Light gusts of wind play with my hair, and the sun flirts with me like that, and you can't say that this is one of the worst days. How can you be sad with this weather?

- Favorite! - I turned around and reflexively put my hands on my stomach, trying to protect that other life. - Already it is time to go, why are you sitting? - she joyful extended my hand. - Come quickly.

- I can not ... - I whispered and shrank stronger. I do not understand why she smiles?

- Well, what are you doing? - she poked me in the shoulder. “One small operation, you won't even feel anything.” - Happily told me.

Why? Why are you smiling? My brain refused to understand.

Was it nonsense? In this world, you can reset everything on age, and where the problem is at the age of errors there.

Light kisses, forbidden caress, night walks ... We were engulfed in other feelings by “Adult feelings”. Wrong for two girls. It all started with one movie ...

*** Memory 1

“- I love you, as Jack loves Melissa. - Easy kiss and her whisper at my ear. - Honey, maybe it's time to think about the family? About kids? After all, the fact that now it is not the limit.

I loved her, stronger than food and anyone and her offer - these are my secret desires. Of course, I was glad. Decided to choose my mom ...

On certain points, they found a boy who, without talking, did his job. A week later, we seemed mad, jumped and squealed carefully studying the pregnancy test. - Do not worry, this is not the end. I will always be with you, no matter what happens ... "


She took me by the hand and led me towards the houses, as soon as my hold relaxed, I broke free and ran into the forest, passing the trees, making my way through the bushes and avoiding the streams. Behind her, her echo sounded more and more quiet ... Breathing heavily, I leaned against a tree and closed my eyes.

- They do not understand.

I hugged my stomach to feel that I was not alone.

*** Memory 2

“- Look, the star has fallen, - I was lying on her chest and running my finger over my stomach, and my finger, like a conspiracy, was slipping lower. - make a wish.

- I want ... - I started.

- Do not say, but it will not come true.

I smiled and kissed her neck. (I want nothing to change.)

But it seems that dreams did not come true, my parents quickly understood everything without unnecessary hints. Therefore, I sat on a stool, surrounded by family and the police and told about the attack of the rapist.

Leaving the police to search for a person by (strange) i-robot, everything seemed to calm down. We were still discussing our family with her, and exchanging fantasies. Her attitude to the child was angelic, she talked to him, read fairy tales, and this only strengthened our relationship.

- Mama!! What are you saying? Are you out of your mind? - I could not believe what I heard from her. - I thought you should be on my side, how do you not understand?

- This is the only way, no one asks for your opinion.

- HE IS ALIVE!!! - I shouted and closed in his room, the child began to move once again, showing that he can live.

Tears welling up, throat sore from resentment. collapsing on the bed I hugged the pillow and began to cry softly.

- They do not understand. - I closed my eyes. “Don't worry, it's not over yet.”


My hand ached unpleasantly, I opened my eyes, my father stood in front of me, holding my wrist painfully and pulling me along. It was useless to fight back.

*** Memory 3

“- Well, don't cry more silently. - She stroked my head like a small child.

“They don't understand ...” I moaned through tears.

- Well, do a little operation, we will still be together.

I rounded my eyes, my heart ached treacherously, I recoiled from her.

- Chchch something? - I asked in a trembling voice.

- You put under anesthesia, you will not feel anything. Small notch.

“I don't understand why you tell me that?”

- We'll eat in the village, for a few days, rest, think, and from there immediately to the hospital. “She took my chin and kissed me, I pushed her away.”

- Get out. - I clung to the wall.

She sighs and goes to the door.

“Do not be afraid this is not the end.”


I am led through the corridor of people close to me, everyone looks at me with smiles, my mother is all swollen with pride. I do not understand how killing a person can cause a smile?

A stretcher rolls along the tiled floor with a characteristic sound of wheels. The white ceiling is replaced by bright lamps. I hardly focus my eyes, the light does not let me relax. An oxygen mask comes into view, with an unpleasant smell, drowsiness is accompanied by her voice - Do not worry, this is not the end.

I open my eyes. Again the white room, but another feeling ... loneliness, a hand rests on the stomach ... He is no more.

Parents are standing near the bed, father shows that everything is “okay”, mother smiles - I baked your favorite cake. Umnichka you are my

How difficult it is in this world, eyes fill with tears. She asks to leave us alone.

- Baby, I love you. And what happened today will not prevent us from continuing to be together. This is not the end.


- Mom, can I have ice cream? - The girl with the golden hair was clearly glancing at the nearest kiosk.

- Of course, keep the money you can buy. - She answered.

And here we are again, looking at each other. She happily tells me about her husband and daughter, and I, hiding my sadness, share tales about my fictional family. I lie to her, and she pretends not to notice it.

- yum. - Returned girl with chocolate treat. - Well, mom, let's go?

- Yes of course. Well, while a friend. - She ran her hand over my shoulder.

I turned around and went the other way, and the children's voice did not stop repeating: - Do not worry, this is not the end.

  • June 17, 2015 12:21

    Yes, torn, catchy, short. Torn out life, torn out emotions. 10 points.


    • Rating: 1
  • June 18, 2015 15:36

    Glad you liked. In fact, this is a real story with just another end. Well, I'm not yy.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 8, 2015 7:33


    Very good. Written in a peculiar manner. From the fifth to the tenth. In some places it is not clear to reread. Mostly too clear and sorry ...
    Tip: do not put the tag "not porn", because others do not show it.
    And the story is not visible on the main page.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 8, 2015 8:04

    Thank you)) So this is “not porn”.


    • Rating: 1
  • layrey (a guest)
    July 24, 2015 10:53

    Touched and left their mark. One feels that a lesbian was writing and she was also obsessed with feelings. The words are correctly chosen, the love for the child and loneliness on such days is perfectly shown. My score is 10, but Tefida is not your audience.


    • Rating: 1

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