Paul came home some not himself. Dasha immediately noticed it. She had the feeling that he was obviously unusually excited.

- What is it that you are today? - she smiled in surprise. - Just not licked, looking at me.

“I spent an hour in the sex shop, try not to get excited here,” and he pulled her to his waist. - The very same I gave up a little idea.

- With role-playing or what? What are you doing right now? - she jokingly beat off.

- Well, yes, with group sex, - he bit into her ear. - Yours, after all, was the idea.

- Oh! What are you doing?! Shrieked Daria. Pavel pinched her ass.

- Like what?! Seducing the girl, I am preparing for the game.

- And what, right now? So from the threshold?

- Of course! I really can not hold back anymore after all these sex toys, - he reached for her hand under the t-shirt.

- No, no, no! The game, so the game - she deftly twisted. - Come on, how to cook. Everything should be as it should. What is your toy? Tell the story faster.

“Well, fine,” Paul reluctantly surrendered. - Then quickly shower and arrange the game. You only wear a bathrobe and panties. They hurriedly showered and, moving into the bedroom, sat down on the bed. Pavel pulled out a sex toy. He already washed it properly. It was a large enough artificial member of the material "live skin". Dasha, of course, saw such in the sex shop, but didn’t file a mind, of course.

- Wow! - sounded delight in her voice. - Why did you start something like that ?!

“Easy group player,” Paul smiled with a sly one, and rubbed his hands impatiently. - A student, associate professor and professor. The professor has a real professorial member, otherwise, what kind of doctor is he ?!

- Well, of course! With a small member of the doctoral hell to protect! - Daria nodded knowingly, starting to fit into the game.

“It's no use trying,” Paul said with a shrug. “What kind of scientist are you then? ... And now, listen to the story,” he continued, without licking his lips, while Dasha felt the “professorial member” with respect. Live skin was, of course, cool. Still a bit cold, the dildo was pleasantly silky to the touch, as if alive.

- Imagine this. You are a university graduate student. A pretty young lady. Before the bachelor’s degree, it remains for you to pass the last year-old, and you have delayed with it to the last. Clubs, boys, parties ... in general, I relaxed at the end of my studies. You come with your unfortunate student to the associate professor who supervises you once or twice, but he does not accept him and that’s it. Whether carping, reptile, or work is actually left, it is absolutely not clear. You tortured with it altogether.

And suddenly, during a regular meeting with an assistant professor, you notice that he clearly looks at your chest and knees, and then somehow strangely looks into your eyes. Sweetly so with an ambiguous smile. You catch his gaze and feel something in him that is not as if some kind of hint. Already, you feel a little unpleasant. And he calmly makes you understand that it would be nice for you to have an individual consultation. And it rests on the individuality. Otherwise, they say, he does not even know how to proceed further with such frivolous work.

- Maybe I better in the library to dig? - not quite sure you ask.

- Yes, why do you need it? - sincerely surprised assistant professor. - This is the way ugly girls in libraries sit, what they still have to do? Beautiful is better to go to nightclubs and individual counseling, he says cheekily, and he just never licks his lips, throwing a greasy look at your chest.

- Are you sure she will help me? - you will still try to dodge, pretending that you do not understand the dirty hints of the assistant professor.

- One hundred percent! - frankly undresses that with a look. “The hour will consult you, and the student will be fine.” “The offer is clearer.”

Dumping the fool, as if he didn’t understand what he wants from you, you go straight to his boss, the professor. So, they say, and so, I do not understand that I need an associate professor. Insists on some kind of individual consultation. Persistently does not accept the term paper. Understand, ”you say, persuading the professor,“ I’ve gotten close, the final straight, figuratively speaking, can also prevent a bachelor’s degree.

And he is sitting at his table, a gray-haired daddy with Don Kihotovsky beard, in a crumpled tweed jacket, drills your eyes through round glasses, similar to the old pince-nez, and somehow smirks incomprehensibly. You tell him about your painful time, but he silently listens attentively, while he examines you from head to toe, as if evaluating at the same time. At the chair it is hot, you undid a couple of top buttons on your blouse without thinking, and suddenly you see, the professor leans back and there, then openly swallows saliva and starts singing the same song as his assistant professor.

- Nothing, they say, can not be helped, girl. I can, of course, discuss the situation with the associate professor, but put pressure on him - in any way. Go, refine your term paper. And if you so tightened it, then I myself will then see what you can do. On an individual basis, we will discuss everything with you. Bad work we do not need.

Getting up, you are sadly leaving, and, turning to say goodbye to the professor, suddenly you see how he frankly backed off on your tightly skirt-covered ass. Already stunned by surprise, catching this greedy look of him. And then he, with difficulty tearing his eyes off your mouth-watering buns, also adds one last time, just not licked his lips:

- Themselves, of course, decide, girl, but my advice to you, urgently sign up for an individual consultation, before it is too late. Maybe I will come to her too, so you will not lose time later. What do you need here for classrooms to go here and there, bachelor's time to study. - And again - zyrk eyes in the slit your blouse.

