1. Dark forest. Part 3
  2. Dark forest. Part 4
  3. Dark forest. Part 7

Page: 7 of 7

Teira and moan loudly.

- Oh, I like that! Exclaimed Thur, increasing her pace.

After a few seconds, both of them growled from the powerful orgasm that engulfed them, I lowered Teira into the rectum, and Anya bent on a hefty black trunk that filled her pussy ...

- There is! - after a while Dasha said and confidently moved to the model of Tenebris. - We are here!

She pointed to an area in the northern hemisphere and began to increase it until small details of the landscape became visible.

“Yes, it seems,” I said. - And this, apparently, Black Lake.

- What are these marks? - asked Thair, pointing to barely noticeable luminous points.

Dasha has increased the scale and poked her finger, after which strange symbols appeared above the map.

“Hm, it seems to me that it is we ourselves,” answered Dasha. - But we are now under water, so surely you will not tell.

Carrying around with the Tenebris model for about an hour, we were even able to detect an external surveillance system. It was possible in real time to view the surface of the planet in high magnification, although there were certain limits after all. We also found a system of teleports that covered almost the entire Tenebris. Most of them were turned off, but those that were near the lake, now perfectly functioned.

Dasha did not understand much in the hodgepodge of the data that hit her, but some assumptions could be made. Tenebris was associated with a huge number of planets through a system of portals, which were activated only from time to time. In addition, a certain program acted here, according to which representatives of other species were transferred from the inhabited worlds. Why this was done was not entirely clear, but clearly not for experiments on the abducted. Most like a kind of contact. But the owners of Tenebris themselves had gone somewhere, so it seemed to us that there was simply no point in these movements. Apparently, the artificial intelligence of the planet, as far as possible, simply repeated the pattern of actions once embedded in it, time after time, and the other details did not bother him at all.

But in the memory of AI there were incredible data files about contacts between various reasonable species, there was even something like diplomatic relations between various alien races. At least we got the impression, more precisely, we could not say due to the fact that no translation into the human language was attached. Most likely, we did something wrong, because you could communicate with the aliens, which we recently learned from personal experience.

“You see, Grandma: it was necessary not to rest on horns, but to give an opportunity to young ones,” said Dasha in an instructive tone.

“Let's find Brackley,” suggested Thur.

A few minutes later we succeeded - and the first thing that caught our eye was the abundance of luminous points. In principle, this did not surprise us, but now we knew for sure that these were definitely people. With a fairly large approximation, one could even see the individual inhabitants of Brackley.

“Wow, you can look at some alien creatures like the crown!” - happily said Anya.

Having rummaged for some time, we found another large cluster of luminous points, but instead of aliens, we again saw people.

“These are people again,” Anya commented. - Let's look further.

“Wait, these are not just people: some kind of painful familiar look,” said Teira. - Make it bigger, I want to consider them.

- Um, "unfriendly people"? - I asked worriedly.

“They are the ones,” Teira replied. - A large squad, under the hundred will be typed. Moreover, the bars straight in our direction and in three days will be here.

At that moment, Albina cast her voice, still maintaining a haughty silence.

- Give me a look! - she demanded and rushed from her fetters.

The appearance of the priest's people scared her in earnest.

- We urgently need to get out of here, they got wind of where we live! - she said.

Toothy fairies could easily hide from fanatics and go to another place, but then we would lose control of Black Lake. Such a disposition did not suit us at all. The idea is that here we had not just a hefty model of the planet in real time, but something like a control center. There should be protection systems, but even Dasha did not understand how to use them. And Albina, who had so long been proud of her status as a local seer, was only able to calculate the schedule for activating portals.

After long enough, we gradually learned the principles of the local interface. For this, it was not necessary to directly connect to the AI. The black sphere, depicting Tenebris, could be divided into parts and change shape, producing information in an unusual for us three-dimensional tangible form. To our great luck, the logic of its creators was not too different from human, and the method of scientific typing helped a lot in this situation. First of all, we tried to find something that resembled protection systems, but without knowledge of the language it seemed an almost impossible task.

“Brackley could help repulse these silly angels,” Teira said. - But he is too far away.

- Hmm, is it possible to activate the portal to the lake in Brackley? - I suggested. - In the house of our beloved seer there is one connecting portal.

We again returned to our experiments, concentrating this time on the portals. After a series of experiments, Dasha managed to turn on the portals in Brackley and connect one of them with the control center of Black Lake. Difficult at first glance, the operation was done with the help of rather simple intuitive actions.

“It seems to be ready,” Dasha said uncertainly.

“Does he really work?” Thira asked.

- Well, I must! The badges are the same as the pair of portals we used to go to my granny's house, ”Dasha replied, pointing to the little yellow circles.

“I see,” said Teira, and dragged the protesting Albina and her chair to the yellow circle in the wall.

At Teira’s command, Dasha removed the fetters that bound Albin, and pushed the former prophet right into the working portal. The translucent bubble gently enveloped her long figure and instantly dragged it to the other side.

