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A member worked like a jackhammer, from that sheet got lost in the wet from our sweat lump.

This time he sat me down. I began to fidget on him, not at all resembling my appearance of a majestic rider. My knees trembled and buckled, my strength left me alone. Instantly assessing the situation, my knight tilted my sinful head to his member, as if telling me what to do next. It was too late to build up an innocent simplicity, and I clutched at his dignity with my lips. Karl firmly held my head with his hands and unceremoniously fucked my mouth, moving his strong buttocks. Such affection took effect, and after some time he violently poured the hot seed into me. "To swallow or not to swallow?" “He hadn't been fucking for a hundred years ?!”

“The war has been going on for almost 150 years and I haven’t seen a woman,” he replied, having recovered properly.

- My thoughts are reading?

- No, I just see them.

I did not go into his extrasensory abilities and shyly covered myself with a blanket. But he lay with an impartial look, naked, with a dazzling member of the moisture, his hands behind his head, and looked at me. The proximity of this man worried me, forcing my heart to beat a lot more often than necessary.

- Well, you have in the 21st century, quiet and grace, - he envied.

“I wouldn’t say that endless wars, terror and cataclysms are going on all over the world,” I said.

“And the girls are so beautiful and liberated,” he changed the slippery topic to a more exciting one.

“I'm actually decent, I have a husband,” I was embarrassed.

“But it does not satisfy you, and therefore you call noble knights with your shout right from the tournament,” Karl chuckled.

“You can roll out of here straight to your fight.” You will fight as long as the lady does not wave her white handkerchief to stop the male disgrace.

- And I have not finished with you.

With these words, he tore off the blanket from me and settled between my legs. Already having guessed what will happen now, I languidly closed my eyes. His hot tongue flickered over my face, looking for the most sensitive spots and forcing my body to flinch from time to time. Badly aware of what I was doing, I sorted out his wavy hair and whispered something incoherently. The case ended with another violent orgasm. Not allowing me to come to my senses, my knight abruptly drove a hard trunk into me, made several frictions and went out, then he attached a head to the next hole and slightly pressed.

“Just not there,” I whispered, not very convincingly.

It seemed he had not heard my babble. Gained more moisture from the vagina and again tried to enter the ass. “Walk, so walk! You are not a girl there, you will survive, ”the brain inflamed with passion persistently itched. I relaxed my muscles and let his boyfriend into me. For a while, Karl waited, and then quietly moved. To get rid of the discomfort, I took up my clitoris. In the ass was tight, every cell, I felt his hot organ, each of his wreath. I wanted him to re-enter the vagina and fuck the holes alternately.

I forgot that he "sees" my thoughts and therefore was very surprised when Karl came out of the ass and drove a member into my current pussy. I leaned back on the pillow and wiped sweat from my forehead. I liked to be a dirty and otvyazny girl secret from his prim hubby. Soon my two holes were involved in the process. He fucked my ass, caressing the clit and slit finger. Then he inserted the member into the pussy and did not allow the ass to close, sticking fingers into it. How he did this — I don’t know, I was in the clouds and did not realize much of reality. With my husband there was nothing like this.

Sweet moments ended with the eruption of sperm in my ass. The shocks tore at the delicate skin, inside it became hot, sticky and slightly sore. When he pulled out his dick, a sperm poured after him in a thin stream. In order not to stain the bed, I collected her finger and returned it to the torn-up ass. Karl smiled and kissed my temple.

- What are you feminine and sexy. I would stay with you forever, but I can not. I have to win the tournament, and then the war with the neighboring Kingdom begins again. But if you want, in 100 years I will come to you again?

“I'm afraid I won't live to this bright day,” I smiled skeptically.

- Come on, we all live forever, just in another dimension.

“Well, that sounds encouraging,” I nodded.

In the blink of an eye, Karl put on his armor, put on the crown majestically, grabbed his sword and approached me lying on the bed, kissed my lips and whispered:

- And now sleep.

The neighing of a horse and the clatter of hooves was the last thing I heard before falling into oblivion. In the morning I woke up and did not find any traces on my body, indicating a stormy night with a medieval knight. Only near the porch was the horse hoof imprint clearly visible ...

