This woman awakens in me the darkest desires. I am only her wordless slave, that I must honor all my family if I want to survive in this evil world. She promises to lift me to the top, to open the doors of success on my path.

On sleepless nights, when my inflamed brain is tormented by it, I pray for the absolution so that it never gets in my way. So unpredictable and reasonable.

My parents introduced us.

When our paths crossed for the first time, I was young and stupid, and she seemed so accessible and practical. So simple. How I was trusting! How wrong! I did not notice that lurking deep beyond the visible by me. But how was I to know? I was still a child. And she pretended that I easily reveal her secrets.

At first, she built our relations on a bare calculation, using figures to determine our future. I got close to her, learned to guess her every desire, find answers to any of her questions. Our connection was platonic, non-binding. Built on things that do not require evidence. On axioms, if you please.

But every year she became more and more demanding, she wanted all of me. My time and attention. Fascinated by the success and praise, I followed her.

Our relationship immediately lost its ease. She began to veil her calculation for complex concepts, testing me. Most of the questions remained open.

Yes, I knew that this woman has much more skillful lovers. And I did not have enough skill to satisfy her hunger. I fought against the walls of misunderstanding. She has become illogical and inconsistent. Often her requests could not be satisfied with simple answers, she demanded evidence.

Many times I tried to break up with her. She met this with cold indifference. But the condemnation of others and the fact that its absence made my life insignificant forced me to conquer it anew.

This woman skillfully plays with me. We were introduced once, assuring that everything will be simple. Now, at one o'clock in the morning, when she is lying at ease and openly on my desk, flinging openly, I curse the day of our meeting and her. This woman will never be mine. But my path is connected with it.

Do you hear? Damn Math.

  • March 9, 2015 1:16

    AHAHA, sit down - 10.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 9, 2015 1:49

    Excellent trolling of one of the most difficult sciences. A rare man, when confronted with this fatal woman, could forget all those awkward mistakes that, in consequence, cost him dearly.
    Sympathize and understand


    • Rating: 1
  • March 9, 2015 8:41

    class !!!))))))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 9, 2015 17:54

    Yes, indeed, "Mathematics is the queen of all sciences." Unexpected turn. Laughed


    • Rating: 0
  • Serge- (a guest)
    March 9, 2015 22:43

    I remembered the joke. Scientists decided to combine cybernetics and mathematics - it turned out kebenematics))))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 10, 2015 11:01

    10! +
    Well damn! I feel cheated. Cheated by the expectation of descriptions about the depravity of a woman. And what kind of woman ?! And this is math! Ugh! Yes, I always clicked it like sunflower seeds)))

    Well, author! Pa-ga-diIiI!))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • Mentor (a guest)
    March 10, 2015 16:39

    Sir, you obviously did not touch upon those fundamental sections about which the author probably speaks.


    • Rating: 1

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