On this day, the sun was hot. Rare clouds hung idly under the thick blue, occasionally casting faint shadows on the city. A few tired sparrows bounced on the hot asphalt, chirping in disgust. When it bored them, they, as if in collusion, flew into the air and flew away somewhere beyond the boundaries of the quarter.

People were in a hurry to hide from the heat in various places; who is in a cafe and who is in a movie. Almost everyone who had no money sat at home.

Alfia decided to visit the city park. The first day of student holidays, and such unbearable heat. The girl wandered along the narrow green alley, where every five or ten meters wooden benches were poked around. And everything around was flooded with bright golden light, sticking everywhere and exciting everything.

Alfia stepped into the tattered shadow of a tall tree and settled herself on the most secluded bench. Today, the park was surprisingly uncrowded. One solid green, small flowers and modest tweeting birds.

“Fuf,” the girl gasped out and ran her fine hand over her forehead. Wow! Yes, she was all sweating!

She straightened her tight, tight top, put her hands behind her head, and freed her black hair, like a thick night. Sitting with this tight tail was absolutely unbearable.

Alfia got bored and she took out her phone. Nothing new and interesting. As always, all friends are offline; for sure, again with their guys hang out in a movie or in a cafe.

- Hello.

Alfia flinched from surprise and stared at the tall man who had appeared opposite.

- It is not busy? He asked, and lit up with a clean, sparkling smile.

The girl shook her head, causing a strand of her hair to fall off on half of her face.

And this stranger ... Clear and deep, like the middle of the sea, eyes, light frequent points of stubble on the face and short neat hair. He was a little tanned, but all the features betrayed him Russian. At this time of year, many go tanned.

They sat in silence for a minute.

“Oleg,” he finally introduced himself.

Alfia breathed deeply, feeling the tiny goosebumps running down her body. This has not happened to her for a long time. Something was wrong. She felt extremely ridiculous with that loose hair and sweat droplets that had already reached her neck. Oleg, not at all embarrassed at all, freely roamed his eyes over her legs, figure and chest. He squinted his eyes from the merciless sun and confidently sank into her thoughts.

“Gulnaz,” Alfia somehow lied.

She raised her eyes to the man who introduced himself as Oleg and modestly smiled at him out of politeness.

“Gulnaz,” he repeated, savoring every syllable. “What a wonderful name for such a charming oriental girl.”

“Oh, come on,” Alfia replied, embarrassed, waving a pen casually. Oleg deftly caught her and gently touched his lips. The girl gasped.

He still held her hand, but Alfia did not oppose at all. Talked about any nonsense. Oleg admiringly showered her with compliments, and she smiled, sometimes answered a timid "thank you" and, in the end, gave up. Lips tangled, and tongues in a mad passionate dance made the hearts beat wild rhythms. Hands and fingers slid over the bodies, climbed under the thin fabric and examined, studied. Brazenly and timidly, passionately and carefully, confidently and meekly touched the bends. When Alfia realized that these hands, these thoughts and actions could not be stopped, she turned away from Oleg's lips and whispered in a low, hoarse voice:

- Only not here.

Understood quickly, and the place was found easily. Now the high dense wall of bushes was guarding them from prying eyes. In this rich green shade, the grass still remained juicy and soft, resilient bright shades. Here, in the corner of the saving coolness, the most pleasant summer season still bloomed and overflowed with life, when the southern breeze refreshes, rather than dries; it's time for warmth, dew, and true happiness.

Alfia began to squirm when Oleg's fingers got to her wet slits. The girl was full of juices, wanting ... no ... wishing that summer and these sweet moments would never end. His lips were on her lips again, and his fingers were now working harder. Then Oleg abruptly recoiled, released Alfiya from close embraces and stood in front of her, as at the first moment of the meeting.

Alfia smiled, with her trembling hands, unbuckled his buckle and eagerly lowered her trousers. She paused in indecision, measured the fat member of her lover with admiring gaze, and then gently held her tongue over it.

Suddenly, Oleg grabbed Alfia by the hair and planted her on the very neck. The girl did not even have time to come to her senses when a thick hard stake fucked her straight down her throat. Drooling, mingling with salty secretions with smacking sounds, burst from her mouth and dripped onto her chest. Alfia could not hold back the tears, and all her carcass spread over her cheeks with black stains. She felt completely helpless. Although she was excited by force, pressure and rudeness, she caught herself thinking that at such a pace she could not stand for long.

Fortunately, Oleg soon relaxed, and Alfia was able to catch her breath. She lay down on the soft wet grass, playfully looked at her lover and beckoned him to her with a thin finger. He was already reaching for her lips, but Alfia pulled away.

“Please ... I beg you,” she drawled languidly, “everything is wet there.

- My girl.

Alfia closed her eyes. Now she didn’t want something to distract her from the sensations of the body. She felt like Oleg quickly took off her clothes, unceremoniously tore off her bra and turned down the strip of panties. Then his big heavy hands squeezed her strained buttocks, and with a force pulled to her. And then he entered. Alfia thought that Oleg was a huge member. Her narrow gentle pussy tightly squeezed him, barely let herself in and flowed richly juices. When Oleg developed it a little, he began to accelerate the pace. Soon, from such sudden movements, his eggs with loud sounds began to spank on Alphia's ass. The girl hand squeezed his mouth so as not to scream. She could not control herself. Thousands of volts of lightning struck her body, causing both pain and pleasure. She clearly felt herself falling into the thick abysses and ascending to the heights covered with clouds. Her legs lay on Oleg's broad shoulders, her free hand grabbed and twisted the young green grass, and her chest heaved from the air that overwhelmed her.

