1. Little woman Part 1
  2. Little woman Part 2
  3. Little woman Part 3
  4. Little woman Part 4: Final

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Zhenya, a pretty girl, 28 years old, was not a model. Her body, previously slim and toned, was heard a little, after the first birth, the breasts of the 3rd size sagged slightly and became softer than before. She, of course, has not lost its former attractiveness, and, as before, caught the views of men, but began to dress more modestly, hiding stretch marks on her stomach and signs of flabbiness on the hips. There was no time for Zhenya to recover, due to a child who demanded a lot of attention. Her husband worked a lot, creating a comfortable living environment, so he paid little attention to her. At some point, Zhenya realized that her sex life had disappeared, since her husband was very tired, and he completely forgot about her needs. She understood that this is temporary, you just have to wait until everything is settled, but it was very difficult to wait, because before the pregnancy the spouses could spend the whole weekend in bed, and during pregnancy they made love less often, the whole allowed period. For about a year, Genia was able to keep herself in her hands, but then her body began a game without rules. The girl experienced arousal for any, even a small reason. She managed to be alone with her husband several times while the child was asleep, but, as an evil, the child woke up at the most crucial moment, or a phone call rang out, or there was some other ridiculous reason to interrupt the caress, barely starting or just starting.

So it turned out that Zhenya began to satisfy her own needs. She hasn't done this since she was 19 years old, since she had her first serious relationship. Everything happened in my heart when Zhenya experienced the strongest excitement from touching her pussy and found no other way out how to bring herself to orgasm. Then she repeated it several times in the bathroom, and sometimes lying in bed when her husband worked on the night shift.

And now, finally, it's time to send the child to kindergarten. Zhenya had more free time, she could take care of herself, and be a little distracted from everyday life until a suitable job was found.

August was just beginning, the weather was excellent, so Zhenya decided to visit the cottage at any cost. She persuaded the mother-in-law to take the child from the garden, warned her husband and, taking with her a small bag of things, went to the bus station. About an hour in a stuffy bus and she is free from city noise and household chores. Zhenya enjoyed life, every minute convinced of the correctness of his ideas. An abandoned plot of grass for two seasons, a small house, cozy and so loved by her, looked abandoned. Having entered inside, Zhenya was convinced that the furniture and equipment on places, changed clothes and began cleaning. It took about 3 hours for her to make the dwelling again comfortable, as before, and that is because the house was just a bedroom and a veranda on which the kitchen was located. Marrying out on the porch, take a breath from active work. The sun was still high enough, and scorched by the summer hot. Then she decided that she could not do without a trip to the river. Eugene scolded herself for having completely forgotten about the swimsuit, but fortunately the day was weekday, so there was hardly a lot of rest in the co-op and the woman went to what was. Namely, in a dressing gown, worn over linen and sandals. It was about 10 minutes to go to the river, and on the way you could go into the shop, right at home at one of the neighbors. Zhenya bought a bottle of light wine, a glass and a chocolate bar, asking for uncorking wine. Soon she was on the river bank.

The shore was completely empty. Zhenya walked over to her favorite place, a small island of grass among the thickets of bushes, looked around again and threw off her robe to the ground.A warm breeze caressed the body, almost not covered by thin summer underwear, which is a thong, made of thin strips of flesh-colored lace, with a translucent triangle of fabric covering the pubis and pussy, and the same color bra, with thin straps and semi-transparent cups. Eugene would not dare to swim in this form, even if someone was far from it on the shore. She slowly entered the cool water to the waist and swam. Almost immediately the body got used, and did not want to get out of the water at all. The flow was very weak. Zhenya pored for about 20 minutes, then went ashore, where she settled on the grass. She poured wine into a glass and drank, then put a slice of chocolate in her mouth. She imagined how the whole family would relax here next summer. How will teach his little boy to swim, how he will treat him with homemade vegetables. After some time, the sun began to burn his back, and Zhenya again went into the water.

Barely plunged, she noticed three men who came ashore along the path. They also noticed Eugene, but headed in the opposite direction from her place, and settled down 20 meters away. Zhenya was embarrassed, but she still needed to go ashore, so that the situation is hopeless, especially since the men settled on a picnic, and obviously they would not leave soon. Walking as quickly as possible, she went ashore, feeling the men's gaze on her, and disappeared behind the bushes. Her place was not visible, so Zhenya calmed down a bit, she thought it was silly for her to worry, because they are just as vacationers as she is. Zhenya listened, the company talked peacefully in the distance, and the woman refilled the glass with wine, and after drinking began to gather home. She decided to take off the wet linen, and put it in the bag, along with a bottle, a glass and a chocolate bar. Wearing a robe and sandals, Zhenya walked along the shore to the path leading through the bushes to the road. She had to get close to the company, who looked together in her direction.

- Girl, are you leaving? - One of the men turned to her.

- Yes, I have to go home. - Eugene replied, looking in their direction.

- Maybe you will stay a little with us? We have, as you can see, the lack of female society.

- No, thanks, I have to go. - She said affirmatively.

Zhenya quickened her step, hearing the men speak quietly behind her, Zhenya walked quickly, but making sure that she was not followed, she slowed down. At the shop she met two more men who examined her with interest, but did not dare to speak. Approaching her gate, Zhenya glanced toward the shop, the men standing there talking about something.

At home, Zhenya felt calm. She turned on the music on the veranda, and settled herself on the porch with a glass in her hand, and began to enjoy nature. Then she called home, making sure that everything was in order, gave her husband instructions and said goodbye. From wine and sun, smoothly moving towards sunset, it was in a languid state. She did not want this day to end, because it was so pleasant.

After some time, Genia entered the house, you had to prepare the bed for bed. Zastilaya clean set of linen, she remembered how many pleasant nights were spent here with her husband, a weak wave of heat ran down the abdomen from this. Zhenya went back to the veranda and shuddered in surprise. On the porch, by the open door, stood a man whom he had seen at the store, and another was standing next to the porch from the shore.

- Sorry, mistress, that scared. - Do not lose standing on the porch. - Allow me to call, but the bus has already left, we do not know how to get to the city.

- You are welcome. - Zhenya took out a mobile phone from the pocket of her robe and handed it to the man.

- Well here you have, I somehow rested with a friend at the cottage, not far away. He has already sold the dacha, and now I am traveling with friends here to rest. By the way, Vitya is my name.

Zhenya was a little confused, she thought that Vitya was smiling slyly as he talked to her. His gaze wandered through her body as if she were naked. The man assessed the interlocutor.

- Zhenya. - She introduced herself. - You will call or not.

- Yes, yes, of course.- Vitya spun his cell phone in his hand. - Do not worry, Zhenya, I just want to chat with you. Not every day I meet such beautiful girls.

- I'm not worried. - Zhenya tried to speak confidently. - Only I am married and do not communicate with strangers ....

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