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were friends. ..

- Dashka - Nesmiyanu, or what?

- Right. So everyone called her for hidden seriousness ...

- I remember. So what?

- Did she really like Genka? She idolized him, but this bubble burst in her like a soap ball when, in a warm company, she removed her idol from the body of her best friend. Gennady has a law: he has broken down and left. He sees only a sexual object in a woman. Another thing is your cousin ...

- Well, what does my Eddie see in women? - asked Sasha.

He sees everything: the soul and sex. Very thoughtful and prudent boy. From such cool husbands. My father is like that. Believe me, I can not be mistaken in him! - Ilona assured her friend, not noticing the poisonous smile on her lips, recently almost kissed by me in the blood during a furious fit of sex in her bedroom.

Time passed and now I am visiting my cousin again I can not wait for the moment when Ilona will appear. Sasha, of course, is not one of those girlfriends who are ready to spread her hearty secrets to a friend.

- Hello gallant fleet! - suddenly it sounded in the open door, on the threshold of which Ilona was smiling, in a white sports suit with dark glasses on her forehead.

- Are you going somewhere, Ylochka? - chuckled Sashulya, carrying cups of hot coffee and cakes from the kitchen on a tray.

- I want to show the young man the remarkable neighborhood of Peter ...

- Are you driving daddy "Volvo"? - continued interrogation friend.

- No longer my daddy, but mine. He issued a car to me yesterday as a gift for successfully completing the third year of university, ”said a friend proudly, never taking her eyes off me.

- Congratulations! - Sasha and I rushed to congratulate her, hugging and braking ...

When the feelings subsided slightly, we drank coffee and ate over the cake, Ilona began to rush us.

- You know, Ylochka. Today I can not. An hour later, Gena will be, he goes on leave to his homeland, asking for help to buy gifts to her sisters, but Eddie is free. Go together, but don’t come without mushrooms, ”Sashun grinned, giving me a significant wink ... I was overjoyed at this option, I so wanted to be alone with Ilona and I nodded affirmatively to the newly-born motorist. In addition, my vanity was strongly hurt by her cousin, who never remembered the incident in her bedroom on the eve of our visit to the theater. It seemed that nothing had happened, of course. It suited me, but to some extent it touched. I remembered the dictum of some movie hero who said that sexual intercourse is nothing special and should be perceived as a drunk glass of water. In short, Ilona was glad to be alone with me, almost raking me up and pulling me out into the street. In the courtyard of the house there was a silver-colored car, which is often found on the streets of the city, but always caused in me a feeling of inaccessibility and slight envy of those who control them.

- Where are we going? - Ilona asked, fastening me to the seat with seat belts.

- And you, what can you offer?

- Let's rush to our cottage. You have never been there. We have a wonderful motorboat. You ride me around the lake, ”suggested Ilona, ​​starting the car.

- Come on! - I nodded in agreement, feeling some trepidation in my soul, like a hunter stalking a wounded game.

... Dacha was a two-storey cottage of four rooms downstairs and a large hall on the second floor, which Elona turned into an art workshop of her paintings. She wrote not bad etudes on the canvas in oil, and while she was cooking kebabs downstairs, I went over her canvas at the top. And suddenly behind one of the paintings I found a portrait of a sailor standing on the captain’s bridge with a floating seagull over his head.But what is it? From under the visor of the cap looked at me pretty, yet, a familiar face? Bah ?! Yes, I'm in a jacket with shoulder straps of a captain of the third rank. Well, you gave a "trick", my dear! While I was wondering how to roll closer to you, you turned out to be more intelligent, carrying my personality in my soul in the form of a future ship commander! Well, and you dreamer, Ilka! - I smiled and carefully returned the picture to its original place. We ate kebabs, I drank a martini, and my driver lemonade Buratino. The driver is not supposed to drink alcohol, he is driving, I mocked the hostess, substituting a glass for another portion of wine. But after the third glass I was led off somewhere. No, I was almost sober, I understood everything perfectly, but the member in the pants was so tense that it was uncomfortable for me to get up from the table.

“Now I’ll be in the bedroom and you’ll get some rest,” as if in a dream someone’s lips told me in the ear and then her soft hand lifted me from the table. In the bedroom, she sat me down on the bed and, like a caring mother, began to unbutton and take off my clothes, saying: now we will remove everything from you and put us to bed. When she took off my panties and saw a sticking out member, she genuinely laughed: “Look at him! The commander is almost asleep, and the “sentry” is at the fighting post! She bent down, knelt in front of me and hit my boy with painted lips. Blowjob she did masterfully. I was even surprised at her skill, to which she, as if having guessed my thoughts, replied: “Do not be surprised. For three years of university, smart people can teach a diligent girl to science. I just grunted in response, finally realizing that this girl was taught there not only by a blowjob, but also by the ability to throw some of the causative agents of sexual feelings into wine, because now I have stood like never before. I realized that now there will be sex, which I never dreamed of. Then I imagined a very beautiful tall girl in heels, gradually removing her clothes. It was either a dream, or I really had a dream, when suddenly this naked girl lying on her back lay down with her whole body, pressing me into the mattress, bending the carapace mesh.

- All is well, my dear! My captain Gray! - she kissed me on the lips and neck, gradually putting her body on my "Kid". And then he went gently. I didn’t even expect it to be that simple. Two thoughts knocked through the magical slumber; “God! How nice! But why so free? Bah ?! She is not a girlfriend. It was not for nothing that my cousin said that almost all the girls of the university leave their virginity to the memory of their young and promising teachers as a reward for their acquired knowledge after the second year. ”

She pumped me monotonously, carefully, with skill. A member seemed to bathe in the moisture of her gap. She kissed me hard on the lips after every orgasm she was given. I was free with her and very nice and good. I compared it with my cousin, but it was fire in hand, and this quiet, gentle river, pleasantly washing the pebbles along the banks. “How different can sex be with different girls?” I wondered, tickling her clit with the tip of my tongue, under her passionate whisper; “You're a sadist, Eddie! It’s necessary to hurt me so much that I want to fly up to the very ceiling. ” Then I turned it on my stomach and put the “Cockerel” in the next hole. She turned her head, looked at me in surprise, but said nothing, only nodded her head, giving consent to this option. I went mad. Now I, ozverev, tore her, like a wild cat, fussing her jealous spouse, catching her with another cat. After each blow, she only had time to whisper; “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Strange, I thought. She had never uttered the words mom, always replacing him with only the words: "But my dad!"

We went over a lot of different poses, and I realized that I was dealing with an exceptionally knowledgeable young woman in a variety of intercourse options. It seemed that the "Kama Sutra" she memorized by heart, having passed the practice among the most prominent masters of sex. Even Emmanuel, the species that had seen it, looked now like a pathetic student in front of her.But I have always thought and convinced others that Russia is a wonderland, and we have nothing to learn from the rotten west, because our masters and craftswomen have long surpassed all Western and transatlantic sages not only in all life ... Read more →

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