Please do not throw slippers, as the first time I write in the erotic tale of the genre. I would be grateful if you put a rating.

  • Super puper (a guest)
    August 26, 2015 20:20

    Probably your miscarriage will go to the basket. He is there the place. I did not evaluate you, but I deserved the assessment.


    • Rating: -8
  • August 26, 2015 20:27

    Scared, aha. Only with the words more careful miscarriage pancake! I'm still a woman and terribly afraid of the word.


    • Rating: 0
  • Super puper (a guest)
    August 26, 2015 21:31

    Are you still a woman? I did not expect. Rejoice that age still allows fear.


    • Rating: -8
  • August 26, 2015 21:34

    Hello, my joy. Well, I'll get a boot ...
    Exhausted vusmert knight, and who is a knight do not understand. What is a sword and what is a sword, apparently, also did not understand.
    Knight's vestments - this whole mountain of variegated tins with ties. These tins should be tied up step by step on the back, under the arms, on the arms and legs. Without assistance, this can not be done.
    Again, the crown is worn complete with a royal dress for formal reception. In the same set to armor relies visor.
    How so, is he really so good a member that he didn’t figure out the rest?


    • Rating: 2
  • August 26, 2015 22:21

    Hi :) Ek us today Napara in Flood transferred.
    And now in the case: yes, I confess to Cessna, all this is too complicated for me, swords, swords, chain mail. But the knight wanted. Dazh picture dug brutal, as you can see. Well, something like this)


    • Rating: 1
  • August 27, 2015 5:22

    Fairly transferred. In advertising should be only advertising, not reviews.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 26, 2015 10:03 PM

    And I am madly in love with your style of narration. I read only the first page, only because I saw the tag “treason” and he turned off the interest to read the sexual act itself. But the beginning was amused ...
    Only this is a fairy tale?
    Of course, I'm not so strong in tags, but maybe it's closer to fiction?
    This is in fact in real life possible - sometimes)
    10 - chka.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 26, 2015 22:22

    Thanks Tefida! Why are you so afraid of the betrayal tag? If the husband is a mattress like this and change is not a sin;)
    And I associate fiction with the cosmos, because I have set up a fairy tale :))


    • Rating: 1
  • August 26, 2015 22:48

    Well, I do not share your opinion) The husband can be a mattress, but you never know how then life will turn the arc. Everything changes, but the memories remain.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 26, 2015 10:34 PM

    10!!! +++
    Today is my day of fairy tales))))
    I read from Tefida, now Roksinsky. I even envied this knight. The floor should be so he sees all the thoughts. An irreplaceable dream))))

    Funny story. There is also eroticism, of course, but in the spirit of Roxinsky with humor.The heroine of Vitia was concerned that she did not take her husband with her)))))))

    With a pont umbrella or dog)))))

    A knight of royal blood is not a blunder. But scribble years without a woman, anyone probably will tell)))))

    Pretty bedtime story))))


    • Rating: 2
  • August 26, 2015 22:44

    Thank you dear! I knew that check out. Sorry, our friend Snowball-Snow White rolled out (((


    • Rating: 1
  • August 27, 2015 5:58

    In no case will I throw slippers)))) On the contrary, I am delighted. Temka my (I myself once nakatala Yuna, drinking the sun). This, of course, a fairy tale, but what! Fun, beautiful, exciting. Then Eugene spoke about the armor above. True noticed, but you also described a female fantasy. And when we fantasize, we do not dwell on such details as armor.
    Therefore, get me an unconditional top ten with a list of favorites.


    • Rating: 2
  • August 27, 2015 8:58

    Thank you! It was under the influence that check it out :))
    I'll start today to read your Yuna, intrigued!
    Yes, Eugene wrote everything correctly. And as always, I didn’t get stuck in trifles, of course it was google ...


