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your successes are not very enthusiastic.

“I know,” Anya finally said in a low, colorless voice. - Can I prepare and rewrite this control?

- This control does not go to the final assessment. She was needed only to ensure that some citizens - and not least you, Anya! - noticed their problems are not in the session, but now, when there is still time to fix something. Anya, what is going on with you lately? You do not want to explain to me?

- Explain? - Anya repeated bewildered, as if considering the possibility for the first time.

She thought, and Yuri Alexandrovich did not prevent her from thinking. He looked at the wall, twisted the pen in his hands and could not even completely admit to himself how much he was worried at that moment, and angry, and wanted to help her, and wanted to scold her, and the devil knows what else he wanted.

“Well,” Anya spoke uncertainly, “I have a difficult life situation, which takes a lot of my spiritual strength and I do not have enough strength to study.

- Anya, listen. Of course, I am a stranger to you, - while uttering this, Yury Alexandrovich frowned painfully, - But if you want, you can discuss this life situation with me, and I promise that I will not tell anyone and will try not to offend you in any way. I really want you to study well, because you are an extremely capable girl, you should know this, Anya! And I am very sad to see how you act with your potential. You know, I have some kind of life experience - maybe I can help you? You will not tell me anything, Anya?

“I will tell you,” Anya suddenly answered readily and hastily, as if fearing that one of the two of them suddenly changed her mind, “I, probably, really need to discuss all this with someone who knows life better.” Yuri Alexandrovich, I used to tell you that relationships with other people should not affect the career path of a person, but I didn’t seem to completely understand what I was talking about. I can not. I have a novel ... and this is a very hard kind of love affair, kind of like a disease. I am constantly in pain, and ashamed, and scary. And it does not work, and I cannot sleep ... Oh ... Now I’ll say terrible, but you promised not to tell anyone, did you? He is forty-seven years old, and he is married. His daughter is only a year younger than me!

“I am forty-five years old and I am not married” - this brief thought flashed through Yuri Alexandrovich’s head before he could stop her or realize her, to understand in general, where such thoughts come from and what they mean to him. And then, after this thought, irritation came - black as night, red as blood, huge as Earth. His beautiful Anya lets snot over some married peasant, and because of this, she can derail her young life altogether! His Anya! Yury Alexandrovich said that to himself at that moment - “My Anya” - and did not feel that this phrase was wrong. Having completely forgotten about the promise to be careful with her, he was about to excuse her somehow abruptly and offensively, opened his mouth - and froze.

Anya, burying her forehead in her arms, wept, and her thin shoulders trembled violently with each new sob. Yuri Alexandrovich immediately got sick of scolding her. He jumped up from his desk, walked over to her and gently put his hand on her shoulder.

“Well, Anya, well, what are you ...” he said to her, quietly and slightly bewildered, having too little experience in comforting sobbing female students.

Anya cried, Yuri Alexandrovich stroked her on a sharp, shaking shoulder, and the unspeakable in it vibrated, grew and broke finally from the depths of the subconscious, putting on the form of a very simple and strong desire. He felt that he wanted not just to touch this girl’s shoulder, but to lift her from the chair and press her to the crunch, lick the tears from her silly eyes, examine every bulge of her body with her hands, passionately kiss her mouth ... It was not supposed , it is unacceptable, forbidden for the teacher - and yet this desire filled all his thoughts, sent his boiling blood to certain places, lifting everything there and bursting, and Yuri Alexandrovich prayed to all the higher forces that Anya would notice nothing.

“Anya, well, don't cry,” he repeated, trying to distract her and himself.

- I'm such a fool, yes, Yury Alexandrovich? - sobbed Anya. - I am behaving so foolishly ... And about the control one - You will forgive me for having done this with your subject. You are great at reading ... I love very much ... Your lectures, just what an incredible fool I am!

- Stop, do not scold you so yourself! Not so irreparably you started up the mat, - Yury Alexandrovich grabbed onto a familiar topic. - I can help you and I want to help you. You and I can work out additionally, yes, I will explain everything to you properly, and for the session you will again be my best student. Good thing you said everything. Let's do it, Anya?

“You are talking about the strength of it ...” she said slowly and with disappointment, stopping sobbing. - And I was hoping that someone would tell me about life what to do. But you don't care what I feel there. Yes, and you should not mess with my feelings, of course, should not, what am I talking about!

- Wait, wait, - Yuri Alexandrovich tried to stop her, but Anya already felt the rut.

- Of course, it is not your responsibility to help me with my stupid life! What was I just thinking about when it all threw you out! You forgive. And I will deal with the raw materials myself, thank you very much for the offer. But I can handle!

Jumping from behind the desk and ignoring her teacher's confused remarks, Anya, like a small squall, flew out of the audience and rushed off into the distance somewhere along the corridor, desperately knocking her heels and brushing tears from her fluffy eyelashes.

She said she could handle it - but failed. Her academic success was getting worse and worse from day to day, attendance never got better, her understanding was tending to zero ... So there were long weeks between the control and the session, and in general it was clear what would happen at the session.

Meanwhile, in the painful fantasies of Yuri Alexandrovich, the image of Ani gradually changed. A strong and responsible student, walking to success with leaps and bounds of her small neat legs. A good student who is in trouble - a kind of archetypical damsel in distress, a virgin in trouble, which he will certainly pull out of this misfortune, will make him an excellent pupil again and, in addition, a woman. Negligent student who does not know how to prioritize. Hopeless razdolbike, which only interests that potraushushki, and study - it's not even the tenth thing. In the end, Anya began to present herself to Yuri Alexandrovich as the last slut, a corrupt girl who has no relation to the world of architecture and science - and now he imagined buying her from Chechens in a dirty brothel near the station and has slutty squishing holes.

This is what led to what eventually happened.

Anya, of course, flunked the exam with a bang and went to re-take. But when she opened the door and entered Yuri Alexandrovich's office, he saw in front of him not the real Anya, but the character of his fantasies, the dishonest whore - and this helpless rubbish certainly should have given him in exchange for an assessment. And he wanted her to give him, he unbearably wanted her for more than a month, this desire prevented him from living and working normally ... And he suggested to her. She, of course, had to agree.

But she refused indignantly.

- You know a lot of bad things about me, Yuri Alexandrovich! - Anya scolded him, - But did I give you a reason to think about me so badly? That's right so? Is sex a way to get a mark for me? Do you really, absolutely do not understand me? Do you really ...

She choked, fell silent, violently threw back her forehead, turned on her heel and darted away from the office.

- I'd rather cure! She shouted at the closing door, ... Read more →

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