1. Brutal games. Part 1: The Cunning Plan
  2. Brutal games. Part 2: First Earnings
  3. Brutal games. Part 3: Irreversibility
  4. Brutal games. Part 4: New Life

Page: 2 of 2

you avoid

“Well, you never know,” Lenka once said meaningfully, “We’ll have to get together as a company, otherwise I haven’t seen each other for a long time,” she suggested.

- Yes, sure. I am all for it, ”Ulyana agreed. She noticed that Lenka looked at her strangely, but did not attach much importance to this. At this girlfriend broke up.

One evening, Ulyana spent time at home, watching an entertaining dance show on TV. Suddenly her mobile rang - it was Sergey. Every time when a girl saw his name on the display of her smartphone, her mood immediately deteriorated. She did not want to answer, but she perfectly understood that in her current position she had no choice.

“Alo,” she replied.

- Hello Ulka, - Sergey's voice rang out, - Get ready.

- How to gather? Where? - the girl was surprised. She was accustomed that Sergey always warned her about such things in advance.

- I'll pick you up right now. Let's go to the sauna.

“But I can't right now.” It's too late, what will I tell my parents? - she protested.

- It's your problem! - Sergey interrupted her harshly. - I'm sure you will think of something. You're a smart girl.

Ulyana wanted to object to something else, but Sergey did not care about her opinion at all. In his voice, she felt that his mood was not very good.

- So that after 15 minutes I stood near the entrance! Yes, and dress like a whore, ”he added, ending the conversation.

Ulyana looked at her watch, it was already ten in the evening. Realizing that time is short, she rushed to gather. Since it was to go to the sauna, the first thing she began to choose a swimsuit. Her choice was a yellow-colored bikini with ties on the sides of her panties. Then already familiar lately stockings in a large grid, short denim skirt and tight-fitting topic. Well, finally the shoes on high heels. She was not comfortable walking in such, but that was Sergey’s desire. He said that she should always go to meetings with clients that way. Having put red lips on her lips and straightening her hair, Ulyana looked at herself in the mirror. From there the girl looked very much like a whore. How things change quickly, she thought. If she had seen such a girl on the street before, she would have met her with a disapproving look, but now she is going to come out late in the evening in such a state. Yes, and it argues when standing in front of a mirror whether it looks impressive enough.

Ulyana's parents said that she was going to see Svetka to watch a movie. She could not leave the house in such a way, not noticeable from her parents. There would be questions. Because she came out of the house in jeans, and put her skirt and stockings in a bag. Between the floors there was a room for drying clothes. There she dressed.

Already leaving the entrance near the house Ulyana stumbled upon their neighbor, an elderly woman from the apartment opposite.

“Hello, Aunt Katya,” the girl shook the bewildered neighbor and ran to the car that was already standing near the house of Sergey. She merely held her gazingly at her, mumbling something under her breath about the dismissed youth of today.

- Why so long?! - Sergey asked the girl with displeasure when she got into the car and looked at her appreciatively.

- Sorry. I didn't plan anything for today. You did not warn.

- Did not warn what? “You should always be ready, 24 hours a day,” he grumbled as he started the car.

- What kind of customer? - after a pause, she decided to ask Ulyana.

“My friends and I,” Sergey answered dryly.

- Friends? How many will there be?

- Three.

- And what should I do? - Ulyana scared looked at Sergey.

- Like what? You will work! - cut that one.

But ... but I can not immediately with all, I have never before ... - the girl began to babble.

- Well, it is necessary to start sometime darling. Or did you forget who you are? So I will remind you that you are not a princess, but an ordinary whore.

The girl tried to object to something else, but only angered Sergey even more.

- So. I'm already sick of it! Well bitch quickly put her mouth on the dick! - in a menacing voice he ordered.

Stunned Ulka froze in confusion. In this tone, he has not spoken to her yet.

- Well, what is frozen? The team was getting mouth fucked! Or did you not understand something? - Sergey’s tone was uncompromising.

Ulyana hesitated. She understood that if she obeyed now, if she allows to talk to her and talk to her like this, she will go over some invisible line, after which it will be almost impossible to go back. It's still not too late, you can still send Sergey to hell and give up all this, come what may. Or maybe the opposite, without thinking about anything just go with the flow. There was a real struggle inside the girl, for these few moments it seemed like a lifetime for her. Everything was decided by itself. While she was torn in doubt, her hands seemed to reach out to the pants of Sergeyev without her permission. After a moment, she was leaning towards the man’s groin and sucking his cock. What am i doing? What am I doing?! - as if the same question echoed in her head.

- Look, you sucked. I see you love this business, - Sergey gloated over knowing that he had just finally won and broke the will of the girl, - But there was no command to suck. There was a command to put a mouth on a member and shut up. And you still have time to nip, ”he added, laughing.

