1. Prisoner of the Castle Myiderslot. Part 1
  2. Prisoner of the Castle Myiderslot. Part 2
  3. Prisoner of the Castle Myiderslot. Part 3

Her name was Nick. Slender brunette with a figure of "hourglass" worked in the travel agency "Rose of the Winds". It was a small office in the center of New York. With her lively cheerful disposition, she had no problems finding a common language with customers. Quite often, her compatriots from Russia contacted the agency, with whom she had something to talk about. She came to America with her parents when she was 13, 10 years have passed since then. During this time, the parents moved to a neighboring state, Pennsylvania, where it was not so populated and not so expensive to live. Nick, being an adult at the time, remained in New York to rent an apartment with a girlfriend, Anna, whose ancestors immigrated to the United States from Russia in the late nineteenth century.

Although Nicky had no shortage of male attention, she had not had a boyfriend for half a year, ever since she had caught him kissing in a car with a black beauty on a cold October evening. Gleb, her ex, was drunk, and trying to catch up with her safely sprawled on the asphalt, cursing, threatening, and at the same time swearing that he had nothing with that black chuzyrya. The next morning, the courier brought Nick a bouquet of red roses and a postcard of apologies from Gleb, but for her he was already not the guy whom she thought she loved. For one night, the tender feeling turned into disgust, and after a month into indifference. Over time, he realized that he would not return it and found another. And Nika was left alone with the certainty that “all men are bastards”, in which her roommate, that is, her roommate, actively supported her.

And all would be nothing if not the lack of sex. Being a pretty temperamental girl in bed, she had little vibrating toys in the form of a male organ before bedtime. She lacked hot strong male hands, emotions and burning eyes ... She compensated a little for this by chatting. The last couple of months she corresponded with a guy, from whom the truth did not wait for the photos. Although it was not important ... She herself came up with his appearance - a tall, dark-haired, tanned macho. Even if it was not, he was still amazing! Since he, she no one excited. He described scenes to her that stirred her imagination. She scrolled through their heads over and over again, driving herself to exhaustion with a vibrator. She was attracted by self-confident men who were pursuing their goal. She wanted to be weaker, depend on the man, obey him ... This desire was somewhere deep in her mind, and she would never have dared to tell someone about it, but in virtual reality everything is easier. There, no one condemned her, and she could calmly cast off the mask of a modern feminist who sought equality, and just be a woman.

This could continue for a long time if it were not for the coincidence of the circumstances that changed her life.

Anna and Nick were invited to a wedding in one of the most beautiful castles in the Netherlands, Moiderslot. The bride was Anna's sister, Emma, ​​who lived with Nika and Anna in New York until she went to Holland as an international student. There she met Daniel, who fell in love with her until she was unconscious. Two years later, he proposed to her and now Anna and Nika decided what to donate, what to wear, and what to take with me to Meuden, which is located on the road from Amsterdam to Utrecht, at the mouth of the river Vecht.

Four months passed and July came. The wedding was scheduled for the seventh. Suitcases were collected, tickets purchased, and gifts packed. Nick, unnoticed by her friend, packed her indefatigable friend, who was replacing her in bed.

It remains only to wait for your flight. The eight-hour flight for Anna went unnoticed, as she slept almost all the time, and Nick at this time reread Jane Austen's romantic work “Pride and Prejudice”.

Reaching the destination, the girls were amazed by the harsh beauty of the ancient knight's castle. It was a massive building with four round towers in the corners and a large square square over the entrance. Even outside of him blew the romantic wind of past years. Surrounded by a high fence with loopholes and a deep moat, the castle fascinated with its grandeur. Wonderful gardens on its territory attracted at the same time both tenderness and strength, and the only entrance along the drop bridge finally brought the guests to another world.

In the courtyard, they were met by a woman of about fifty, who, having greeted them, asked to follow her. Ancient interiors equipped with antique furniture, paintings, knightly armor and weapons as if kept medieval secrets.A good spiral stone staircase led the newly arrived girls to the top. Their rooms were located at different ends of a long corridor. It was already quite late and the girls scattered about their bedrooms. Tired of Nick wanted to take a shower to wash off the bustle and stress of an incredibly long and tiring day. In the room, she was annoyed to find that there was no shower, but there was an old bathtub near the window. Nika was relieved to notice that a modern plumbing was connected to it. Having gathered warm water, Nika with pleasure plunged into it, gradually relaxing and forgetting the tedious road and the upcoming busy day. After half an hour, when the water was almost cold, she walked naked to a huge mirror opposite a massive mahogany bed. In the moonlight from the open window, she looked like a beautiful nymph. Long brown hair flowed in soft waves over her back, and her smooth skin was slightly touched by the tan. Big green eyes on a pretty face isolated her from the crowd and drove a single man crazy.

It was about eleven in the evening, but there were lively voices in the street under the window. Nick cautiously went to the open window and pushed the almost transparent white curtains. Two young men arguing about something below. She did not see their faces, but noted that both were in good physical shape. One of them was a hot brunette, and the second one was lower, red. Women's curiosity made her listen to the conversation. They spoke in English, but to hear about what exactly was discussed did not work. She leaned over a little, looking out the window. Fresh breeze, touching her naked body, brought the girl an extraordinary sense of freedom and thrill of sensations. Sensitive pink nipples tightened and sticking up appealingly. She understood that listening to someone else's conversation standing naked by the window was at least not decent, but she liked the sense of danger and she leaned a little lower. The words began to sound more clearly - the men talked about some kind of debt and a term that would expire in 2 days.

