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All names, events and facts are fictional.

Once in a difficult financial situation, Alena despaired. It was necessary to urgently raise money for housing and study, but as an evil, her friends could not help fully, and her parents, deciding that the girl was wasting money for entertainment, seriously cut her money. The fact that the girl rents an apartment not far from the institute, for parental money, did not fit in their heads. It was already too late to get a job; there was no time to wait for the salary for a whole month, so Alyona studied ads in the network and newspapers, in search of quick money. Advertisements of dubious content and intim were ignored by the girl, she was brought up too well and knew her own worth. And so, the search engine transferred it to some well-designed site.

“Bio-Medical Technologies Corporation” invites young, responsible girls to cooperate. Anonymity is guaranteed. Payment is high. ”Alyona, without much thought, clicked on“ Learn more. ”On the next page, she read: organism, enzyme XXX, girls aged from 18 to 25 years old are invited. Requirements: No bad habits, physical and moral health, responsibility We guarantee: no harm to health and dangerous consequences, anonymity, high pay, even with zero result. Sign up for an interview by phone 8 (XXX) XXX-XX-XX. ”The site also provided information about the company, all the necessary data to check that for Alena, with her second year of law, decisive role. She dialed the number. A pleasant female voice in the handset, after a couple of questions, announced the location of the interview.

At the appointed time, the girl was on the spot. Entering the hall of the building, Alena looked around. Everything was like in a real European hospital: nothing superfluous in the interior, everything is strict, clean and accurate. Here, on the metal, chrome chairs, 8 more girls were waiting. Having got acquainted with one, Alena found out that the representative had already come out to them, he asked to wait for the call. It did not take long to wait, after 5 minutes the girls were invited to the office, resembling a school class, only the desks were single. Having chosen the place, Alena settled herself more comfortably, a pen and a questionnaire lay on the table. The representative of the company asked the girls to fill out the forms submitted to them. Filling took about half an hour, in addition to the usual questions, here it was necessary to indicate the presence of a permanent sexual partner, the regularity of sexual contacts, and, even, the term, from the moment of defloration. I was also interested in the points where, on a 10-point scale, it was necessary to evaluate one's sexuality, libido, and strength of the sensations experienced at the time of orgasm. After submitting the questionnaires, the girls in three were invited to the adjacent office. There, the women conducted an examination and took tests from the applicants. Everything was as in a first-class clinic, from the form of laboratory technicians to equipment. Then the girls were allowed to go home, promising complete confidentiality, and that the girls who came up would be further notified.

Already in the morning on the cell phone Alena received a call. "Alyona N ..." - a pleasant female voice rang out. The girl confirmed the data. disconnected.


The girl was a little worried, the upcoming meeting with the doctor from Bio-Med, was promising, but completely incomprehensible. Alena took a shower, put on a modest underwear, blouse and skirt pencil to the knee. On the street, it was already warm in spring, so the shoes and jacket completed the wardrobe. The girl looked at herself in the mirror before going out. A sweet face, without too much makeup, a feminine figure, smooth rounded shapes, height, slightly above average, strict, official look.Satisfied, Alyona went to the meeting.

In the checkpoint the girl was given a pass and explained how to pass. Soon she entered the desired office. The doctor, a middle-aged man, in an immaculate white coat, stood up, welcoming the visitor. He invited her to sit in a chair next to his desk.

- You are here, Alena, because you fully comply with our requirements. It will be a great honor for us, your consent, to participate in the study. In turn, I must inform you that there is no danger to life and health, but you must keep in strict confidence everything that you see and learn in the process.

- I got it. And what are you studying?

- The reaction of the body to the enzyme X47L, released in the process of life, the worm. All animal studies, including primates, have been completed and now we need to go to the final stage. More precisely, to research on people. It is very important emotional coloring sensations and drawing up a detailed description of them in the diary, which you have to keep.

- How long will it last?

- 2 months. This time will be more than enough. The corporation is ready to pay you 30,000 rubles, weekly and, in addition, 100,000 at the end of the study. I can disclose further information after signing the contract. Here - read, you can not rush, it is important for us that you were aware of the seriousness and responsibility.

The doctor put the contract and pen in front of Alena, and himself, apologizing, retired to the adjacent office. Alena began to read carefully. The contract, in duplicate, occupied 8 pages each. In general, clearly compiled, he took into account everything necessary, and Alena was very satisfied. It described in detail the responsibility of the company for the life and health of the patient, the size of payments and compensation, and, of course, the duties and responsibilities of Alena. Satisfied, Alyona signed on every page. A few minutes later the doctor returned. The girl who entered with him flipped through the treaties, sealed it with a seal and gave one of the copies to Alyona, then thanked her and left.

- Now more. For the study, we attach, on the wall of your vagina, a one-day individual. Inside you it will live 2 months, until the end of the life cycle, then it will be removed.

From the heard on the back of Alena ran goosebumps. She looked at the doctor with surprise and fear. The doctor immediately responded to the reaction.

- You, of course, no one has the right to force, but I assure you that there is nothing terrible and unpleasant in this. You will not have to experience severe pain or discomfort.

- But this is disgusting. - Alena twisted her face in a grimace. “Will the worm live inside me?”

- He initially, no more than 5 millimeters in length, and in his whole life will not reach even 2 centimeters, the thickness of an adult individual does not exceed 3 millimeters in diameter. You absolutely will not feel it. Believe me, the notorious worms, cause a person more trouble. - The doctor tried to be convincing, changing his steel tone to a lively and more emotional one.

- And if something goes wrong? - Alyona bit over excitement.

- We will be watching you. 2 times a week, you will come here for an inspection, and in which case, at any time, for free, you can call me. We have organized transportation.

- I agree. - Having sustained a long pause, but not quite confidently, said Alena.

Then everything went, as in the scenario, brought to automatism. In the adjacent office, Alyona was offered to change clothes. The girl undressed before the goal and put on the semblance of a short nightie, barely covering the ass. She was immediately given to drink a sweet and sour liquid from a glass, and led along the corridor to the other wing of the building. Then they took the elevator. Going into some kind of laboratory, the girl was helped to stay in a gynecological chair, by the way, very convenient, where they immediately got down to business. Alena did not feel excitement, as such, but her vagina managed to moisten, while getting to the place. The doctor was immediately convinced that he approved. His ...

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