- What would you die bastard! - Ulyana mentally shouted to him, but only mentally, she did not utter a word in her voice.

Finally the car stopped.

- Enough. We arrived, - said Sergey.

All this time, Ulyana's mouth was impaled on his standing member. Finally, she was able to release it and straighten it.

Sergey looked at the girl, then, saying nothing, lifted her skirt up and running his hand under her panties, penetrated with fingers into her pussy.

- So I thought. A bitch has already flowed, ”he stated, grinning.

- Why are you so ... Why are you humiliating me? - The girl asked offendedly and with a reproach in her voice, but did not even dare to look at her offender.

- Because you like it. Am I wrong?

Ulyana was silent. Then Sergey continued.

“One of my buddies has a birthday today, so now you will go with me and be an obedient girl all evening.” Today they will let you in your first circle.

  • a guest (a guest)
    December 23, 2015 15:45

    The story dragged on. The original meaning and intrigue are lost. you just describe the fucking process. And when is the plot key? because of what the heroine brought to this? The girls, that came up with it all at least up to date?
    And why is her name Ulyana? What kind of name is this?


    • Rating: 0
  • December 23, 2015 16:45

    How many questions :) I am certainly not against criticism, but still. After all, we live in the Internet era, you can go to any social service. network and find there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of girls with that name. Why ask stupid questions. Or do you think that the girls in the stories should be called only Natasha, Ira or Olya? In my opinion it is trite.


    • Rating: 0
  • Ohhhh ... (a guest)
    December 23, 2015 16:52

    50 dollars is just a robbery!


    • Rating: 0
  • hermior (a guest)
    December 23, 2015 17:34

    the opinion is that the 3 and 4 parts were written by different authors, the 3 part was so intriguing, and 4 were about anything at all


    • Rating: 0
  • oldsex (a guest)
    December 23, 2015 18:01

    Ukraine is immediately overlooked: pretexts are not used that way sometimes, and the Russian will write to Ul'an ... and the story is zero.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 23, 2015 22:17

    It is clear) You have an interesting approach to evaluating stories :)


    • Rating: 0
  • December 24, 2015 3:36

    Do not pay attention to fools. The story is cool and well written. We look forward to continue!


    • Rating: 1
  • December 23, 2015 18:20

    I like the story. Although I agree, the fourth part is the weakest. The plot should develop, the gun on the wall should shoot.


    • Rating: 1
  • SuperPuper (a guest)
    December 24, 2015 9:27

    “What makes up with me so much? - thought
    Ulyana, - I Will Never Become
    whore ?! - thoughtfully questioned it
    down. ”- In how! It was after that that it sucked off half the city. Especially like the word "really." Apparently yesterday she was still hoping to go to the institute of noble maidens.
    Well, the story itself about how a whore fucks, sucks and gets up hell knows what, and after a day worries about what she can see as a whore. Well, as it should be asked the question "what am I doing?" what am i doing ?! ”going to do blowjob. A sort of drunken priest, who after 20 years of a drunken life, wonders - "am I really becoming a drunkard?" Do not feed bread, but let the word ugly tell her. What for? This is the essence of this story. Simply put, if there is a continuation, then there, as always, the poor child will be humiliated, broken will and so on. until she finally realizes that the whore and will not start for the joy of fucking the regiment of soldiers. The military eventually will thank you, give the pimp a medal, and assign her the title of Hero of Muhosranska.
    Tag of romance here, I do not understand why, although maybe some sort of Vasya sees romance in it, reading this to his wife and admiring the sunset with her.
    In principle, I am not upset that the first three parts of this story are not read, there is probably the same nonsense there. In short, the glamorous title of the story as the story itself deserves a place in the basket!


    • Rating: -1
  • December 24, 2015 14:55

    I do not know where you saw the tag "romance", as it is not here. The story is not romantic and I am glad that you personally did not like it. Evaluate the story without knowing the plot, reading the last part and not really understanding what it is about. But the review is like a whole book :)) This is of course “aerobatics” for a literary critic.


    • Rating: 0
  • Nikolai (a guest)
    December 24, 2015 13:23

    SuperPuper, can you show your stories? Show me We will read!

    Not only did they come to jerk off, they also think that someone owes them something! Want a plot? Intrigue? So read the world literature. Sheraly you forgot here?

    The author writes a series of quite exciting stories on the topic of voluntary-forced prostitution. What are you waiting for? PPC, one individual even got to the name of the heroine.

    When you come to the store, tell the seller that you do not like the one or that product? Not. You just pass by. And then they decided to dofiga clever of themselves writhing?

    The author, you - 5! Do not pay attention to the dissatisfied. As they say, everyone is having fun as they can. Here they shit in the buzz in the comments.


