1. In the village. Part 3: Luba
  2. In the village. Part 4: Annie
  3. In the village. Part 5: Olya
  4. In the village. Part 6: Olya Again
  5. In the village. Part 7: Lida

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but she was nowhere to be seen. I hung down. She came out of the barn, dressed in a thick dress, in rubber boots and with her hair tucked under a head scarf. But even in such an unattractive outfit she seemed beautiful to me.
- Vit, wait a minute. I am now.

A few minutes later she went out in slaps, light robe and with flowing lush hair. The view is charming!
Lida came up to me, kissed me on the cheek and took her hand to the house. When we entered the hut, I embraced her and realized that there was no bra under the robe.
“It seems to me that this item of clothing is superfluous,” and I pointedly pointed at the bathrobe.
- Maybe. But you tell me. If you like candy, then what is better for you: ready, someone unwrapped candy, or do you prefer to unfold the wrapper yourself, enjoying what you savor?
- Well, of course, I will unfold this beautiful candy with great pleasure.

And I began to hold back, slowly take off her robe. We had sex, passionate sex. There were conversations, and how it turned out that I did everything as she suggested, but seemed to decide on my own. Her calm, balanced conversation acted like hypnosis on me. Before the parents came home from work, we ran away. But I promised that I will definitely come tomorrow.

Just came home and immediately caught the eye of Luban. She dragged me into a closet and wanted to immediately sit on a standing member as always, but he, alas, did not stand. With difficulty, she managed to pick him up and planted on him, rather quickly finished (probably the very process of raising a member excited her very much).

We had dinner, and I went up to my room. Immediately after me, Mashka jumped in. And then a bummer. Despite all her efforts, the member never gained firmness. I explained this by saying that I was very tired. Frustrated Masha left. After some time, sneaking quietly slipped into the room Marina. She tried to raise my fighter with a blowjob, but she also failed. Although I really wanted to fuck her. I began to worry about what happened to me. And how tomorrow I will disgrace myself before Lida.
But oddly enough on Lida in all the following days, he stood like a stone. And at home he could only satisfy Luba with half-standing. I felt that I was falling in love more and more with each day, and with horror I thought that the time of my departure was inexorably approaching. And I did not want to part with Liduska. We both stubbornly avoided the topic of parting.

Although one day before my departure, Lida spoke either seriously or seriously when we were lying after another ecstasy, while the dick continued to stick around in it:
“I don't want you to take it out.” Leave it until tomorrow.
- And you cut it off and you can insert it whenever you want.
- silly. Better stay, do not leave and you can insert it yourself at any time.
- Lidus, and how do you imagine that? Suppose I stay, take you as a wife (this is not discussed!), And then? Then begins what with the remaining men. There is no work, I will start to freak out, go to the bout as they are, from this member will no longer stand and what for did I give such up?
- You're wrong. You will love me and such.
- Lidus, better come with me.
- What am I going to do there? Watching you fuck other girls? Anyway, I'm not used to city life.
So, almost having quarreled, we broke up.

The next day began panic fees. I was leaving home, and my aunt was going to return the whole family to the city until next summer. In the confusion of these charges, I quietly ran to Lida.
Called her and without any prefaces declared
- Lidus, marry me, come with me. There we will sign and live together regardless of the parents.
- Vit, I love you and would like to tie my fate with yours, but I need to think.
- There is no time to think. If you are not leaving with me now, unfortunately you will not come anymore. Come and go together.Place in the car for you there.

- Ok, I'll come, a little later.
- cheat
- Not. Run, help everyone get ready.
I wandered to the house sadly. Refused. Already approaching the house, I noticed that on the other side of the village I approached Aunt Lida (how did she manage to appear there before me?). They quickly exchanged words about something and she went back. And in my brain it was persistently pounding: “I deceived! Has deceived! ”.
Just entered the courtyard, as the aunt called out
- Vitya, come here!

I hung my head, came up.
- Why are you so sour? You know the girl I just talked to?
I nodded.
“If you know where she lives, run after her.” You will help her bring things to us. She will go with us. And in the train you will also be on the way. So pay attention and do not get lost. The girl is great.

Twice I did not need to repeat. I rushed at full speed to Lida. This is how my wife escaped from the parental home.

  • Paul (a guest)
    September 21, 2015 20:43

    I liked it, ok, did not go!


    • Rating: 1
  • September 21, 2015 22:52



    • Rating: 0
  • Alexander (a guest)
    September 21, 2015 23:18

    A wonderful fairy tale with elements of romance. A series of stories with a share of fiction, but anything can be in this world. Especially in the village where children from an early age live in nature and copy it. Excellent 10+


    • Rating: 1
  • September 22, 2015 0:06

    Alexander, thank you so much for such a flattering comment ... I constantly expect destructive criticism


    • Rating: 0
  • Alexander (a guest)
    September 22, 2015 7:39

    I really liked your stories, while reading, slipped expressions of a purely female perception of the world, regardless of the fact that the story was led from a male face. When I later read in reviews that the author is a woman, I was somewhat surprised that the prelude of intercourse was described so little, because this process is more necessary for a woman, and here, in many cases, the male approach comes through - “I saw a stick in the dry stuck” ... more frankly describe psychology perceptions of the “alien body” into yourself and the stories will grow from the category of good to the category of a masterpiece, creative success to you.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 22, 2015 11:12

    Thanks, I will consider comments in the future ...
    regarding the male gaze, your remark is like a balm for the soul ... since it seemed to you that the man wrote, it means that my writing was a success ... well, and unfortunately we could not get rid of the female perception completely
    and thank you again


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    September 25, 2015 13:18

    Great series. Very easy to read, and liked the story itself. Even a little sorry that ended)) Good luck with your future work.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 25, 2015 14:30

    thank you very much ... glad you enjoyed it


    • Rating: 0
  • October 9, 2015 22:40

    very nice and easy to read. thanks to author 10


    • Rating: 0
  • October 11, 2015 22:30



    • Rating: 0
  • Alex (a guest)
    October 15, 2015 10:12

    Reread this series of stories several times !!! One of the best I've read here, excites, without vulgarity)))) Author write a sequel or write in the same style new !!! It turns out superbly)))


    • Rating: 0
  • October 26, 2015 3:10

    Alex, thank you for your compliments.
    this is not the whole series, but the missed stories unfortunately no longer fit in chronology ... therefore I completed this series


    • Rating: 0
  • Alex (a guest)
    October 27, 2015 7:04

    Is it possible to send me the missed stories in PM? I would be glad to read !!! And in general it would be cool from you that you can hear 1 !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • November 7, 2016 10:38

    You can add, if not in chronology, but as previously not published, or a memory in the village.It would be interesting to read.


    • Rating: 1

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