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it became fashionable ...

- What?! Do you really think that in this city there are no other girls?

- Why do you need others? Look at my chest, huh? And the legs are worth something, they have been waiting for so long that someone will finally think of pushing them ...

- No, Sashun. In this regard, you are not the hero of my novel ...

- I know your hero in a skirt. When you are not from her only words: now if my Eddie heard it, he would ...

- Ilka, do not cast a shadow on the fence. You in the head Genka breathes with his huge member. Isn't that enough for you?

- I also found a gentleman. Ordinary rural squeegee ...

- And Eddie?

- Very educated and cultured boy. When I greet my hand, I feel how the current is flowing from his hand. Do you hear me, trasformator?

“I hear, winding machine,” as Sasha was called by his father, my beloved uncle, when she was upset.

Sasha fell silent, but immediately she smiled fleshly.

- Do you really have your secret about disagreement? Maybe a member less than that of Henka?

- What about you? Has he already measured?

- Not yet. I hope you have no less ...

- Strange you are women. One praises, the intellectual calls, and the other thinks, as if he is faster to measure his penis, - I laughed.

- Each woman thinks about a man's member, only he does not give the form.

- Well, dreams, dreams ... where is your sweetness?

- Why in dreams. I recently saw your dick - on her forehead there were beads of sweat.

- In a dream?

- Not. You bathed in the shower, soaped your head and shouted to bring a towel. I brought ...

- Well, and how did you like him?

- To me? Yes! If he is at rest fifteen centimeters, what will he be when he gets up? - I thought.

- Maximum twenty centimeters, and Genka has twenty-five! Are you cutting?

- Lucky people! If Ilka finds out, then, consider her virgin collapsed. Genka will break her at once ...

- Listen, cousin! I think we're already late to the theater! - I picked up.

- Exactly! - looked at the clock Sasha, - it's time ...

Sasha ran to her bedroom, from where a voice soon rang out:

- Ed! Bring my black skirt from the balcony.

- I rushed to the balcony, took off the dried skirt and carried it to the bedroom. And then I saw naked: my back, ass and slim legs of my cousin. Yes, it was with whom to write the real Danae, and not this one with the stomach, which Rembrandt portrayed. She didn’t even turn, but only gave a hand to the armchair, tying her hair at the back of her head, turning them into a horse's tail. Then such hairstyles were in fashion.

"Yes! A cool girl, if it were not for her sister, she would have thrown her into bed and fucked till the morning, ”I thought, realizing that this study was thought out by her especially for me. Seeing in the mirror how my lower jaw dropped in surprise, Sasha turned and waved her finger reproachfully. I was dumbfounded. Now, before me stood naked Phryne at the Poseidon festival.

- What? Good? - said her eyes, and her lips stretched in a promising smile ...

- Highly! - I wanted to answer her, but the tongue seemed to stick to the larynx. And then it dawned on me. She didn’t just start this game, she wants me, she waits, so what are you waiting for, “hussar” ?! And then I rushed to her, quickly lightning, grabbed her waist, turned her face to the mirror, bent so that her spine snapped, but she didn’t scream, so it’s not painful, bent her with the letter “G”, resting her chin right on the night table so that only her trembling head began to see. She made no sound, only shifted from one foot to the other, clearly expecting more decisive action from me. My pants fell to the floor right on her skirt. “A good sign,” imprinted in the brain, the same green light for sex. I blew out my “Cockerel”, languishing from a wild desire to drive my wedge straight into her quivering ass, but I decided to plant it right in the slot, which was temptingly defined between slightly spread legs.I put the “Cockerel” right to this desired gap and that was the strength I pushed him forward. She oyknula from an unexpected blow, but quickly came over and began to sit down on me, and immediately there began this magical "swing" back and forth, so dear to my heart. She moaned slightly, but the movements began to increase, and she was already moaning, as if she considered these blows in bulk, and then suddenly she snitched at her, she shook her whole body and started working so quickly with her pelvis that I immediately realized that it was not a simple student, freshman , for the first time accepting the male member in his body dying from an excess of feelings, and an experienced sex athlete at a level not lower than the master of sports. The clock struck six times, before the start of the performance there was an hour left, but she didn’t even think to interrupt this magical process, it only accelerated the movement. Finally, we both trembled to the beat, she squirmed like a serpent pinned to the ground, and I shook like a real haha ​​from a suburban village who first came to town straight into the arms of a pretty and quite experienced woman. We shouted in unison, pouring water on each other like liquid sprinkling from our bodies. I glanced at my watch, only ten minutes had passed, but they seemed like an eternity to me.

- Run to the bathroom! - she pushed me in the back, and we rushed under the hot jets of water

- She took a taxi and now we make our way in the column of cars to the desired goal.

“How can I now behave in the presence of my sympathy and just pushed off by my cousin,” I thought, and suddenly a thought came, as if prompted by an inner voice; “Well, what are you doing?” You see, Sasha shines with happiness, well, you shine, but just do not overplay. Pretend nothing happened. We managed to drive up to the theater ten minutes before the start of the performance. Ilonka seemed to have a nervous tic. She nervously shifted from one foot to the other, all the while looking towards the tram station, and here we drew ourselves, getting out of the car.

- Well, well done! And what did you have to do there, that you almost missed the theater? Let's go faster, ”she commanded, and we, grinning, rushed after her.

- Able to command! - I noticed.

- Still would! Admiral's daughter, - my cousin winked meaningfully at me.

And here we are in the fourth row of the stalls.

I sat between two dazzlingly beautiful girls and equally fashionably dressed. They apparently agreed in advance on their outfits. Both were wearing very short black skirts, barely covering the white panties. A wide black belt with a gold-plated buckle passed over the skirts. Their chest was covered with almost transparent red blouses, through which it was not difficult to determine the size of their feminine charms, both have horse tails on their heads, in a word, girls twins with huge heels. At that time, such an outfit was a cry of fashion, since their beloved Edita P'eha fascinated everyone with such an outfit, performing on the stages of student evenings. And then there are also two cadets in black trousers, white uniforms with gold already four “daws” on their sleeves, and powerful anchors on shoulder straps, in broken caps on their heads with long ribbons walking in time with the girl’s legs in the role of reliable protection of charming girls. People looked around, looked at us, shaking their heads, calling them a guard of honor, awarding them with other flattering epithets. Our girls melted with happiness, walking through the streets in such an honorary accompaniment. But Ilona, ​​once told Sasha, that Gena is in her role only as a guard of honor, but Eddie (that is, me) as a loved one.

- And how long has he played you in this role? - jealously frowned Sashulya,

- He is not speaking. He still does not know anything about it. I only know how I like him, which means that he will be only mine ...

- Do not you want too much? You and Gena and Eddie, and what remains for me, your faithful friend ?! - offended pouted Sashulya sponge.

- Do not get mad! You can pick up Genk right now. For me, he is zero ...

- What he did not please you?

- He is not a real gentleman! Guest performer! Do you remember Dasha Fedotov from the second year? We once ... Read more →

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