “the king remains king in any position”). In this case, the “erotic fairy tale” tag does not cover the lack of knowledge or just the mind, but gets the meaning of “I guessed everything!” Mino-Diosnian motifs fanned by erotic fantasy correlate with your Greek nickname and name of the heroine consonant with Egyptian Aeriya ): Dionysius Herz's stepbrother tells of the ritual of fertilizing the land in ancient Egypt.With the help of artistic fiction that brings scientific historical information into flesh and blood, the effect of typification is achieved, and the picture of the ancient world you created leads to reflections on times and mores. With wishes for further creative growth G.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 23, 2016 20:19

    Gologramma, thanks!


    • Rating: 0
  • Gologramma (a guest)
    March 23, 2016 21:29

    I apologize for the mistake. Should read: Meno-Dionysian (motives). G.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 13, 2018 13:14

    Quality text)


    • Rating: 1
  • August 15, 2018 10:53

    Sheherizada, thank you!))


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