    • Rating: 1
  • August 27, 2015 9:04

    But do not google! The beauty of fantasy, but if stuck on the details, it would not be so attractive.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 27, 2015 9:14

    Well Duc look more convincing, pour in terms :))). You're right, of course. The main and secondary was precisely fantasy, and no matter how his weapon is called a sword or sword. The main weapon is still in the pants :)))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 27, 2015 10:22

    Desyatochka. A few opochatek. One possible mistake ... And the tale amused, such a light, non-straining fantasy, the knight is the very thing, the dream of every lady at least once in her life. I also agree with Nefertiti that when we fantasize, we don’t dwell on details. The main thing is our fantasy, not a scientific and historical treatise on armor.))))

    For a moment, for example, it seemed like the main character, having just appeared, begins to talk about his armor-successes. Four o'clock. The heroine would have to kill him for such barbaric treatment of her dreams.)))


    • Rating: 2
  • August 27, 2015 11:06

    Thank! Well, yes, all the same porn story, but my fantasy be healthy. But the knight on the white horse is the most


    • Rating: 0
  • August 27, 2015 17:38

    White horse, black knight ...
    Blow mane, and lower
    Beats stale "count" standing:
    It can be seen, a real knight!

    Hoof beats horse hungry,
    Waiting for oats daily rate.
    Knight also requested
    His norm. No more strength

    Wait beauty. All the time:
    He waited a century and a half
    His stealing, the heart of a lady ...
    Here, such a carlodrama.

    Dreaming? Well, hold on,
    It was a fun life:
    Whether the fight, or feast -
    Damo-knight's tournament.

    (If, somewhere tangled in the cases, then what to take from him, Carla abroad?)


    • Rating: 3
  • August 27, 2015 18:57

    Super! To be honest, I was waiting for you a poem on a knightly theme. Thank :)))


    • Rating: 1
  • Tube talking (a guest)
    August 27, 2015 16:30

    The story - a bunch of snot. Neither the village nor the city. Assessment is not set.


    • Rating: -2
  • August 27, 2015 18:56

    Not only snot, but sperm;))


    • Rating: 1
  • Smol (a guest)
    August 28, 2015 0:45

    I, in recent times, have been trying not to disassemble the writer’s flaws and inconsistencies in real-semantic writing. But I am sometimes forced to voice a logical chain. Solana, why do you use the word legs for women? Does the heroine of the epic have really short skinny legs? Can you imagine if you use the word fuckin for a man, what will the readers think? Descriptions of the act of anal penetration, very upset ... I in no way have anything against the harsh crack of the heroine, but ... Fuck ... Jackhammer is too social realistic :) A caress. Admit it, you ended kadanit when you rude fuck in the mouth, eh?
    Conclusion: come down for quiet fantasy wankers, masturbators, but not for the boys trained on prostitutes.
    Score - three. But I did not put it, so as not to spoil the general status.


    • Rating: 3
  • August 28, 2015 5:10

    Smol, I will object to you about the legs) The legs are not in the sense of thin and short, but in the sense of tender. The girl has candy legs)))) This means they are long, slender, graceful in shape - that is, thin ankles, beautiful calves, a small narrow foot of size not exceeding 35th)))))) These are LEGS. Everything else - the usual legs)))


    • Rating: 0
  • Smol (a guest)
    August 28, 2015 7:49

    Queen, yes, I understand everything, but the phrase in the context would have sounded more convincing if you write - slender legs, long legs, model legs, chiseled legs, etc. In my opinion, it is necessary to flirt with diminutive caresses.
    But in general, Solana is certainly well done, who would argue) The perfect combination of fiction, porn action and the amount of text.


    • Rating: 3
  • August 28, 2015 8:56

    Smol! Smol! I do not recognize you !!! Have you praised ?! I do not believe my eyes)))))))))))))) Allow me to shake hands with you) And a plus sign from me.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 10:08

    And he praises me for the second time. We have mutual love. I am not kidding :))


    • Rating: 2
  • August 28, 2015 10:50

    I congratulate you - you are the first and only woman who charmed Smol. Before meeting with you, he scolded everyone to pieces, he personally brought me to tears)
    Please keep him in this mood. Well, he will be kinder to us)))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 11:36

    Nyssa to tears. With me this is not a ride. He, like any man, is fond of flattery. Confess your love to him and he will answer the same :))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 11:53

    So how can I confess if he directly offended me (((((He pounds me, and he loves you, Smol? So what?