- Well, if without this in any way ... - you shrug your shoulders in bewilderment and leave, feeling the way you see how he escorts your ass with a lustful look. You come out of the pulpit, and she's just shocked by what is happening. You do not know how to understand it all now.

And that's all. The time is over. Tomorrow is the last day. Kursovik once again did not ride. Nowhere to retreat. And you understand, there is no way out, you will have to suck the assistant professor. For a terrible secret girlfriends told you that many in this situation managed to do only a blowjob.

- What a horror! - Daria shuddered. - I - a decent girl from a decent family ...

- So what to do? The last chance. And there is still - and the statement from the professor. The impasse is complete, - Paul spread his hands. - And, with great difficulty deciding, you sign up for an individual consultation with the associate professor. Doubts still torment you, but nothing to do. He sets you up for a late evening when there is no one else in the department. Everything is finally clear. Take a girl, a shower and wear beautiful panties. We will now properly advise you.

- What a bastard! Where only rector looks? - Daria was indignant.

“I don’t know how the rector’s office is, but where his boss is looking — the professor you saw,” Paul smiled lasciviously, getting ready to play the role of a scoundrel associate professor. - Listen further, he continued, untiing the knot of his robe.

- Late evening, at the department - no one. Trembling with excitement, because this is your first time, you come to a meeting with an assistant professor. He is quietly waiting for you, lounging in an armchair and smiling sweetly. - Pavel sat on the bed, leaning his back to her headboard. - Like this. Imagine that I am an assistant professor.

- Hello, Vadim Kimovich, - Daria picked up the game. - Here, I came, as agreed, - she shyly lowered her eyes.

“Very good, Dasha, that you came,” Paul slightly changed his voice. - Let's then, without delay, and we will immediately deal with the case. Put your term paper on the table and go here to me. We will not need it today.

“Why not?” - you try to pretend to be a fool, but shy approach him closer.
(Daria leaned over to her husband.)

- Why does he need us for an individual consultation? - the senior lecturer brazenly declares and begins to unbutton his fly with one hand, and the second grabs you by the hand, pulling it towards you.

- Well, you probably need to see it, - your voice is trembling, and your eyes look with horror on this very fly, as if stuck to it. Still, you are not morally ready for this, you are a decent girl.
(Pavel spread the dressing gown floors. His cock was already slightly raised, looking out of there.)

- Yes, I'd rather look right here, that your term parchment is for me, and, pulling you closer to you, the assistant professor begins to brazenly unbutton your blouse. You didn’t put on a bra, realizing that this will be the end of it, and, having reached her breast, he begins to squeeze her greedily. In this case, his cock, trembling, is already protruding from the trousers.
(Daria moved closer to Paul, and he opened the floor of her robe and began to knead her chest.)

- Oh, what good tits we have here! - it expires saliva. - And what should we look at after this some kind of term paper? We will consider them better, here and here again, - he continues to feel your chest with might and main. It was immediately obvious how she liked him, as soon as he saw you for the first time, such a libertine.
(What a nightmare, - Daria frowned, - like this, immediately, brazenly paw!)
(Yes, do not tell, you plunged into the story, but what to do?) And, blushing shamefully, you bang:

- But this is somehow not good, Vadim Kimovich. It is not good that you are doing this to me.

- Well, why not good, Dasha? Why is not it good? - and, while saying, the assistant professor begins to eagerly lick your nipple, and puts your hand on his penis.
(Pavel kissed his wife's nipples, and thrust his already tensed cock into her hand.)

- God, what are you doing? I'm a decent girl! - you can not stand, and your voice is already interrupted by the indignation of his frank arrogance. To such brazenness you were not ready.

- Well, of course, decent, Dasha! - Associate professor agrees with a cynical smile. - I will not even wear a condom. I see that you are a decent girl - and he pushes his dick into your palm. He is already well tensed and begins to tremble impatiently.

- Lord! And what am I going to tell my boyfriend ?! It's a shame, like, - involuntarily escapes from you, and you become just crimson.
(Dasha started gently massaging her husband's dick with her hand.)

  • December 23, 2014 3:19

    The story inside the story is unusual, but the type that is excited by the rubber members is probably too unusual.


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  • wixew (a guest)
    December 26, 2014 19:59

    I have always been amazed at such stories about what came and changed with the fact that there is a boyfriend / husband, and everything would be fine, but usually this ends with fractures / resuscitation / morgue. And as if all the guys vkurse this, I here only one author found whose finals look like real ones, the rest write some kind of fiction.


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