Oleg pressed harder and harder. He growled, like a wild beast, began to pull and squeeze the girl's nipples. This only added extra volts to their electricity, and Alfia quietly twitched. She, unable to keep herself, stretched out her hand to her pubic and screamed in a drawl and with anguish.

The girl did not hear herself and carried some sort of nonsense. She asked Oleg not to stop, to use her as a personal whore and to tear her tough, resolutely, firmly. She was carried somewhere far away. Alfia was no longer in the city park, of which there are many. Not. Now she was a goddess of passion, worthy only of the same passionate god. Two opposites, but which are suitable for each other. She is weak, fragile, with thin lines of face and figure, and he is tall, rough and surprisingly strong.

Oleg did not have that tenderness and courtesy that was at the beginning. But now he remained incomparable. In the end, masks are no longer needed when both are completely naked.

The member slipped out of her wet cunt, and Oleg stood up with a quiet exhale. Alfia, realizing what was required of her, raised herself on trembling elbows and sat in front of Oleg, bending her knees. She slyly looked at her lover, winked and began to easily nadrachivat his penis. She wandered tongue from the head to the base, took Oleg's hand and wound up the back of her head.

“Come on just as tough,” she said defiantly.

Oleg pressed his cheeks with his fingers, forcing Alfia’s lips to open. His cock surrounded warm and wet. And again in the eyes of the girl, tears began to boil with diamond glitter.

Alfia held herself with dignity, as she thought.She put her hands behind her back, now clenching, now clenching her fists. Thoughts finally messed up, and only the squashing sounds came to her ears. Suddenly, Oleg shook, pressed his mistress tightly to his groin and, with heavy sighs, spewed a stream of viscous warm liquid into her throat.

Alfia swallowed greedily, trying not to cough. She felt like a sperm shot at her, flowed down and disappeared somewhere in the depths. Oleg let her go, and she fell exhausted on the grass. Oleg, blissfully closing his eyes, lay down next.

We lay in an embrace, forcing time to lazily drag on. High above the trees, a vast blue sky went into the deep distance. Young twigs were swaying around, which seemed to hold the whole universe. A universe based on the love of two people. And there were no more people at all.

Alfia looked up at the wide, mighty body and she wanted to belong to him and only to him. Yes, to belong so that the whole world envies. She caught his eye. Deep, as the most boundless sky above them. Without saying a word, the girl scrambled up on Oleg and began to crawl her wet crack over his penis. She arched her back, sensually twisted her hips, making up a dance as she went, and did not take long to wait. A member of Oleg again filled with blood and with force rested against her in a trembling clitoris. Alfia gasped, adding herself more charm. Then Oleg easily lifted her by the hips and just as easily lowered her down. The girl caught the rhythm. She threw her head back, clutching at Oleg's legs.

Alfia caught herself thinking that if she closed her eyes now and opened them in a minute, she would not see more trees, no boundless sky, no green grass. Only Oleg’s strong body will remain in front of her, and the universe will be empty and unnecessary forever disappear from view.

Alfia opened her eyes and saw Oleg sweating from passion and effort. He abruptly stuck his lover on the dick, sonorous inhaling and exhaling. His hands tensely flexed his muscles, and his gaze was clouded with desire and lust.

The girl leaned heavily against his broad chest. Oleg embraced her gently and gently, continuing to keep pace. He tried to enter as deeply as possible, making light slaps with each impulse. Oleg had his beloved about ten minutes, soaked from the stuffiness and tension, when suddenly, his member slipped out. Oleg laid Alfia on his back, and he stood over her and began to nadrachivat your unit.

Alfia then opened her mouth, getting ready to take the precious seed, then whispered various depraved words, from which it was impossible not to start, then licked Oleg's eggs hanging over her. Finally, Oleg groaned, and his member poured out a new batch of sperm. The girl just wrapped her lips in time, but part of the seed dropped to her neck and chest. Alfia quickly picked everything up with her fingers and licked her satisfaction.

Oleg squeezed her in close arms. Alfia raised her eyes to the sky and saw rare pinkish clouds.

“Sunset,” she said.

Oleg did not answer. He kissed her cheek and watched her eyelids slap wearily.

Alfia looked at him and thought that now, probably, everything will be fine.

  • Li (a guest)
    October 25, 2015 20:32

    Put nine in order to try to save the story from falling into the basket.
    But ... honey, you know how to write, why give this essay without introduction, climax and denouement. No plot.
    Could you attach a storyline to your invented adventure?
    Let the banal, but the plot. And then, I went for a walk and I was “out of * ali”.
    Even the jerks won't appreciate it, even they need it to be a story. And any story has basic elements, at least at the level of a school essay.


    • Rating: 0
  • October 26, 2015 6:41

    Oh, so it means! Well, then let the jerks prepare. Soon there will be deeps and peaks!


    • Rating: 0
  • Li (a guest)
    October 26, 2015 21:20

    This mood pleases. And even the estimates went up.


    • Rating: 0

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