I decided to spend the weekend in a boarding house, located three hours away from the city. After work, I jumped home, picked up my packed suitcase, and now I'm on the bus going alone to rest. None of my friends supported my initiative, as everyone was busy and they had a lot to do. The bus was full of all the seats, I was sitting by the window, and a guy about 20 was sitting next to me. As soon as the bus started I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was woken up by my neighbor pulling my shoulder:

wake up, we have already arrived.

The bus stopped and the people were already leaving the bus. Placed me quickly, entering the room, I saw a bed, a bedside table and a mirror. Thinking that it could be worse, I went to the toilet. The bathroom pleasantly surprised me, a good toilet with a bidet, a bath and a sink with a large mirror. After testing the toilet with a bidet, I went to get ready for dinner, quickly looking around my wardrobe, I opted for a topic and a knee-length skirt. I decided not to change the underwear, I was wearing tango panties and a black bra.

Entering the cafes located on the street not far from my building, I looked around the contingent, a couple of married couples, my neighbor from the bus with a man of about 50, there was also a company of middle-aged men, there were also a couple of companies that did not interest me. I didn't want to eat, I decided to sit at the counter and drink some wine, I liked the bartender, a young, handsome guy with a pleasant voice. Taking a glass of wine, I sat down at a table on the edge, so that I could see the whole hall. Five minutes later my neighbor got hooked on my bus, his name was Kolya, we had a conversation and he ordered some wine. After another 10 minutes, his friend got hooked up to us, as his uncle turned out to be he was 52 years old, and his name was Ivan. They rested together just arrived, as I did, and their families will arrive in a week. We had fun talking and did not notice how the bartender approached us and said that the cafe was already closing. Then from Ivan received an offer to go to his room, I agreed, and Kolya said that he would come in 30-40 minutes to reach the village and buy something to drink.

Entering the room with Ivan, I sat down on the bed, and Ivan, rummaging in his suitcase, took out a bottle of whiskey. To my question, why did Kolya leave then, he replied that he had completely forgotten about her. I poured me almost a full glass and stretched out with the words, what can we drink. Whiskey turned out to be very pleasant to the taste, I think the alcohol that I drank in the cafe influenced the taste sensation. But everything went whiskey lightly, I did not immediately notice that I was already drinking my second glass, and Ivan was sitting beside me and hugging my shoulder. After a moment, his lips touched my lips and we merged into a kiss. I felt his tongue skillfully wielding in my mouth, I clasped his head and passionately merged with him in a kiss. His hand reached into my panties and his finger touched my clitoris, I felt that my pussy was starting to trickle, his finger slipped lower to the hole and entered it. But then there was a knock, Ivan’s hand went out of me and his lips came off mine. Ivan got up and went to open.

Kohl entered he had two packages, he took out vodka, wine, some snacks and a few bottles of beer. Having laid an improvised table from a chained nightstand, spilling the remains of whiskey and raising glasses, we again plunged into conversations. It took quite a bit of time and Ivan overcame alcohol and he fell asleep. Kolya and I drank another glass, he offered to take a walk, it was 3:00 on the clock, I did not want to sleep, and I gladly agreed.

We went outside, the night was warm, I was not cold in the topic, but Kohl still put a jacket on me. Walking along the path among the trees, Kohl told about his life, or anything interesting simple stories from life. After 10 minutes of walking, we heard some sounds not far from the path, Kohl offered to sneak in and see. I walked forward on my toes, making my way through the bushes, and then a picture opened up to my gaze.Glade, in the middle on a spreading blanket lies a girl with her legs spread apart on the back, on top of her boyfriend rhythmic movements enters her, she moans not very loud, and next is another man and jerks her cock. Then I felt that Kolya’s hand slowly began to penetrate into my panties, and he felt for my clitoris with his fingers and began to massage him. But here we are interrupted, the voice behind with words, it is not good to spy on the sex of others. Kolya and I turned around, I saw two figures in the dark, men of 35 years old, not Russians, of Caucasian nationality. Come on let's go talk, said one. All my alcohol disappeared and my heart beat, for some reason I became very scared, Kolya was silent.

- Well, what are we worth? - it was heard again, and Kolya and I followed them. We walked in silence, passing 300 meters Caucasians stopped and turned to us. Well, like to watch, I shook my head, one of the Caucasians said. What if everything is done well then they will let us go. Coming up to me and holding his head, he pulled her to his fly, bending over me and holding his head with one hand, the second he began to get his penis. Nick stood still, could not move, the second approached him and said. And what are you worth to get your penis and go watch it already stood for you. After a moment, Kolya was standing behind me and I felt my panties slide down and my cock touches my lips. The second Caucasian came up to my face and now two huge hairy members opened to my gaze. The fear disappeared, a terrible desire to be fucked appeared and Kolya entered me. He had a big dick, my pussy let him in with a little resistance and started moving in me.

I felt how it penetrates giving me pleasure, Caucasians take turns using my mouth. And one begins to cum in my mouth, not pulling out a member forcing him to swallow his sperm. The second does not keep himself waiting for a long time to follow suit. They quickly hide members in their pants, the most talkative one throws the phrase, well, the guys got a lesson, I nod my head. They turn and go.

Kolya and I stay in that position in which we were left for another two minutes, that is, I am bending over and Kolya is in me. Our stupor lied to Nicholas, Lena sorry, and stepping back pulls out a member. I turn around and say that I even liked it and offer to continue, only in the room.

Entering the room to Kolya, we sat down on the bed, he offered a drink. Spilling vodka to us, only she was in his room, we silently drank it. Having poured in, I realized that I wanted to sleep and everything in my eyes swam and I disconnected. The next thing I began to feel was pain in the pope, I was lying on my stomach with a pillow under my stomach, and my butt was sticking up. I turn my head and see that Ivan is trying to enter my ass, when he saw that I was looking at him, he asked if I did not mind, shaking my head and relaxing my ass, I let Ivan's cock in me. He moved skillfully increasing the pace with my lips began to break moans, I began to stop. Then Kohl appeared in the room and Ivan gave him a place, and he slipped his boyfriend to my lips, but to my surprise, he did not hold out and finished a minute on my face. Kohl, following the example of his uncle, performed the same ritual with my face.

In the morning I entered my room, went to the toilet, sat on the toilet and finally peeed, as I just didn’t describe myself during my adventures, I didn’t understand. After all, I had drunk so much liquid that I wrote for about 5 minutes without a break. After washing, I went to bed, I need to sleep, because in the evening I was waiting for a meeting with Ivan and Nikolai.

  • May 22, 2015 10:09



    • Rating: 0
  • Here (a guest)
    May 22, 2015 23:09

    Few (((It would be nice to develop the theme of what I saw in the forest, for example)


    • Rating: 1
  • November 14, 2016 16:18

    I agree! The topic seen in the forest can be quite interesting to beat.


    • Rating: 0
  • May 30, 2015 15:27

    need to develop the plot!


    • Rating: 0

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