    • Rating: 1
  • X (a guest)
    December 24, 2015 20:23

    I felt sorry for the girl, although usually this does not happen. Probably because of the traitorous “friends” for some left reason. IMHO she did not deserve this. As if not porn, but drama I read.


    • Rating: 0
  • SuperPuper (a guest)
    December 24, 2015 22:40

    Tag romance is not true, just inadvertently switched to another contribution where another story was opened with a romance tag, and I inadvertently decided that it was worth this tag in this story. And about reading the whole thing, so you spread it out entirely and not in parts, but you know it in pieces, and then you ask with displeasure why they comment in parts and not in full. I answer the second clever one: I don’t write stories, although I can) but I do it in the store too, if I don’t like something, I tell the seller and ask for a book of complaints and suggestions. I did not see anything exciting here. I do not excite revolutions like “stretched my lips against my penis” and the like without a normal erotic plot. I would have put a stake for the story, but unfortunately there is no possibility.And those who believe that under the stories need to be silent if they do not like, then ask the moderators to enter the rules where, after reverence, you need to either admire or leave. Once again I repeat this neskoladushka and not a story.


    • Rating: -1
  • December 25, 2015 2:41

    Listen, I don’t know what exactly I got hooked or offended you like. Personally, I would not spend so much of my time on such extensive comments under the story which, from my point of view, is worth nothing and deserves 1 :)) But since you wrote, I will answer. In the end, criticism is also good :) I do not pretend that I am the best writer in the world. This is my first story, I write in parts because it is more convenient for me. I do not know where you saw that I was dissatisfied with something. I don't care how you read the story, first or from the end. Just by the fact that you wrote it was clear that you do not know the storyline, but you take it to evaluate. As for the analogy with the goods in the store, then in the store you pay money and choose the goods you need. You do not make tantrums due to the fact that you do not like the goods that are offered for free :) And as for the fact that you did not find anything exciting in my story, this is not surprising. If you like eroticism or maybe even romance, then why go to stories with such categories as “under duress”, “submission and humiliation”? What did you expect to see here? :) And you, in this case, as in that joke, behave like a schizophrenic in a brothel, who is constantly surprised that he is being fucked :) PS did not read;))


    • Rating: 1
  • SuperPuper (a guest)
    December 25, 2015 4:45

    Did not put the unit yet. I will put it now. and the storyline here in my opinion is not tricky and without reading the previous parts everything is clear. and if it is more convenient for you in parts, it is more convenient for me in parts and to evaluate. and nothing to complain about.


    • Rating: -2
  • December 25, 2015 5:40

    You act like a complete moron! Except you here, no one actually complains. Only you are whining alone.


    • Rating: 2
  • Sergei (a guest)
    December 25, 2015 1:24

    A very good story is an excellent plot development, you are good at it. Be sure to continue. Everything is very cool!


    • Rating: 0
  • Chupacabra, like minded Super (a guest)
    December 25, 2015 10:36

    “In the first place, on the one hand, on the device of its photo session, in that case of the number” - what is that all about? Krrasava my, take to write in Russian, write. Even if you are a native of Scotland.
    According to the story. Trite, primitive, not jerk off. Although I do not hide, I came for this. Count you From the heart.


    • Rating: -1
  • December 25, 2015 11:22

    Angelika, write more, you are doing great. And without thinking about the evil comments, believe me, you shouldn’t waste time on dismantling with mysterious trolls)))


    • Rating: 2
  • December 26, 2015 10:14 PM

    Thank. Yes, you are right about the trolls)) I’ve already seen this for myself. Unfortunately, it is impossible to speak normally with some people, and it is useless: ((


    • Rating: 0
  • driver Micha (a guest)
    December 26, 2015 1:20

    Continuation like. You even begin to worry about the fate of Ulyana. The lined part is perceived as part 4 parts not otherwise! And drochery let them not used to pissing out the meaning of catching in a large work. For them kicks, went three lines read cumshot and left! Here it is on the top ten! Do not pay attention to them write further! Successes Azhelika!


    • Rating: 1
  • December 26, 2015 22:18

    Thank you all for your feedback and support. I appreciate it very much!


    • Rating: 0
  • Vladimir (a guest)
    December 28, 2015 15:48

    The story is honestly below average. And much lower. I would not resent the comments on the place of the author. It will be better for you to listen to them.


    • Rating: -1
  • February 25, 2016 2:34

    will there be a sequel?


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2016 0:13

    Most likely it will be)


    • Rating: 1
  • GOL (a guest)
    April 1, 2016 11:36

    Where is the promised continuation?
    The main intrigue - as the girlfriend of the main character planned to use the transformation of Ulyana into a prostitute?


    • Rating: 1
  • April 15, 2016 11:59

    Angelika, write. You have a wonderful story.


    • Rating: 0

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