Nowadays, corporate parties have become an indispensable element of corporate culture and it is difficult to imagine even a very small firm or even an entrepreneur without this mandatory event on the eve of the New Year holidays, on the threshold of March 8, and to commemorate the day the company was founded. Scenarios of such parties are not too different from each other and depend mainly on the number of employees and the allocated budget.

The story about which my friend, as if reluctantly, told me, happened just at such an event, on the occasion of an international women's holiday.

Her name is Alina and she is married to my good friend. She recently turned thirty years old, she is very beautiful, and her slim long legs and athletic figure do not leave any man indifferent.

She announced this story to me as a monstrous trouble that had happened to her. Overcoming, as it seemed to me, a somewhat feigned embarrassment, she said that it was rather a nightmare, and not an erotic story. That she was literally, almost nauseous from horror and disgust at the moment when she realized that she could not do anything in this situation. But the way she turned her eyes reddened at that moment told me a little more about what she wanted ...))


Corporate was in full swing, and was just at that very point of balance, when all the participants were already relaxed and cheerful, but also not too drunk. Alina didn’t like such events very much, but as director of one of the company's key departments, she couldn’t go at all. Not planning to attend the final of this “match”, I agreed with my husband Andrei in advance that he would drive for her as soon as she realized that the moment to leave quietly was quite appropriate.

Leaning forward along the sofa so tightly that her breasts almost fell out of the neckline, she reached for her handbag and pulled a mobile phone out of her. Not so much noticing, as feeling that several pairs of eyes at that moment were staring at her intently, she straightened gracefully to her full height. Having returned the contents of the bodice to the place, she pulled up a short dress that had already risen above a decent level and, with a slightly drunk gait, went to the dressing room, away from the noise, to call her husband.

As soon as he answered her, she barely had time to begin the conversation, heard that someone came behind her back, and then the light in the room suddenly went out. Shine remained, only a dim sign that says "exit." Her coverage was barely enough to make out that these were two men, but who exactly - it was not at all clear. The company is big and everyone, of course, does not know. She did not stop talking on the phone, but tried to turn him down, wanting to simply inform that in an hour she would be able to come after her, but Andrei was determined to talk on some important topic for him, at that very moment. Almost screaming in mid-sentence, she felt someone confidently putting a hot hand on her stomach, hugged her back, gently and strongly pressed to his hot and strong body. Through the dress she felt something, something firmly rested between the buttocks, and the palm from the abdomen slipped below ... At the same time, having caught some movement in front of her, she felt the second man squatting at her feet and touched the inside of her thigh , just above the knee and slowly slid open palm up ...

Numb with horror and barely suppressing a cry in herself, she could hardly speak, she continued the conversation, having decided not to show herself in any way. Andrei, although he was a moderate jealous man, is unlikely to believe in the version that she is not at all guilty, and she didn’t get into the story at all because she was acting like a damn after drinking too much. You just have to get together and talk on the phone ...

In the meantime, her entire body was constantly stroking and cruelly crushed, not too rudely, but very aggressively ...

Finally, the telephone conversation was over and the device was turned off, but she still did not find the will to immediately stop all this. Only now it began to come to her that the right moment was missed, she was about to flow, and someone's fingers, moving her panties aside, gently stroked her shaved pubis.

Being in a sufficient degree of feminine wisdom and maturity, she understood that if someone cried for help, someone would come, all the same, her reputation would be ruined irrevocably. So this world is arranged. Everything that a woman says in such a situation ultimately turns against her ...

In almost complete darkness, silence seemed ringing, and what was happening was a surrealistic seething. Numbness did not subside, her knees trembled, there was not enough air, her heart sounded deafening somewhere in her ears, and from the growing excitement in the lower abdomen, something treacherously sweet was poured and tingling ... A moment later she felt that she was leaking ... What happened next, she already did not understand ...

The zipper quietly squeezed in, her limp hands were raised, somewhere upwards, and a moment later her dress flew up, sweeping up somewhere. A few more moments and shoes, bra, stockings, and then panties, as if by magic, almost simultaneously left her. And after a moment, almost losing consciousness and collapsing back she felt as if falling into the abyss.

Someone's hot palms simultaneously stroked and crushed her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples. Two other palms were stroking and kneading the buttocks, and someone's bristly and hot face pressed hard into the crotch ... In a convulsive attempt to do something, she squeezed strongly between her thighs, her short cropped head, but in that instant moistened with saliva a finger, deftly slipped between the buttocks, sharply but not too deeply screwing into her anus, and Alina squeezed, squeezed, dramatically decomposed, limply limping and very wide apart.

