1. Personal driver. Part 2
  2. Personal driver. Part 3
  3. Personal driver. Part 4
  4. Personal driver. Part 6

Mary said that the night before she had a bad fight with the owner of the cafe, because of the large waste in which he accused her. To recover a little, she ordered a bottle of brandy from the bartender and sat down at a free table. She smoked and slowly drank brandy, the heat began to spread throughout the body. Mary calmed down a bit and began to think about how to return a rather large amount of money.

Unexpectedly, a stranger sat down at her table and politely offered to spend the evening together. Mary wanted to think alone about the situation in which she had fallen, but the stranger told quite interesting stories in a pleasant voice, and Mary decided to send everyone away this evening, and take some time off from the problems that had fallen on her lately.

I had to pick up Mary in an hour, and she calmly relaxed, in the company of a stranger, knowing that I would take her home safe and sound. However, I lingered for an hour and this time was enough for her to lose control of herself. She woke up with her hands and legs tied to an unfamiliar cottage. My head was spinning from alcohol, the taste of sperm in my mouth caused nausea. In the pope, she felt a foreign object that constantly vibrated, giving her unpleasant sensations. She tried to free herself, but could not.

Fear gripped her. The desire to break free from the rope led only to pain that permeated her entire body. Mary tried to call for help, but no one responded to her call. She did not know what to do and it turned the time that had stopped for her into endless torture. Suddenly the door opened and she saw through the veil in her eyes that three men had entered the room. Among them, she recognized a stranger from a cafe.

They unceremoniously approached her, took out their members and put them to their faces. Mary squeezed her mouth and closed her eyes. One of the men took the remote and pressed a button on it. Severe pain in the priest made her cry out. She began to twitch, but the rope squeezed her body even more so that she could not move. Men were pleased to mock her. From the pain that pierced Mary’s whole body, she screamed and squirmed. Having much mocked her, they turned off the console. Mary disgustedly took in her mouth and began to suck dicks.

She told how they tortured her vagina and ass with their members, and that she did not know when the torment would end. I looked at the pictures I took at the cottage and from these pictures and her story I got excited again. They untied her, and carried her to the bathhouse. Her entire body and hair was filled with sperm. After the bath Mary got a little awake. The men called a taxi and drove her home. At parting, they gave her a good amount of money and threatened her so that she would not tell anyone about this story. Mom was shocked. She called a friend’s doctor and made an appointment.

It's been a few months. Mary, slowly came to her senses, but I still wanted to repeat that night. And then one day I saw again in the cafe one of the men who were in the country. He approached Mary and said something quietly to her. She blushed, and went out with him. I quietly crept behind them, I was just torn by curiosity, I felt that there would be a sequel and did not want to miss it. It was noisy outside and I was only able to hear that they would meet in her apartment this weekend.

Mary was very nervous all week. She was constantly frustrated by the staff. The waitresses just howled from her. I also got a couple of times. On Friday evening, she screamed at me for some sort of nonsense, that I decided this weekend to fully recoup her.

  • Misha (a guest)
    September 25, 2015 23:22

    more often lay out the produce


    • Rating: 0
  • September 26, 2015 13:30

    OUT a strange situation. A friend comes and TELLS a friend about how she was raped !?
    Isn't it not quite believable?


    • Rating: 0

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