- How is she there? - asked Thair, going up to the model of Tenebris. - Seen her?

We were just watching how a bubble appeared in the middle of the main street of Brackley and spat out a naked woman.

“It seems that she has quite successfully reached her destination,” Anya concluded, watching the bewildered Albina, who suddenly found herself surrounded by local townspeople.

- Oh, then I went for help. I hope Elizabeth has not forgotten her old acquaintances and will not refuse to “greet” them once more, said Thair and stepped towards the portal.

“What is she talking about?” - Dasha asked.

“So, about a century of history,” I replied.

Teire had nothing to persuade Elizabeth to gather a fighting squad of Brackley residents. Any risk was outweighed by the limitless possibilities that the network of portals on Tenebriz opened.

People were recruited only from among old-timers who were not afraid of the sight of blood and severed limbs, including their own. Contractions on Tenebris differed widespread level of cruelty. The guardians gave the human body incredible vitality, and to finish off the enemy had to work hard.

On the appointed day, Teira was led by a detachment of Brackley residents. Nobody played the noble dons: the most ordinary ambush was set up on the way of the angelic host.I, Anya and Dasha did not take part in the fight, instead we watched everything from the control center at the bottom of Black Lake. We could not discern any particular details, but we had a rough idea of ​​the nightmare going on there. We still had fresh memories of a skirmish with a troika of people in the angelic veil. The people of Teira ran down like a flock of crows, literally in a couple of minutes knocking over the enemy and crushing his ranks. The holy army fell in full force.

Now, nothing prevented us from closely engaging in the disclosure of the secrets of Tenebris. We had a lot of interesting ideas on how to use portals to the Earth. Only Albina remained unhappy, having lost her unique position, and a bunch of guests appeared in her house in the person of the head of the town of Brackley Elizabeth, her assistants and several other residents of the settlement.

  • Al (a guest)
    January 23, 2016 1:46

    Cool! Looking forward to continue?
    Ps: need more Teira.


    • Rating: 1
  • January 23, 2016 14:42

    There will be no continuation. Zi end. He is already terribly tired of me.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 23, 2016 10:41 PM

    There are more stories about characters like Teira.


    • Rating: 1
  • Al (a guest)
    January 26 2016 13:35

    We hope and wait.


    • Rating: 1
  • January 23, 2016 9:41

    Finally continued by the author, thanks!


    • Rating: 0
  • January 23, 2016 14:43

    By the way, thanks for 9 rubles. It will be necessary to write a story on all the favorite topic of Sexwife and Cuckold.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 23, 2016 17:06

    Only volume please


    • Rating: 0
  • January 23, 2016 17:11

    One question remained: why did the residents of the town from the second part want so much to fuck? Were they real people or fairies under cover?


    • Rating: 0
  • January 23, 2016 10:39 PM

    I had one idea that the protagonist influenced the people around him in this city. He managed to get a keeper when he first found himself on Tenebris, but almost immediately left there and got a nervous breakdown. In the city there was a large amount of black slurry, which was preparing for the transfer of another group of people. The thoughts of the hero about that night from time to time provoked a response from this black mass, which, in turn, influenced in a similar way the surrounding people.


    • Rating: 1
  • Zuma (a guest)
    January 24, 2016 13:56

    And where is the friend of GG? They seemed to be together.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 24, 2016 19:25

    they were only in the second part together, and then a friend stayed on Earth, and the GG dragged onto Tenebris.


    • Rating: 0
  • Yaggo (a guest)
    January 27, 2016 11:12

    It is a pity that the series ended. Very catchy plots. It is sad that the author is tired.


    • Rating: 0
  • yukuken (a guest)
    January 29 2016 13:58

    That would be the author, something like the “Old Treaty”, wrote ...


    • Rating: 1
  • January 30, 2016 15:35

    I'm going to write a similar story, but for now I’m busy with others.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 4, 2016 14:24

    Tremere, there is an awesome theme for the story. At the very hands do not reach, but to throw such a plot is a pity. Ready to share gratis essssno. Because better than you, no one will succeed. If interested - write in a personal.


    • Rating: 0
  • crow (a guest)
    April 6, 2017 11:12

    Hello and you can lay out 2 and 5 parts of the dark forest?


    • Rating: 0
  • 10 April 2017 10:37

    After all, they are here, everything is in place.


    • Rating: 0
  • crow (a guest)
    12 April 2017 19:53

    Sorry of course. It shows me all parts except 2 and 5 dark woods.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2017 12:03
  • crow (a guest)
    April 13, 2017 21:52

    Will laugh writes 404 Page not found on your links


    • Rating: 0
  • April 14, 2017 10:20

    Strange, it may be worth deleting cookies of sexitails. All parts of the story have long been taken to different sites. You can just drive in the "porn stories Dark Forest" in Google and it will give out several other sites.


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