Her head was thrown back, and several light, but hot and moist kisses scattered around her neck and face, and then strong and demanding lips bit into her mouth, penetrating her tongue. Absolutely the same thing, with kisses, licking movements of the tongue, pulling the clitoris and penetration of the tongue into the vagina, occurred below. Her partners changed places several times, never ceasing to caress her for a minute. Each centimeter of her body received its share of caresses. Skillful massage of the anus with careful progress deeper and deeper inflamed her desire more and more. From that moment on, she lost touch with reality and only wanted to continue ...

Everything floated in a fog. Alina felt an unfamiliar and tart smell of a male member and felt like he was pushing into her lips. She involuntarily grabbed the heavy eggs of their owner in the palm, and her mouth wide open eagerly took it to all possible depth. At the same second, she sweetly felt how at the bottom of her vagina is filled with another thick, long and strong member.

The unbalanced pushing into it, of two members and from two sides, gradually passed into synchronous hammering, replacing the oncoming movements to alternate and vice versa. No one has ever had it that way in his life. She twisted like a doll in all directions. Even quite a sharp painful sensation of unexpected member penetration in the ass, in a moment became a bright highlight of the new delightful sensations of double penetration. It seemed that these two males could not be stopped ... And suddenly, their movements slowed down, became torn, and they took turns pulling their members out of her and dropping her on the floor, finished her mouth, almost drowning a woman in hot jets, forcing her to swallow everything until the droplets ...


After some time, she felt that she was chilly, and after some time, she suddenly realized that she was sitting in the dark, naked, on the floor in the dressing room ... alone. In the dim light of the sign saying “exit,” she somehow found her things and got dressed hastily. Slightly opening the door and making sure that nobody was in the corridor, she slipped into the toilet room.Having washed her face and cleaned up a bit, she returned to the dressing room behind her raincoat. Throwing him over his shoulders, Alina hastily descended the stairs to the exit, where not far from the sidewalk she saw a blue Mercedes Andrei.

- Let's go home, I'm so tired. Alina said sitting in the back seat.

- By itself ... Andrew grinned at his mustache, and turning on the gear, he slowly drove through the night streets of the city.

Not long before Alina’s exit from the building, two strong, athletic builds of a guy got out of Andrei’s car. And a few minutes before that, these guys got into his car. One of them silently handed him a microflash and a small video camera intended for night shooting, and Andrei handed each of them a 500 euro bill.


Of course, in fact, her story about a soft group rape, was somewhat drier and without extremely bright colors. I did not reasonably ask for details, but with pleasure I let my imagination run wild, complementing her story from myself, describing what I saw on the record, which we watched with my friend Andrei ...

Meanwhile, realizing that in the course of the story, Alina herself was noticeably excited, I did not lose a moment. Squatting down in front of her, I ran my hand under my skirt and gently stroking the inner side of my thighs slowly began to rise up ...

  • February 9, 2016 10:57 pm

    Interesting story! Like it!


    • Rating: 3
  • February 10, 2016 6:47

    Thank! This is my first publication and reader feedback is extremely important to me.
    I very much count on constructive criticism from those whom the story has hooked.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 10, 2016 7:15

    Oh, those corporate parties! What just does not happen to them, he himself is a sinner))) Something similar and happened to me: before sex with other people's wives, however, did not reach, but very spicy cases still happened)))


    • Rating: 1
  • February 10, 2016 7:47

    Thanks for the story is very interesting and not so trite as it happens most often)) I would not give out much criticism but you need to know the story is real? or is it all a fantasy author?


    • Rating: 1
  • February 10, 2016 11:23

    ))) I don’t know if the author should reveal his secrets ... If in general, the characters (the names, by the way, are real), the event axis and some details of this story are taken from real life, but the story itself as a whole is all -Art fiction.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 10, 2016 11:31

    So, criticism can be ...)) Firstly, in order to understand for myself if I should be engaged in such writing at all, and secondly, more often it is the reader, and various blunders and absurdities, spatial protractedness or crumpled descriptions are noticeable.
    The author is probably not obliged to change his style under the influence of criticism, but he has a real opportunity to listen to different opinions and can be rethink his vision.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 10, 2016 10:02 PM

    But to be honest, I did not notice the blunders, the absurdities too. Maybe the plot is not so new ... but everything in this life is repeated.


    • Rating: 1
  • February 10, 2016 10:32 pm

    I agree. I can not imagine that in this life there may still be scenes that have not yet happened ...))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 19, 2016 11:17

    A great story, in my opinion there is no need to criticize, everything corresponds, the process of seduction and seduction is quite clearly described. And the coolest thing that the lady enjoyed and Andrew wanted it. Score - 10. Write more and be sure! I'm sure you still have a lot of plots


    • Rating: 0

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