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 12:07

    Beats, it means love. So after all about men speak :))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 12:10

    I am not one of those who allow me to treat this way with me, I have claws))) I can scratch))) And I don’t believe at all if I loved, I wouldn’t beat.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 10:20

    Thanks Smol. Tea, coffee, beer, whiskey?
    With me you know with emotions you will not spoil. I perceive criticism with a cold mood. Come again.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 5:24

    As for the legs a ridiculous niggle. The suffix "to" is not only a diminutive, but also a caressing one, and the word legs in relation to the lower extremities of human females were used by all who feel like it ...

    When and where, in what desert,
    Madman, you forget them?
    Oh, legs, legs! where are you now?
    Where do you smear spring flowers?
    (c) Alexander Nashe Fs Pushkin.

    Lyapov has a lot in the story: “he walked back to me, pushing me from the inside,” “left the forces in my hands,” and so on. I see no reason to engage in similar flea fishing in an amateur story. Its main drawback is not this.
    Well, the “knight” appeared to the heroine. In quotes, because neither he speaks, nor does he behave like a knight (he even managed to find out about silicone, he has been fighting for 150 years without a break). Well, fucked this "knight" heroine. We are all happy for her. But the story turned out weak, you can do better.


    • Rating: 4
  • August 28, 2015 8:15

    I put a plus sign on sp415 commentator. On the CT is very lacking such weighted and sensible reviews. Come back often.
    (Roxy, I'm sorry for flooding)


    • Rating: 1
  • August 28, 2015 10:14

    ATP, because they did not pass by :) Excuse me to be lazy, if it’s important. And your review +++
    As Eugene wrote, we sometimes lack such constructive comments.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 1:09

    Lyap-bloop, tyap-bloop.
    Slyapa? People hawala? Excellent.
    Even at C grade, she doesn’t pull - the young lady was too lazy.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 10:12

    She herself was surprised that the story caused such a resonance among the readers. And the young lady is very lazy with this I can not argue :)))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 2:31

    Read it.
    Satisfied as an elephant))) The assessment is accordingly maximum.
    Write in this perspective - I really like how the knights appease and corrupt the married women))) About the simple reason for their own origin)))
    Kaaak remember ...


    • Rating: 1
  • August 28, 2015 10:16

    Greetings Vitali! I'm glad that the story came to taste :))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 7:07

    Roxy, baby, hello !! scenes fucking, as always great))) fantasy kanash is not kosher, but I don’t score a slipper, much less a knight of noble birth will pierce me with his skull)) yy 10, girlfriend !!!


    • Rating: 1
  • August 28, 2015 10:10

    Hello Friend!!! Are you here? I am glad-radehonka.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 13:29

    Hello! Loved the story !!! Do not stop!!!


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 13:53

    Hi Hi! Thank! I will try to roll some more, please the readers :))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 28, 2015 13:56

    Dear readers! If you have any wishes for a new story, you are welcome to voice. I want to write something tax on the application :))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 29, 2015 11:59

    Can you write something mystical, like a romance with a ghost?


    • Rating: 0
  • Roksolana (a guest)
    August 30, 2015 18:30

    And che) You can try! I planned with a prltergeist, then I think, well, let him go to the bathhouse, with a knight easier.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 31, 2015 8:19

    If you want, I will write in a personal detail)


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2015 21:22

    Hmm ... I'm in trouble ... Roksolana, I love you ... but why the heck is a knight asking about silicone in general? It would be better neighbor Uncle Vasya for matches would go ...
    And even then, he ceased to be realistic and fantasy did not grow up, ending either with a dream, or a fantasy exhausted by the absence of the lady’s husband ...
    Do not give rest to the laurels of recent contestants? :)


    • Rating: 0
  • Smol (a guest)
    September 1, 2015 22:27

    I now want to ask all the time ... Sorry ... And what does the sunflower between the buns mean? Or is it not a case of sunflowers, but in buns? Or not even in the buns? Fucking ... Then why is she asshole?


    • Rating: 0
  • September 2, 2015 6:14

    Sunflower between the rolls has a secret sacred meaning. And only an initiate in the bakery and flower arrangements can understand this.


    • Rating: 0

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