She became terribly interested and she was so fascinated that she didn’t notice how she had touched the pot with a flower standing on the windowsill! As in the slow-motion frame, she looked at the earthen pot flying down, as if she was aiming specifically at the red-haired guy exactly in the head. She cried softly than attracted the attention of young people, and saved one of them from a concussion. There was an awkward silence that lasted a few seconds. The men looked up at a completely uncovered stranger with protruding nipples. When the element of surprise passed, both with undisguised interest began to consider the "intruder." Nick, finally leaving the stupor, darted back to the room. Cursing her curiosity and clumsiness, she closed the curtains and sat on the bed, covering her face with her hands in shame.

After a few minutes of silence, Nick flinched from a sudden knock on the door. She looked around the darkened room, looking for clothes. Remembering that things had not yet been unpacked, and what she was wearing before taking a bath was lying somewhere on the floor, she pulled a purple silk sheet from the bed. Turning on the desk lamp with dim light, she wrapped herself in a sheet and went to open the door.Confident that it was Anna or Emma, ​​the girl opened the door. What was her surprise when she saw a guy there, who was nearly crippled by her carelessness! Being taken aback by such a surprise, she silently looked at the uninvited guest standing in the half-dark corridor. He was a rather tall young man of about 25. Red-haired with freckles all over his face, he was nevertheless attractive. Nick, remembering herself, began stammering to apologize in English for nearly killing him. He, smiling broadly, answered that the nearness of death only gave him a desire to live a few minutes ago, for which he is grateful to her. He called himself Steve, and a little embarrassed, asked if she would like to take a walk with him in the garden right now. Nick, though tired, agreed out of politeness and partly out of guilt. Asking him to wait outside the door, she reluctantly went to get clothes. Not remembering which of her underwear was in her bags, she didn’t look for him and pulled the first thing that came out of the nearest suitcase, put it on. It was a white fitted sarafan made of fine fabric with fancy blue patterns on the hem.

She was lucky that he was from non-abominable material. Wearing white sandals, in which she was still in America today, Nika opened the door again and left the room in an almost dark corridor, where the boy was waiting for her. He made a gesture showing her to take his arm and lead her along the corridor and down the spiral staircase to the street. They walked in silence all the way to the spice garden, where Steve finally broke the silence and said that he was glad that she agreed to take a walk with him. She once again apologized, after which he changed the subject by asking about her life. Loosely, she chirped, and he silently listened to her with an incomprehensible sadness in his eyes. Reaching the bench brightly lit by moonlight, he invited her to sit down. After a little chat, she asked Steve a few questions about what he did and where he came from. He answered reluctantly and evasively, but always smiling at his white-toothed smile. After a while, thinking that she had completely redeemed her guilt before Steve, Nick said that it was time for her. Steve looked at her oddly, without a hint of a smile, said, “Yes, it’s time.” They walked back almost without speaking. She had the feeling that Steve was hiding something or is afraid of something. She was almost right, only what Steve felt when she was accompanying her was guilt ... The last thing she remembered before her mind went dark was how she wished Steve good night.

  • April 12, 2015 9:34

    Do you have a congenital rejection of commas or did you study it diligently? No, I will not about the text, the plot, you know yourself - they are none.
    You answer me better, laid out the sequel right away, is it difficult to send two pages in one story right away? On huya divide on sms?


    • Rating: 0
  • April 12, 2015 21:46

    Dear Anton Rybkin, the fact that the text is “no”, well - not everyone is good at writing the first time. As for commas, I studied 3 classes in Russia, the rules in English are slightly different. And the fact that the “sms”, broke, so it is not on purpose - I put all 3 parts at the same time, but published them at intervals of several days. Anton, you just need to be kinder :) but I'm not offended - I don’t like to read it. And as for your other commentary, which you deleted, so no, I did not set myself the top ten, before that I will never leave. Probably someone liked my trivial.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 13, 2015 4:55

    I'm not used to erase my words. I ask you about that and I have to divide it into three parts on a page, why it was impossible to lay out one story? Regarding the rules, by typing in English you are justified by the fact that it is not local, and in Russia the rules are different? (if this is not another blissful fantasy aftor).


    • Rating: -1
  • April 13, 2015 6:36

    Anton, are you a troll? I didn’t expect commas to matter to you. I know English better than Russian, and how many languages ​​do you know? And in general, if the first part of the story did not like, why such a kipish because of the continuation? You would write something yourself, and everyone can criticize


    • Rating: 0
  • Mistificus (a guest)
    April 14, 2015 10:07

    I liked the beginning, it is easy and simple to write. Clever, that you pay attention to the description of the details. As for spelling, sometimes it seems to me that Russian teachers visit this website. Solid notes of errors and omission of punctuation ...
    I will go read further))))


    • Rating: 0

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