1. The island of seven winds. Part 2
  2. The island of seven winds. Part 3
  3. The island of seven winds. Part 4
  4. The island of seven winds. Part 5
  5. The island of seven winds. Part 13
  6. The island of seven winds. Part 17
  7. The island of seven winds. Part 18
  8. The island of seven winds. Part 19
  9. The island of seven winds. Part 20

Page: 2 of 2

and gave him a hug in gratitude.

Touching the boy turned out to be a little exciting for me, but unexpectedly very pleasant. “I'm surprised at you - you did decide,” - I mentally reproached myself. And she replied to herself: “Wonder Island, Wonder Island, to live on it is easy and simple.”

Forty minutes have passed since our departure from adults. I said that perhaps you can already come back. Kostya led me back, but just before going ashore I suddenly turned down some side path.

- Where are you going? - I was surprised.

- Do not be afraid, do not get lost. It’s impossible to get lost on the island.

We walked through the reeds parallel to the shore, and then I heard the passionate moans of Zoe. It was impossible to make a mistake - there, behind the reeds, sex was in full swing. I stopped. Kostya looked at me and put his index finger to his lips: they say, keep quiet. He began to creep forward, and I was so confused that I did not have time to stop him. The moans and oohs of Zoe, interspersed with the sounds of kisses, continued. She had just shouted: “More !!! I want more !!! ”Hidden Kostya looked back at me and motioned to himself. I was numb. In the same place, my dad and I, as a good daughter, should not see it.

Kostya came back to me, took my hand and pulled me along. I moved for Kostya almost like a somnambulist in prostration. My heart just trembled with growing excitement. And Kostya literally set me up, barely hidden by bushes about fifteen meters from my father and Zoe. It was just a fascinating sight. Zoe lay on her back with her legs spread, and Dad literally rammed her with his Rod in perfect ecstasy. They were as one whole. I saw Dad's Rod, wet with the juice of Zoë, with a sweep of Zoi. Sometimes he teased her, taking out his torso with a movement. He looked into her eyes, waiting for Zoe to begin to beg him to continue to caress. And he received these pleas for new and new penetrations. I have never seen such passion in the caresses of men and women, even on video.

- How much time does it go with them? We have been watching them for at least five minutes and they still have not been filled with each other. God, how beautiful it is !! ”- I thought, feeling the pleasant moisture between my thighs.

Recovering, I looked at Kostya. He looked at the people caressing and, clasping the fingers of his Friend, frantically shifted the wet Hood, now exposing, then closing the swollen bright pink head. And he did it exactly in time with the movements of the children, in general with their rhythm. Seeing my view on him, Kostya whispered: “Do not be afraid, mother allows me to look behind me at such moments. And even more. Be sure - she almost certainly guesses that you and I can see all this now. So don't be afraid of what's allowed. I think that they will not finish soon. See for yourself - your dad is experienced in this business. So we have time to enjoy this moment. ”

These words of Bone brought me almost to the point of notion. I almost lost my balance. Kostya caught me by the elbow, not letting me fall. “You do not hesitate to me - let's do it together. Put your hand on your lower abdomen. I want all four of us to end at the same time, ”he said quietly to me with powerful intonations. It was some kind of emotional craziness. But I obeyed him and began to touch myself there. I felt the throbbing movements of his elbow on his thigh. We were with him like two standing and even leaning on each other side of the audience in front of the stage in an amazing theater of pleasures drkug the friend of two actors. And we kind of applauded our synchronous movements with a stunningly beautiful and exciting spectacle.

It was a crazy combination of my feelings with the feelings of my father, Zoe and Bones.I felt as if I was part of something whole, uniting the four of us. It was as if swaying with them together on the same wave of surging feelings and was no longer able to resist such sweet and so forbidden feelings for a good daughter.

I was literally covered by the strongest orgasm falling on me. I leaned weakly on the sand, experiencing the fading pulsation of bliss. Kostya turned to me and shot cum into my face and chest. I didn’t even accept this audacity on his part and didn’t hide this audacity somehow to avoid. I was at that moment just to nothing. Only tiredly felt the discomfort from the runoff of sperm drops in my face and body. Kostya touched a drop on my cheek with his finger and then ran them over my lips. He collected drops of his sperm with a finger from my face and transferred it to my lips. I looked up and looked down at him. His gaze was no longer imperious, but as if asking for me. I closed my eyes, counted to five, and licked my lips.

"And she is sweet", I thought. “Perhaps even the sweetest of all I've tried. Well, the truth is, I had only two guys. It turns out that young Kostya is now my third, or what? ”

“You need to wash. Let's go swim in the side, ”Kostik pulled me and we, crouching down, began to make our way back. He led me to a little beach, from which Dad and Bones could not be seen. I had already emotionally moved away from what had just happened between us and told him:

- Kostya, I don’t know if we are right or wrong. I do not want to think about it now. But you don't have to touch me anymore. I allow you to look at me the way you want, if we are alone. But no more touching between us. Agreed?

“Agreed,” he said, and immediately, with the most guilty look, he rubbed his cheek against my shoulder.

- Well, you're still a rare insolent. Especially for her age, - I laughed. It was simply impossible for a long time to get angry at the allegedly guilty look of Kostik. I hugged him and these embraces were pleasant for me.

Kostya, hugging me in response, gently and delicately kissed my shoulder. And then he surprised me that he began to lick his own sperm from my nipples and tummy. It was a strange sensation. But I was not surprised at anything and did not protest.

- Is it not disgusting for you to swallow male sperm?

