1. The island of seven winds. Part 2
  2. The island of seven winds. Part 3
  3. The island of seven winds. Part 4
  4. The island of seven winds. Part 5
  5. The island of seven winds. Part 13
  6. The island of seven winds. Part 17
  7. The island of seven winds. Part 18
  8. The island of seven winds. Part 19
  9. The island of seven winds. Part 20

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part over. Let's undress and feel at home. It's all yours and you can not be shy, - announced Zoya.

Dad and I freed ourselves from the remnants of clothes and went swimming together in the sea. Dad and Zoya, as usual, swam a couple far into the sea. And I wanted to chat with Kostya, especially since Max was gently swimming a little distance from us.

- Tell me, Kostya, and what - Max will also be on Ivan Kupala tonight?

- Yes - he is from ours. So there will be - but not in your company, but in our youth one. We will not be too far from yours in general.

- I would like to know more about what will happen. And then maybe I'll be unknowingly somehow not behaving like that.

- And your mother will tell you everything. She will be your consort.

- By whom?

- Outgoing. Well, in general, the steward at your rite. And then you will not be alone - you just need to repeat everything after Dasha. So do not be afraid to make a mistake. In general, it is quite rare to have two or more girls initiated at the same time. Most often there is one.

- You will tell later how you were initiated?

- Of course. Here is Max in August will be such a rite.

- The rite of passage with the participation of his mother?

- Yes, with mom. Sometimes in such ceremonies a mother is replaced by an aunt or older sister, if she is married and already has a child. But it rarely happens. Usually moms.

I swam over to Max and splashed water on him. He dived under me, obviously in order to see me from below. Kostya followed suit. They circled around me and below me, diving, emerging and diving again. At the same time, I could clearly see their arousal. I was at the center of male admiration, expressed not only and not so much by words.

- Today I feel like a mermaid with you.

Kostya dived under me and was under water for quite a long time. Having emerged and having recovered his breath, he swam up to me and whispered in my ear: “We will show you something later. It will surely be interesting to you. ” In response, I had to make a puzzled face known for its inaccessibility lady.

Having sailed into the will, we went ashore. Zoe and Dad went ashore not in our place, but at a distance. They obviously wanted privacy. I began to chat with Max so that he would not feel superfluous in our trio. The guy was quite interesting and developed not only in physical terms. There was no Bones assertiveness in him, all the while striving to feel the possibility of probing and pushing the boundaries of what was permitted to him. It was felt that Max is from an intelligent family. Moreover, if Kostya was the only child in the family (it is not surprising that he grew up such a tomboy), then Max had two sisters - older and younger. And I also liked his “pianistic” hands (it turned out that he really used to study piano at a music school).

After talking for about twenty minutes with the guys, I asked them: “So what did you want to show me?” I noticed that my question was somewhat embarrassing to Max. The boys looked at each other. Kostya hesitated: “Well, it is only if you yourself want to see it, we do not insist here at all. Just girls usually curious to see it and we sometimes do it at their request. ”

- I do not think something. You, Kostya, call your things in your own words, and I will decide whether it is interesting to me or not.

- Well, in general, our girls sometimes like to watch yaoi.

- What?

- Well, yaoi - caress guys between each other. But you just do not think that we are the ones that ... Well, you know yourself. We do it for the pleasure of our girls. And without their presence, we are not interested at all. These girls persuaded us to try, but only so that they could see everything in detail. Nku and sometimes we repeat it for them at their request.

- Well, you are very advanced ladies, I will see. Thank you for warning in advance and asking permission.

- Do you want to see?

- I did not decide yet. In general, I will look at your naughty behavior first.

- Only you to adults say nothing about it. Agreed? It seems as according to our customs in adults it is not allowed. This is our secret from adults.

I kept silent and turned the conversation to another topic. It was clear that Kostya called Max to the island today to continue my “sexual education”. On the one hand, this is a curious turn of events for me. But on the other hand, I really don’t like it when they play with me “one gate”. I decided that I needed to somehow “beat” Kostya. And perhaps the best thing to do is to arrange his competition with Max for me. Yes - that's exactly what will be most interesting. Well, let's play while in favor of Max and see what happens. And for the time being, Kostya's proud, let him suffer with jealousy ...

  • Anon (a guest)
    January 28, 2016 23:04

    Do not tune it already, spread it on! Impossible to endure already!


    • Rating: 1
  • January 28, 2016 23:47

    Personally, I'm not in a hurry - how to spell and write.


    • Rating: 1
  • Zeman (a guest)
    January 30, 2016 10:56

    With these group fantasies on the subject of incest and the author’s children's home-bomzhatskim reasoning on the pages of this resource, you no longer know who is more sick - the author or the ones who can master this.


    • Rating: -2
  • January 30, 2016 11:20

    but it does not bother me


    • Rating: 2
  • January 30, 2016 12:24

    In general, I am not interested in the opinions of guests - non-authors of publications (who do not know how to write, but they know how to write). First you write better than me, publish, and then from the point of view of the reached peaks and criticize as much as you like.


    • Rating: 2
  • Alexey (a guest)
    February 1, 2016 15:38

    Very good text: confident with well-written details of all plans! Respect the author!


    • Rating: 1
  • February 1, 2016 5:57 pm

    Thank you for the compliment)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 2, 2016 11:45

    A whole gulf of insanely accurate hits in the very "Apple"! You can’t think of such things when overheated in the sun, you need to know, understand and feel this.


    • Rating: 1
  • February 2, 2016 1:30 pm



    • Rating: 0
  • Original (a guest)
    February 2, 2016 12:49

    Cool narrative, read from the beginning.


    • Rating: 1
  • February 2, 2016 13:31

    thanks for the flattering assessment of my debut opus


    • Rating: 0
  • February 5, 2016 12:00

    It seems to me that the introduction of homosexual games of boys in this beautiful story - it will already be superfluous ... There is a special section for this ...


    • Rating: -1
  • February 5, 2016 12:38

    not homosexual but bisexual. And I have not yet decided whether this episode or not after caress three.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 29, 2017 21:58

    Intrigue, intrigue ... I never have long intrigues, although I always strive for them. It is so romantic and temptingly tempting.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 30, 2017 0:05

    The art of intrigue is the ability to cut off the chapter on the most interesting)


    • Rating: 0

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