- First, it's my sperm. Secondly, it is too valuable a product of nature to shed it on the ground. And thirdly, you still don’t know much about me ... Maybe I’ll show you something. If I have a mood, of course.

- I see, Kostya, that you are a master of filling your own price. Well, consider that you managed to intrigue me.

- Want to show you an acrobatic trick?

- Well, show me.

- But only this is a physically difficult trick. I need a little rest and meditate in front of him.

- Since you have intrigued me, I'll wait.

Kostya lay down on the sand and relaxed. A few minutes later he threw his legs up and became in the pose of "birch". After a minute of concentration, he began to tilt his outstretched legs, slowly bringing his torso closer to his face. “God, is it possible?” I paused, waiting. Kostya cheered up Druzhka with his hand and stretched his head towards him. He became measured in small swings to bring his mouth and Friend together, glancing at my amazed reaction. His lips touched the head and after a couple of swings the head sank into Kostin’s mouth. To go crazy - he was doing himself a blowjob !!! It was something unimaginable and unbelievable. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that this could be enough flexibility of the body.

Kostya helped himself a little with his hands, stroking his ass and testicles. Finally, the sperm went and he began to drink it - this was evident from his sips. This cunning man threw a small stream of sperm on his cheek - so to speak, personally for me as an observer. Finally, he straightened and lay back in relief. I was amazed at this acrobatics so much that I simply didn’t even have words to comment on. I didn’t know what to expect from Kostya and how to proceed further with him.

Kostya smiled at me and said: “Let's go for a swim.” We entered the water. At first they swam separately.Then I, near the coast, began to lie on the water in a pose of a starfish with my arms and legs outstretched. Kostya came up to me and became close. He pretended to gently support me from below with his hands - but he did not touch me. Kostya almost touched my nipples and tummy with air kisses, but physically there was no touch - there was always a centimeter or even millimeters between his lips and my body. These were physically touchless caresses, but I still felt them keenly and they were extremely pleasant to me.

I waited for him to bend over my face too. And when he leaned, she hugged him and we almost drowned together in a kiss, losing balance. I, laughing, rose to my feet and pressed against him with my whole body. He stroked me with soft, smooth movements during our kiss. But his Friend did not have time to recover, despite my touch. He kissed him very skillfully and unexpectedly delicately. I just melted in his arms, feeling like a woman he wanted.

- Can I kiss you there? He asked me.

- You can, - for some reason, I answered him in a whisper and went ashore.

I lay on my back, legs slightly apart. He stood above me, admiring. “How beautiful you are!” He sat down on his knees and very carefully kissed my hand, as if we were on a social event. He began slowly, slightly touching his lips to transfer his tender kisses from hand to shoulder. Then on the hollow between the breasts, then on the tummy. I spread my legs even more in the bursting bliss to make him more comfortable. But this prankster was not in a hurry, just starting the tongue touching my thighs. I already wanted him to touch his heart, and he played around him, now blowing, then kissing delicately the approaches to my cherished place.

I was already completely exhausted and stretched my hand to his Friend, who began to harden. She ran her hand over his testicles, as if weighing them. He slid tongue over my sexual lips, teasing them and inviting them to open. He, lying next to me, moved his torso closer to my face. And I began to repeat his caressing movements. When he exposed my tongue of pleasure to the pea, I licked the sweetest place for him. When he held the tongue along my lips, I licked his trunk, starting from the testicles. It was like a conversation of quiet tenderness between us and we perfectly understood each other in what each of us wanted to express to the other. A wave of pleasure covered me at the moment when Kostya was discharged with a fragrant fountain of sperm. We lay down in the sand for a minute and went to our parents.

  • Max (a guest)
    December 10, 2015 9:16

    I look forward to the continuation!


    • Rating: 1
  • December 10, 2015 10:06

    Somnambula in what?))


    • Rating: 0
  • December 10, 2015 11:42

    it was necessary to describe the nature, even 5 pages


    • Rating: 1
  • badTh1nk (a guest)
    December 10, 2015 11:57

    And most importantly, very beautiful, verified.

    I will be brief, criticizing: you - one of the best.
    Feels the female hand of the author ...

    Thank you - the creator of a chic story ..


    • Rating: 1
  • badTh1nk (a guest)
    December 10, 2015 12:00

    How can you put a mark for such a masterful story below 10?
    children what? loops? or envious?


    • Rating: 2
  • December 10, 2015 15:38

    thanks, badTh1nk


    • Rating: 1
  • December 11, 2015 8:15

    all perfectly! waiting for the continuation


    • Rating: 1
  • January 15, 2017 21:10

    Great second part! Some scenes are simply brilliant.


    • Rating: 1
  • January 15, 2017 10:28 PM



    • Rating: 1
  • December 12, 2015 18:20

    Good story 10 deserved waiting for the continuation.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 15, 2016 10:12 PM

    I have read two parts so far and an incredible delight, everything is so beautiful. It is a pity that I do not know how to write so beautifully, I write simply. Although my friends say that I have cool plots.But to read such beauty is wonderful! success!


    • Rating: 1
  • March 16, 2016 14:37

    Thanks for the appreciation of my super-modest littruda)


    • Rating: 1
  • April 26, 2017 17:29

    Aesculapius is here with a small letter, for this is a common name.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 26, 2017 18:43



    • Rating: 1
  • August 29, 2017 15:02

    Bravo! Bravo!! Bravo!!!


    • Rating: 0
  • September 27, 2017 9:20

    Super! Very exciting!


    • Rating: 0

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